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  • 反射Dll注入分析

    (源码作者:(HarmanySecurity)Stephen Fewer)

    0x01  反射Dll注入的优点




    0x02  注入过程(原理)




        2.reflectiveloader将首先计算imagede 的当前位置,以便后续加载自己。



        5.reflectiveloader将Dll的 headers 和 sections 复制到宿主进程中的新分配的内存区域。




    0x03  加载Dll文件的reflectiveloader的关键流程具体实现



    #ifdef _WIN64
    	Peb = (PPEB)__readgsqword(0x60);
    #ifdef _WIN32
    	Peb = (PPEB)__readfsdword(0x30);






    #define KERNEL32DLL_HASH				0x6A4ABC5B
    Ldr = (ULONG_PTR)Peb->Ldr;
    	LdrDataTableEntry = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)((PPEB_LDR_DATA)Ldr)->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink;
    	while (LdrDataTableEntry)
    		ModuleName = (ULONG_PTR)LdrDataTableEntry->FullDllName.Buffer;   //双字 
    		ModuleNameLength = LdrDataTableEntry->FullDllName.Length;
    		ModuleHashValue = 0;
    			ModuleHashValue = ror((DWORD)ModuleHashValue);  
    			if (*((BYTE *)ModuleName) >= 'a')   //转换为大写
    				ModuleHashValue += *((BYTE *)ModuleName) - 0x20;
    				ModuleHashValue += *((BYTE *)ModuleName);
    		} while (--ModuleNameLength);
    		if ((DWORD)ModuleHashValue == KERNEL32DLL_HASH)
    			ModuleBase = (ULONG_PTR)LdrDataTableEntry->Reserved2[0];  //DllBase


    if ((DWORD)ModuleHashValue == KERNEL32DLL_HASH)
    			ModuleBase = (ULONG_PTR)LdrDataTableEntry->Reserved2[0];  //DllBase
    			ImageNtHeaders = (ModuleBase + ((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)ModuleBase)->e_lfanew);
    			ImageDataDirectory = (UINT_PTR)&((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)ImageNtHeaders)->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT];
    			ImageExportDirectory = (ModuleBase + ((PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)ImageDataDirectory)->VirtualAddress);
    			AddressOfNames = (ModuleBase + ((PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)ImageExportDirectory)->AddressOfNames);
    			AddressOfNameOrdinals = (ModuleBase + ((PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)ImageExportDirectory)->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
    			NumberOfNames = ((PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY )ImageExportDirectory)->NumberOfNames;
    			IsLoop = 4;
    			// loop while we still have imports to find
    			while (IsLoop > 0&&NumberOfNames>0)
    				// compute the hash values for this function name
    				HashValue = MakeHashValue((char *)(ModuleBase + DEREFERENCE_32(AddressOfNames)));
    				// if we have found a function we want we get its virtual address
    				if (HashValue == LOADLIBRARYA_HASH || 
    					HashValue == GETPROCADDRESS_HASH || 
    					HashValue == VIRTUALALLOC_HASH ||
    					HashValue == EXITTHREAD_HSAH)
    					// get the VA for the array of addresses
    					AddressOfFunctions = (ModuleBase +
    					// use this functions name ordinal as an index into the array of name pointers
    					AddressOfFunctions += (DEREFERENCE_16(AddressOfNameOrdinals) * sizeof(DWORD));
    					// store this functions VA
    					if (HashValue == LOADLIBRARYA_HASH)
    						LoadLibraryA = (REFLECTIVELOADER::LPFN_LOADLIBRARYA)(ModuleBase + DEREFERENCE_32(AddressOfFunctions));
    					else if (HashValue == GETPROCADDRESS_HASH)
    						GetProcAddress = (REFLECTIVELOADER::LPFN_GETPROCADDRESS)(ModuleBase + DEREFERENCE_32(AddressOfFunctions));
    					else if (HashValue == VIRTUALALLOC_HASH)
    						VirtualAlloc = (REFLECTIVELOADER::LPFN_VIRTUALALLOC)(ModuleBase + DEREFERENCE_32(AddressOfFunctions));
    					else if (HashValue == EXITTHREAD_HSAH)
    						ExitThread = (REFLECTIVELOADER::LPFN_EXITTHREAD)(ModuleBase + DEREFERENCE_32(AddressOfFunctions));
    					// decrement our counter
    				// get the next exported function name
    				AddressOfNames += sizeof(DWORD);
    				// get the next exported function name ordinal
    				AddressOfNameOrdinals += sizeof(WORD);


        (2)继续分配的内存中的连续区域,用于加载Dll,将Dll的 headers 和 sections 复制到宿主进程中的新分配的内存区域,内存粒度对齐各个节

    	// STEP 2: load our image into a new permanent location in memory...
    	// get the VA of the NT Header for the PE to be loaded
    	ImageNtHeaders = (RemoteBufferData + ((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)RemoteBufferData)->e_lfanew);
    	// allocate all the memory for the DLL to be loaded into. we can load at any address because we will  
    	// relocate the image. Also zeros all memory and marks it as READ, WRITE and EXECUTE to avoid any problems.
    	VirtualAddress = (ULONG_PTR)VirtualAlloc(NULL, 
    		((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)ImageNtHeaders)->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, 
    	// we must now copy over the headers
    	SizeOfHeaders = ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)ImageNtHeaders)->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
    	v1 = (BYTE*)RemoteBufferData;
    	v2 = (BYTE*)VirtualAddress;
    	while (SizeOfHeaders--)
    		*(BYTE *)v2++ = *(BYTE *)v1++;


    	// uiValueA = the VA of the first section
    	ULONG_PTR ImageSectionHeader = ((ULONG_PTR)&((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)ImageNtHeaders)->OptionalHeader + 
    	// itterate through all sections, loading them into memory.
    	NumberOfSections = ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)ImageNtHeaders)->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
    	while (NumberOfSections--)
    		// uiValueB is the VA for this section
    		SectionVirtualAddress = (VirtualAddress + ((PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)ImageSectionHeader)->VirtualAddress);
    		// uiValueC if the VA for this sections data
    		SectionPointerToRawData = (RemoteBufferData + ((PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)ImageSectionHeader)->PointerToRawData);
    		// copy the section over
    		SizeOfRawData = ((PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)ImageSectionHeader)->SizeOfRawData;
    		while (SizeOfRawData--)
    			*(BYTE *)SectionVirtualAddress++ = *(BYTE *)SectionPointerToRawData++;
    		// get the VA of the next section
    		ImageSectionHeader += sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER);








    ImageDataDirectory = (ULONG_PTR)&((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)ImageNtHeaders)->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT];
    	// we assume their is an import table to process
    	// uiValueC is the first entry in the import table
    	ImageImportDescriptor = (VirtualAddress + ((PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)ImageDataDirectory)->VirtualAddress);
    	while (((PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)ImageImportDescriptor)->Name)
    		// use LoadLibraryA to load the imported module into memory
    		ModuleBase = (ULONG_PTR)LoadLibraryA(
    			(LPCSTR)(VirtualAddress + ((PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)ImageImportDescriptor)->Name));
    		// uiValueD = VA of the OriginalFirstThunk
    		OriginalFirstThunk = (VirtualAddress + ((PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)ImageImportDescriptor)->OriginalFirstThunk);
    		// uiValueA = VA of the IAT (via first thunk not origionalfirstthunk)
    		FirstThunk = (VirtualAddress + ((PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)ImageImportDescriptor)->FirstThunk);
    		// itterate through all imported functions, importing by ordinal if no name present
    		while (DEREFERENCE(FirstThunk))
    			// 索引导入
    			if (OriginalFirstThunk && ((PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)OriginalFirstThunk)->u1.Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG)
    				// get the VA of the modules NT Header
    				ImageNtHeaders = ModuleBase + ((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)ModuleBase)->e_lfanew;
    				ImageDataDirectory = (ULONG_PTR)&((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)ImageNtHeaders)->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT];
    				// get the VA of the export directory
    				ImageExportDirectory = (ModuleBase + ((PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)ImageDataDirectory)->VirtualAddress);
    				// get the VA for the array of addresses
    				AddressOfFunctions = (ModuleBase + ((PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)ImageExportDirectory)->AddressOfFunctions);
    				// use the import ordinal (- export ordinal base) as an index into the array of addresses
    				AddressOfFunctions += 
    					((IMAGE_ORDINAL(((PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)OriginalFirstThunk)->u1.Ordinal) -
    					((PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)ImageExportDirectory)->Base) * sizeof(DWORD));
    				// patch in the address for this imported function
    				DEREFERENCE(FirstThunk) = (ModuleBase + DEREFERENCE_32(AddressOfFunctions));
    				// get the VA of this functions import by name struct
    				ImageImportByName = (VirtualAddress + DEREFERENCE(OriginalFirstThunk));
    				// use GetProcAddress and patch in the address for this imported function
    				DEREFERENCE(FirstThunk) = (ULONG_PTR)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)ModuleBase, 
    			// get the next imported function
    			FirstThunk += sizeof(ULONG_PTR);
    			if (OriginalFirstThunk)
    				OriginalFirstThunk += sizeof(ULONG_PTR);
    		// get the next import
    		ImageImportDescriptor += sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR);





    ImageNtHeaders = VirtualAddress + ((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)VirtualAddress)->e_lfanew;
    	Diff = VirtualAddress - ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)ImageNtHeaders)->OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
    	ImageDataDirectory = (ULONG_PTR)&((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)ImageNtHeaders)->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC];
    	// check if their are any relocations present
    	if (((PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)ImageDataDirectory)->Size)
    		ImageBaseRelocation = (VirtualAddress + ((PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)ImageDataDirectory)->VirtualAddress);
    		// and we itterate through all entries...
    		while (((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)ImageBaseRelocation)->SizeOfBlock)
    			v3 = (VirtualAddress + ((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)ImageBaseRelocation)->VirtualAddress);
    			// uiValueB = number of entries in this relocation block
    			ImageBaseRelocationItemCount = 
    				(((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)ImageBaseRelocation)->SizeOfBlock - sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)) 
    			// uiValueD is now the first entry in the current relocation block
    			ImageBaseRelocationItem = ImageBaseRelocation + sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION);
    			// we itterate through all the entries in the current block...
    			while (ImageBaseRelocationItemCount--)
    				// perform the relocation, skipping IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE as required.
    				// we dont use a switch statement to avoid the compiler building a jump table
    				// which would not be very position independent!
    				if (((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ITEM)ImageBaseRelocationItem)->Type == IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64)
    					*(ULONG_PTR *)(v3 + ((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ITEM)ImageBaseRelocationItem)->Offset) 
    					+= Diff;
    				else if (((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ITEM)ImageBaseRelocationItem)->Type == IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW)
    					*(DWORD *)(v3 + ((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ITEM)ImageBaseRelocationItem)->Offset) 
    					+= (DWORD)Diff;
    				else if (((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ITEM)ImageBaseRelocationItem)->Type == IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH)
    					*(WORD *)(v3 + ((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ITEM)ImageBaseRelocationItem)->Offset) += 
    				else if (((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ITEM)ImageBaseRelocationItem)->Type == IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW)
    					*(WORD *)(v3 + ((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ITEM)ImageBaseRelocationItem)->Offset) += LOWORD(Diff);
    				// get the next entry in the current relocation block
    				ImageBaseRelocationItem += sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_ITEM);
    			// get the next entry in the relocation directory
    			ImageBaseRelocation = ImageBaseRelocation + ((PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)ImageBaseRelocation)->SizeOfBlock;


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    MongoDb python连接
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lsh123/p/7806811.html
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