0x01 代码框架逻辑
2.事件驱动:每有一个新的顾客到达,将产生下一个新顾客到达的新事件按时间顺序从小到大(OccurTime)插入事件链表(EventList) (如果此时窗口队列只有 一个顾客,还将产生此顾客离开事件插入事件链表中)
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 typedef int Status; typedef struct Event { //事件类型 int OccurTime; //事件发生时刻 int NType; //事件类型,0表示到达事件,1至4表示四个窗口的离开事件 struct Event *next; }Event, ElemType; typedef struct { //单向链表结构 ElemType *head;//头指针 ElemType *tail;//尾指针 int len; //长度 }LinkList; typedef LinkList EventList; //事件链表 typedef struct QElemType { //队列元素 int ArriveTime;//到达时间 int Duration;//办理业务所需时间 struct QElemType *next; }QElemType; typedef struct {//队列结构 QElemType *head;//头指针 QElemType *tail;//尾指针 }LinkQueue; Event NewEvent(int occurT, int nType); //根据OccurTime和NType值,创建新事件 Status InitList(LinkList *L); //初始化事件链表 Status OrderInsert(LinkList *L, Event e); //将事件e按发生时间顺序插入有序链表L中 Status ListEmpty(LinkList *L); //判断链表L是否为空,为空返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE Status DelFirst(LinkList *L, ElemType *e); //链表L不为空,删除其首结点,用e返回,并返回OK;否则返回ERROR Status ListTraverse(LinkList *L); //遍历链表 Status InitQueue(LinkQueue *Q); //初始化队列Q Status EmptyQueue(LinkQueue *Q); //若队列Q为空,返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE Status DelQueue(LinkQueue *Q, QElemType *e); //若队列Q不为空,首结点出队,用e返回,并返回OK;否则返回ERROR Status EnQueue(LinkQueue *Q, QElemType e); //结点e入队Q int QueueLength(LinkQueue Q); //返回队列Q的长度,即元素个数 Status GetHead(LinkQueue *Q, QElemType *e); //若队列Q不为空,用e返回其首结点,并返回OK,否则返回ERROR Status QueueTraverse(LinkQueue *Q); //遍历队列Q //------------------// int Min(int a[], int n); //返回长度为n的数组a第一个最小值的下标,从1开始 int ShortestQueue(); //获取最短队列的编号 void OpenForDay(); //初始化操作 void CustomerArrived(); //顾客达到事件 void CustomerDepature(); //顾客离开事件 void Bank_Simulation(); //银行排队模拟 void PrintEventList(); //输出事件队列 void PrintQueue(); //打印当前队列 //----全局变量-----// EventList ev; Event en; LinkQueue q[5]; QElemType customer; int TotalTime, CustomerNum; int CloseTime = 50;//关闭时间,即营业时间长度 //--------------main()------------------// int main() { Bank_Simulation(); return 0; } //--------------模拟排队----------------// void OpenForDay() { //初始化操作 int i; TotalTime = 0; CustomerNum = 0; InitList(&ev);//初始化事件链表 en.OccurTime = 0; en.NType = 0; OrderInsert(&ev, en); for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) InitQueue(&q[i]);//初始化四个窗口队列 }//OpenForDay void CustomerArrived() { //顾客达到事件 int durtime, intertime, i, t; QElemType e; ++CustomerNum; intertime = rand() % 5 + 1;//间隔时间在5分钟内 durtime = rand() % 30 + 1;//办理业务时间在30分钟内 t = en.OccurTime + intertime; if (t<CloseTime) {//银行尚未关门 printf("A new customer will arrive at:%d ", en.OccurTime);//下一位顾客达到时间 OrderInsert(&ev, NewEvent(t, 0)); i = ShortestQueue();//最短队列 e.ArriveTime = en.OccurTime; e.Duration = durtime; EnQueue(&q[i], e); if (QueueLength(q[i]) == 1) OrderInsert(&ev, NewEvent(en.OccurTime + durtime, i)); } } void CustomerDepature() { //顾客离开事件 int i = en.NType; DelQueue(&q[i], &customer); printf("A customer leaves at:%d ", en.OccurTime);//输出顾客离开时间 TotalTime += en.OccurTime - customer.ArriveTime; if (!EmptyQueue(&q[i])) { GetHead(&q[i], &customer); OrderInsert(&ev, NewEvent(en.OccurTime + customer.Duration, i)); } } void Bank_Simulation() { //银行排队模拟 OpenForDay(); srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); while (!ListEmpty(&ev)) { DelFirst(&ev, &en); //事件驱动 if (en.NType == 0) CustomerArrived(); else CustomerDepature(); //PrintEventList(); PrintQueue(); } printf(" Total time is: %d min,average time is: %g min. ", TotalTime, (float)TotalTime / CustomerNum); } void PrintQueue() { //打印当前队列 int i; for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { printf("Queue %d have %d customer(s):", i, QueueLength(q[i])); QueueTraverse(&q[i]); } printf(" "); } void PrintEventList() { //输出事件队列 printf("Current Eventlist is: "); ListTraverse(&ev); } int Min(int a[], int n) { //返回长度为n的数组a第一个最小值的下标,从0开始 int i, tmp, ind = 0; tmp = a[0]; for (i = 1; i<n; i++) { if (a[i]<tmp) { tmp = a[i]; ind = i; } } return ind; } int ShortestQueue() { //获取最短队列的编号 int i, a[4]; for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { a[i - 1] = QueueLength(q[i]); //printf("队%d的长度为%d ",i,QueueLength(q[i])); } return Min(a, 4) + 1;//队列从1开始编号 } //-----------队和链表操作--------------// Event NewEvent(int occurT, int nType) { //根据OccurTime和NType值,创建新事件 Event e; e.OccurTime = occurT; e.NType = nType; return e; } Status InitList(LinkList *L) { //初始化事件链表 L->head = L->tail = (ElemType *)malloc(sizeof(ElemType)); if (!L->head) { printf("Apply for memory error.LinkList initialize failed. "); exit(0); } L->head->next = NULL; return OK; } Status OrderInsert(LinkList *L, Event e) { //将事件e按发生时间顺序插入有序链表L中 ElemType *p, *q, *newptr; newptr = (ElemType *)malloc(sizeof(ElemType)); if (!newptr) { printf("Apply for memory error,new node can't insert intot the Eventlist. "); exit(0); } *newptr = e; if (TRUE == ListEmpty(L)) {//链表为空 L->head->next = newptr; L->tail = newptr; L->tail->next = NULL; return OK; } q = L->head; p = L->head->next; while (p) {//遍历整个链表 if (p->OccurTime >= newptr->OccurTime) break; q = p; p = p->next; } q->next = newptr; newptr->next = p; if (!p)//插入位置为链表尾部 L->tail = newptr; return OK; } Status ListEmpty(LinkList *L) { //判断链表L是否为空,为空返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE if ((L->head == L->tail) && (L->head != NULL)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } Status DelFirst(LinkList *L, ElemType *e) { //链表L不为空,删除其首结点,用e返回,并返回OK;否则返回ERROR ElemType *p = L->head->next; if (!p) return ERROR; L->head->next = p->next; *e = *p; free(p); if (L->head->next == NULL) L->tail = L->head; return OK; } Status ListTraverse(LinkList *L) { //遍历链表 Event *p = L->head->next; if (!p) { printf("List is empty. "); return ERROR; } while (p != NULL) { printf("OccurTime:%d,Event Type:%d ", p->OccurTime, p->NType); p = p->next; } printf(" "); return OK; } Status InitQueue(LinkQueue *Q) { //初始化队列Q Q->head = Q->tail = (QElemType *)malloc(sizeof(QElemType)); if (!Q->head) { printf("Apply for memory error.LinkQueue initialize failed. "); exit(0); } Q->head->next = NULL; return OK; } Status EmptyQueue(LinkQueue *Q) { //若队列Q为空,返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE if (Q->head == Q->tail&&Q->head != NULL) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } Status DelQueue(LinkQueue *Q, QElemType *e) { //若队列Q不为空,首结点出队,用e返回,并返回OK;否则返回ERROR QElemType *p = Q->head->next; if (!p) return ERROR; *e = *p; Q->head->next = p->next;//修正队首指针 free(p); if (!Q->head->next)//队空 Q->tail = Q->head; return OK; } Status EnQueue(LinkQueue *Q, QElemType e) { //结点e入队Q QElemType *p = (QElemType *)malloc(sizeof(QElemType)); if (!p) { printf("Apply for memory error,new element can't enqueue. "); exit(0); } *p = e; p->next = NULL; Q->tail->next = p;//插入队尾 Q->tail = p;//修改队尾指针 return OK; } int QueueLength(LinkQueue Q) { //返回队列Q的长度,即元素个数 int count = 0; QElemType *p = Q.head->next; while (p) { p = p->next; count++; } return count; } Status GetHead(LinkQueue *Q, QElemType *e) { //若队列Q不为空,用e返回其首结点,并返回OK,否则返回ERROR if (EmptyQueue(Q)) return ERROR; *e = *(Q->head->next); return OK; } Status QueueTraverse(LinkQueue *Q) { //遍历队列Q QElemType *p = Q->head->next; if (!p) { printf("--Is empty. "); return ERROR; } while (p) { printf("(%d,%d) ", p->ArriveTime, p->Duration); p = p->next; } printf(" "); return OK; }