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  • 获取,修改进程命令行


    0x01  获取命令行



         最后通过ProcessParameter字段获取到ProcessParameter的 CommandLine  字段,得到了命令行的存储地址。


    void* GetPEBLocation(HANDLE hProcess)
    	ULONG RequiredLen = 0;
    	void* PebAddress = 0;
    	PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION myProcessBasicInformation[5] = { 0 };
    	if (NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, myProcessBasicInformation, sizeof(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION), &RequiredLen) == STATUS_SUCCESS)
    		PebAddress = (void*)myProcessBasicInformation->PebBaseAddress;
    		if (NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, myProcessBasicInformation, RequiredLen, &RequiredLen) == STATUS_SUCCESS)
    			PebAddress = (void*)myProcessBasicInformation->PebBaseAddress;
    	return PebAddress;
    BOOL Getcommandlineaddr(duint *CommandLineAddressdr)
    	duint PEBAddress;
    	duint pprocess_parameters;
    	duint ProcessParametersAddress;
    	duint ReturnLength;
    	PEBAddress = (duint)GetPEBLocation(__ProcessHandle);
    	ProcessParametersAddress = (duint) & (((PPEB)PEBAddress)->ProcessParameters);
    	ReadProcessMemory(__ProcessHandle, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(ProcessParametersAddress), &pprocess_parameters,
    		sizeof(pprocess_parameters), reinterpret_cast<SIZE_T*>(&ReturnLength));
    	*CommandLineAddressdr = (duint) & (((RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS*)pprocess_parameters)->CommandLine);
    	return TRUE;


    0x02  修改命令行




    if (!valfromstring("kernelBase:GetCommandLineA", &getcommandline))
    		if (!valfromstring("kernel32:GetCommandLineA", &getcommandline))
    			return FALSE;
    bool valfromstring(const char* string, duint* value, bool silent, bool baseonly, int* value_size, bool* isvar, bool* hexonly, bool allowassign)
    	duint result;
    	if (!Calculate(string, result, false /*valuesignedcalc()*/, allowassign, silent, baseonly, value_size, isvar, hexonly))
    		return false;
    	*value = result;
    	return true;
    bool Calculate(const char* string, duint & value, bool signedcalc, bool allowassign, bool silent, bool baseonly, int* value_size, bool* isvar, bool* hexonly)
    	return DoEvaluate(string, value, silent, baseonly, value_size, isvar, hexonly);
    bool DoEvaluate(const char* string, duint & result, bool silent, bool baseonly, int* value_size, bool* isvar, bool* hexonly)
    	return valfromstring_noexpr(string, (duint*)&result, silent, baseonly, value_size, isvar, hexonly);
    bool valfromstring_noexpr(const char* string, duint* value, bool silent, bool baseonly, int* value_size, bool* isvar, bool* hexonly)
    	if (!value || !string || !*string)
    		return false;
    	if (valapifromstring(string, value, value_size, true, silent, hexonly)) //then come APIs
    		return true;
    	return false;
    bool valapifromstring(const char* name, duint* value, int* value_size, bool printall, bool silent, bool* hexonly)
    	//explicit API handling
    	const char* apiname = strchr(name, ':'); //the ':' character cannot be in a path: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx#naming_conventions
    	bool noexports = false;
    	if (!apiname) //not found
    		apiname = strstr(name, "..") ? strchr(name, '.') : strrchr(name, '.'); //kernel32.GetProcAddress support
    		if (!apiname) //not found
    			apiname = strchr(name, '?'); //the '?' character cannot be in a path either
    			noexports = true;
    	if (apiname)
    		char modname[MAX_MODULE_SIZE] = "";
    		strncpy_s(modname, name, _TRUNCATE);
    		modname[apiname - name] = 0;
    		if (!strlen(apiname))
    			return false;
    		duint modbase = 0;//ModBaseFromName(modname);从MAP表里查基地址
    		char szModPath[MAX_PATH] = "kernel32.dll";
    		if (!1/*ModPathFromAddr(modbase, szModPath, _countof(szModPath))*/)//查表得到完整路径
    			//if (!silent)
    				//dprintf(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("DBG", "Could not get filename of module %p
    "), modbase);
    			HMODULE mod = LoadLibraryExW(Utf8ToUtf16(szModPath).c_str(), 0, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES);
    			if (!mod)
    				//if (!silent)
    				//	dprintf(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("DBG", "Unable to load library %s
    "), szModPath);
    				duint addr = noexports ? 0 : SafeGetProcAddress(mod, apiname);
    				//if (addr) //found exported function
    				//	addr = modbase + (addr - (duint)mod); //correct for loaded base
    				//else //not found
    				if (addr) //found!
    					if (value_size)
    						*value_size = sizeof(duint);
    					if (hexonly)
    						*hexonly = true;
    					*value = addr;
    					return true;
    		return false;
    	return true;




    越过FF 25两字节,获取到跳转地址76b311fch:

    ReadProcessMemory(__ProcessHandle, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(getcommandline + 2), data, 100, reinterpret_cast<SIZE_T*>(&ReturnLength));




        ReadProcessMemory(__ProcessHandle, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(*(int*)data), data, 100, reinterpret_cast<SIZE_T*>(&ReturnLength));






        750FE9CA | A1 CC DB 1A 75           | mov eax,dword ptr ds:[751ADBCC]         |
        750FE9CF | C3                       | ret                                     |
        if (data[0] != 0xA1 || data[5] != 0xC3)
             return FALSE;
        command_line_stored = *((duint*)& data[1]);



    WriteProcessMemory(__ProcessHandle, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(command_line_stored), &new_command_line, sizeof(new_command_line), reinterpret_cast<SIZE_T*>(&ReturnLength));
        //update the pointer in the debuggee


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lsh123/p/8320562.html
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