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  • 后台登陆页面

    sql 注入登陆
    用户名为a' or 1=1 or 1=1 or''-'或者a' or 1=1 or 1=1 or '
    a' or 1=1 or 1=1 (delete * from member where 1=1 or') 可以利用注入删除所有的信息
    1. <?php
    2. session_start();
    3. ?>
    4. <!DOCTYPE html>
    5. <html>
    6. <head>
    7. <meta charset="utf-8">
    8. <title></title>
    9. <meta name="keywords" content="关键字">
    10. <meta name="description" content="简介">
    11. </head>
    12. <body>
    13. <h1>会员注册</h1>
    14. <form action="reg.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    15. 账号:<input type="text" name="maccount"><br>
    16. 密码:<input type="password" name="mpassword"><br>
    17. 确认密码:<input type="password" name="mpassword2"><br>
    18. 真实姓名:<input type="text" name="mname"><br>
    19. <input type="submit" value="提交"><br>
    20. <a href="user1.php">会员一</a>
    21. <a href="user2.php">会员二</a>
    22. <?php
    23. if(isset($_SESSION['user'])){
    24. echo '欢迎'.$_SESSION['name'];
    25. ?>
    26. <a href="tuichu.php" target="_top">安全退出</a><!-- 点击此链接时,目标网页就会在当前浏览器中打开,而框架会消失。 -->
    27. <?php
    28. }else{
    29. ?>
    30. <a href="denglu.html">会员登录</a>
    31. <?php
    32. }
    33. ?>
    34. </form>
    35. </body>
    36. </html>

    1. <?php
    2. // [maccount] => aaa
    3. // [mpassword] => a
    4. //[yzm] => 5ese
    5. // [code] => 5Ese
    6. session_start();
    7. //echo '<pre>';
    8. //print_r($_POST);
    9. //print_r($_SESSION);
    10. $yzm=$_POST['yzm'];
    11. if(trim($yzm)==''){
    12. echo '验证码不能为空';
    13. }else if(strtolower($yzm)==strtolower($_SESSION['code'])){
    14. include 'inc/db_mysqli.php';
    15. $aa=$_POST['maccount'];
    16. //$pp=md5($_POST['mpassword']);
    17. $pp=mymd5($_POST['mpassword'],$aa);
    18. //$result=$m->query("select count(*) from member where maccount='$aa' and mpassword='$pp'");
    19. //$rs=$result->fetch_row();
    20. //如下使用预处理语句来判断防止注入
    21. $stmt=$m->prepare('select count(*),mname from member where maccount=? and mpassword=?');
    22. $stmt->bind_param('ss',$aa,$pp);
    23. $stmt->execute();
    24. $stmt->bind_result($rs,$name);
    25. $stmt->fetch();
    26. if($rs>0){
    27. echo '登录成功';
    28. $_SESSION['user']=$aa;
    29. $_SESSION['name']=$name;
    30. echo '<a href=./>首页</a>';
    31. }else{
    32. echo '登录失败';
    33. }
    34. }else{
    35. echo '验证码输入不正确';
    36. }
    1. <?php
    2. session_start();
    3. if(!isset($_SESSION['user'])){
    4. //header('location:./');
    5. echo '<script>';
    6. echo "alert('请登录');location.href='./'";
    7. echo '</script>';
    8. }
    9. ?>
    10. <!doctype html>
    11. <html>
    12. <head>
    13. <meta charset="utf-8">
    14. <title>会员查看222</title>
    15. <meta name="keywords" content="关键字">
    16. <meta name="description" content="简介">
    17. <script src=""></script>
    18. </head>
    19. <body>
    20. 欢迎:<?php echo $_SESSION['name']?>
    21. <?php
    22. echo '会员查看一一ok';
    23. ?>
    24. </body>
    25. </html>
    1. <?php
    2. session_start();
    3. if(!isset($_SESSION['user'])){
    4. //header('location:./');
    5. echo '<script>';
    6. echo "alert('请登录');location.href='./'";
    7. echo '</script>';
    8. }
    9. ?>
    10. <!doctype html>
    11. <html>
    12. <head>
    13. <meta charset="utf-8">
    14. <title>会员查看222</title>
    15. <meta name="keywords" content="关键字">
    16. <meta name="description" content="简介">
    17. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="inc/index.css">
    18. <script src=""></script>
    19. </head>
    20. <body>
    21. 欢迎:<?php echo $_SESSION['name']?>
    22. <?php
    23. echo '会员查看二二ok';
    24. ?>
    25. </body>
    26. </html>
    1. <?php
    2. include 'inc/i.php';
    3. check();
    1. <?php
    2. session_start();
    3. //unset($_SESSION['user'],$_SESSION['name']);
    4. session_destroy();//关闭会话
    5. header('location:./');
    1. <?php
    2. include 'mysqli.php';
    3. if(isset($_POST['maccount'])){
    4. $a=$_POST['maccount'];
    5. $n=$_POST['mname'];
    6. $p=$_POST['mpassword'];
    7. $p2=$_POST['mpassword2'];
    8. if(trim($a)==''||trim($n)==''||trim($p)==''){
    9. echo '注册失败,账号密码真实姓名不能为空';
    10. }else if($p!==$p2){
    11. echo '注册失败,请保证2次密码一致';
    12. }else{
    13. $result=$m->query("select count(*) from member where maccount='$a'");
    14. $rs=$result->fetch_row();
    15. //echo $rs[0];//0代码没有找到这个账号
    16. if($rs[0]==0){
    17. //$p=md5($p);
    18. $p=mymd5($p,$a);
    19. $m->query("insert into member values(null,'$n','$a','$p')");
    20. $m->close();
    21. echo '注册成功,你的账号是'.$a;
    22. }else{
    23. echo '注册失败,此账号已经被注册不可以使用';
    24. }
    25. }
    26. }
    1. <?php
    2. $host = 'localhost';
    3. $user = 'root';
    4. $pass = '';
    5. $dbname = 'db';
    6. $charset = 'utf8';
    7. $m = new mysqli($host,$user,$pass,$dbname);
    8. $m->set_charset($charset);
    9. function mymd5($p,$c='webrx'){
    10. $s1 = md5($p.$c);
    11. $s2 = sha1($p.$c);
    12. $sok = substr($s1,0,6).substr($s2,0,6);
    13. $sok .= substr($s1,12,5).substr($s2,22,5);
    14. $sok .= substr($s1,22,5).substr($s2,32,5);
    15. return $sok;
    16. }
    17. function pager($tn,$currpage=1,$f='*',$pagesize=3,$w='1=1'){
    18. global $m;
    19. $stmt = $m->prepare("select count(*) from $tn where $w");
    20. $stmt->execute();
    21. $stmt->bind_result($recordcount);
    22. $stmt->fetch();
    23. $stmt->free_result();
    24. $stmt->close();
    25. $stmt = $m->prepare("select $f from $tn where $w limit ?,?");
    26. $pagecount = ceil($recordcount/$pagesize);
    27. $start = $currpage*$pagesize - $pagesize;
    28. $stmt->bind_param('ii',$start,$pagesize);
    29. $stmt->execute();
    30. $result = $stmt->get_result();
    31. $row = array();
    32. $row[] = $result->fetch_all( MYSQLI_NUM);
    33. $stmt->free_result();
    34. $stmt->close();
    35. $first = 1;
    36. $end = 10;
    37. $pages = '<div class="page">';
    38. if($currpage>=7){
    39. $first = $currpage-5;
    40. $end = $first+$end-1;
    41. }
    42. if($currpage>1){
    43. $prev = $currpage-1;
    44. if($first>1){
    45. $pages.="<a href=?p=1>首页</a><a href=?p=$prev>上一页</a>";
    46. }else{
    47. $pages.="<a href=?p=$prev>上一页</a>";
    48. }
    49. }
    50. for($i=$first;$i<=$end;$i++){
    51. if($i>$pagecount){
    52. break;
    53. }
    54. if($i==$currpage){
    55. $pages.='<a class="checked">'.$i.'</a>';
    56. continue;
    57. }
    58. $pages.="<a href=?p=$i>$i</a>";
    59. }
    60. if($currpage<$pagecount){
    61. $next = $currpage+1;
    62. $pages.="<a href=?p=$next>下一页</a>";
    63. }
    64. if($end<$pagecount){
    65. $pages.="<a href=?p=$pagecount>尾页</a>";
    66. }
    67. $row[] = $pages.'</div>';
    68. $row[] = $pagesize;
    69. $row[] = $pagecount;
    70. $row[] = $recordcount;
    71. $row[] = $currpage;
    72. return $row;
    73. }
    74. function css1(){
    75. $css = <<<css
    76. <style>
    77. .page{font-size:12px;height:30px;padding:15px 0;clear:both;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;}
    78. .page a{text-decoration:none;line-height:25px;padding:0px 10px;display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;border:solid 1px #c8c7c7;}
    79. .page a:hover,.page a.checked{text-decoration:none;border:solid 1px #0086d6;background:#0091e3;color:#fff;}
    80. .page a:visited,.page a:link{color:#333;}
    81. .page a:active{color:#3B3B3B;}
    82. </style>
    83. css;
    84. echo $css;
    85. }
    1. <?php
    2. function check($len=4){
    3. session_start();
    4. header('content-type:image/png');
    5. $fs = ['/a.ttf','/b.ttf','/f.ttf'];
    6. $font = dirname(__FILE__).$fs[mt_rand(0,1)];
    7. $w = 35*$len;
    8. $h = 50;
    9. $i = imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h);
    10. $c = imagecolorallocatealpha($i,0,0,0,127);
    11. //imagecolortransparent($i,$c);
    12. //imagefill($i,0,0,$c);
    13. imagefilledrectangle($i,0,0,$w,$h,gc($i,'ffffff',mt_rand(0,2)));
    14. $sss = '';
    15. for($j=0;$j<$len;$j++){
    16. $st = gs(1);
    17. $sss.=$st;
    18. imagettftext($i,mt_rand(15,25),mt_rand(-30,30),$j*35+10,mt_rand(28,38),gc($i),$font,$st);
    19. }
    20. $_SESSION['code'] = $sss;
    21. imagesetthickness($i,mt_rand(2,8));
    22. for($j=0;$j<mt_rand(5,10);$j++){
    23. imagefilledarc($i,mt_rand(0,$w),mt_rand(0,$h),mt_rand(0,$w),mt_rand(0,$h),mt_rand(0,360),mt_rand(0,360),gc($i,'rand',mt_rand(100,120)),IMG_ARC_NOFILL);
    24. }
    25. for($j=0;$j<10;$j++){
    26. imagettftext($i,mt_rand(10,15),mt_rand(-5,5),mt_rand(0,$w),mt_rand(0,$h),gc($i,'rand',mt_rand(100,120)),$font,gs(1));
    27. }
    28. imagepng($i);
    29. imagedestroy($i);
    30. }
    31. function gs($n=4){
    32. $s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
    33. $t = '';
    34. for($i=0;$i<$n;$i++){
    35. $t.=substr($s,mt_rand(0,strlen($s)-1),1);
    36. }
    37. return $t;
    38. }
    39. /**
    40. * 生成缩略
    41. */
    42. function thumb($i,$f=false,$w=220,$h=0,$fn='s_'){
    43. $ii = getimagesize($i);
    44. if($ii[2]==2){
    45. if($ii[0]>$w){
    46. $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($i);
    47. $sw = $ii[0];
    48. $sh = $ii[1];
    49. $h = $h==0 ? $w/$sw*$sh : $h;
    50. //建立新的缩略图
    51. $dst = imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h);
    52. imagecopyresampled($dst,$src,0,0,0,0,$w,$h,$sw,$sh);
    53. if($f){
    54. imagejpeg($dst,$i);
    55. }else{
    56. $path = dirname($i).'/';
    57. $name = $fn.substr($i,strrpos($i,'/')+1);
    58. imagejpeg($dst,$path.$name);
    59. }
    60. imagedestroy($dst);
    61. imagedestroy($src);
    62. }
    63. }
    64. }
    65. /**
    66. * 功能:生成水银图标,水银图标文件在inc目录中 名称 logo.png
    67. */
    68. function logo($i,$p=5,$f=true,$fn='logo_'){
    69. $ii = getimagesize($i);
    70. if($ii[2]==2){
    71. if($ii[0]>300){
    72. $ni = imagecreatefromjpeg($i);
    73. $w = $ii[0];
    74. $h = $ii[1];
    75. //水银图标 logo.png 格式
    76. $logo = dirname(__FILE__).'/logo.png';
    77. $li = imagecreatefrompng($logo);
    78. $liw = imagesx($li);
    79. $lih = imagesy($li);
    80. $x = ($w-$liw)/2;
    81. $y = ($h-$lih)/2;
    82. $pad = 35;
    83. switch($p){
    84. case 1:
    85. $x = 0+$pad;
    86. $y = 0+$pad;
    87. break;
    88. case 2:
    89. $y = 0+$pad;
    90. break;
    91. case 3:
    92. $x = $w-$liw-$pad;
    93. $y = 0+$pad;
    94. break;
    95. case 4:
    96. $x = 0+$pad;
    97. break;
    98. case 6:
    99. $x = $w-$liw-$pad;
    100. break;
    101. case 7:
    102. $x = 0+$pad;
    103. $y = $h-$lih-$pad;
    104. break;
    105. case 8:
    106. $y = $h-$lih-$pad;
    107. break;
    108. case 9:
    109. $x = $w-$liw-$pad;
    110. $y = $h-$lih-$pad;
    111. break;
    112. }
    113. imagecopy($ni,$li,$x,$y,0,0,$liw,$lih);
    114. if($f){
    115. imagejpeg($ni,$i);
    116. }else{
    117. $path = dirname($i).'/';
    118. $name = $fn.substr($i,strrpos($i,'/')+1);
    119. imagejpeg($ni,$path.$name);
    120. }
    121. imagedestroy($ni);
    122. imagedestroy($li);
    123. }
    124. }
    125. }
    126. function txt($i,$s=30,$t='版权所有',$c='rand',$a=0,$p=5,$f=true,$fn='t_'){
    127. $font = dirname(__FILE__).'/f.ttf';
    128. $ii = getimagesize($i);
    129. if($ii[2]==2){
    130. if($ii[0]>300){
    131. $ni = imagecreatefromjpeg($i);
    132. $pos = imagettfbbox($s,0,$font,$t);
    133. $pad = 30;
    134. switch($p){
    135. case 1://左上角
    136. $x = 0-$pos[0]+$pad;
    137. $y = 0-$pos[7]+$pad;
    138. break;
    139. case 2://上边 水平中央
    140. $x = ($ii[0]-$pos[2])/2;
    141. $y = 0-$pos[7]+$pad;
    142. break;
    143. case 3:
    144. $x = $ii[0]-$pos[2]-$pad;
    145. $y = 0-$pos[7]+$pad;
    146. break;
    147. case 4:
    148. $x = 0-$pos[0]+$pad;
    149. $y = ($ii[1]-$pos[6])/2;
    150. break;
    151. case 5:
    152. $x = ($ii[0]-$pos[2])/2;
    153. $y = ($ii[1]-$pos[6])/2;
    154. break;
    155. case 6:
    156. $x = $ii[0]-$pos[2]-$pad;
    157. $y = ($ii[1]-$pos[6])/2;
    158. break;
    159. case 7:
    160. $x = 0-$pos[0]+$pad;
    161. $y = $ii[1]-$pos[6]-$pad;
    162. break;
    163. case 8:
    164. $x = ($ii[0]-$pos[2])/2;
    165. $y = $ii[1]-$pos[6]-$pad;
    166. break;
    167. case 9:
    168. $x = $ii[0]-$pos[2]-$pad;
    169. $y = $ii[1]-$pos[6]-$pad;
    170. break;
    171. }
    172. imagettftext($ni,$s,0,$x,$y,gc($ni,$c,$a),$font,$t);
    173. if($f){
    174. imagejpeg($ni,$i);
    175. }else{
    176. $path = dirname($i).'/';
    177. $name = $fn.substr($i,strrpos($i,'/')+1);
    178. imagejpeg($ni,$path.$name);
    179. }
    180. imagedestroy($ni);
    181. }
    182. }
    183. }
    184. function gc($i,$c='rand',$a=0){
    185. $color = '';
    186. switch($c){
    187. case 'white':
    188. $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($i,255,255,255,$a);
    189. break;
    190. case 'black':
    191. $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($i,0,0,0,$a);
    192. break;
    193. case 'red':
    194. $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($i,255,0,0,$a);
    195. break;
    196. case 'green':
    197. $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($i,0,255,0,$a);
    198. break;
    199. case 'rand':
    200. $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($i,mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),$a);
    201. break;
    202. default:
    203. $cc = str_split($c,2);
    204. $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($i,hexdec($cc[0]),hexdec($cc[1]),hexdec($cc[2]),$a);
    205. break;
    206. }
    207. return $color;
    208. }

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lsr111/p/4532177.html
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