图1 Command模式UML图
DoFactory GoF代码
// Command pattern // Structural example using System; namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Command.Structural { // MainApp test application class MainApp { static void Main() { // Create receiver, command, and invoker Receiver receiver = new Receiver(); Command command = new ConcreteCommand(receiver); Invoker invoker = new Invoker(); // Set and execute command invoker.SetCommand(command); invoker.ExecuteCommand(); // Wait for user Console.ReadKey(); } } // "Command" abstract class Command { protected Receiver receiver; // Constructor public Command(Receiver receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } public abstract void Execute(); } // "ConcreteCommand" class ConcreteCommand : Command { // Constructor public ConcreteCommand(Receiver receiver) : base(receiver) { } public override void Execute() { receiver.Action(); } } // "Receiver" class Receiver { public void Action() { Console.WriteLine("Called Receiver.Action()"); } } // "Invoker" class Invoker { private Command _command; public void SetCommand(Command command) { this._command = command; } public void ExecuteCommand() { _command.Execute(); } } }
在下面命令模式实际应用的例子中展示了一个可以进行无数次撤销与重做的简单的计算器。注意在C#中"operator"是一个关键字。在前面添加一个前缀 –'@'使其可以作为一个标示符使用。
Command – Command
ConcreteCommand – CalculatorCommand
Client – CommandApp
Invoker – User
Receiver – Calculator
// Command pattern // Real World example using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Command.RealWorld { // MainApp test application class MainApp { static void Main() { // Create user and let her compute User user = new User(); // User presses calculator buttons user.Compute('+', 100); user.Compute('-', 50); user.Compute('*', 10); user.Compute('/', 2); // Undo 4 commands user.Undo(4); // Redo 3 commands user.Redo(3); // Wait for user Console.ReadKey(); } } // "Command" abstract class Command { public abstract void Execute(); public abstract void UnExecute(); } // "ConcreteCommand" class CalculatorCommand : Command { private char _operator; private int _operand; private Calculator _calculator; // Constructor public CalculatorCommand(Calculator calculator, char @operator, int operand) { this._calculator = calculator; this._operator = @operator; this._operand = operand; } // Gets operator public char Operator { set { _operator = value; } } // Get operand public int Operand { set { _operand = value; } } // Execute new command public override void Execute() { _calculator.Operation(_operator, _operand); } // Unexecute last command public override void UnExecute() { _calculator.Operation(Undo(_operator), _operand); } // Returns opposite operator for given operator private char Undo(char @operator) { switch (@operator) { case '+': return '-'; case '-': return '+'; case '*': return '/'; case '/': return '*'; default: throw new ArgumentException("@operator"); } } } // "Receiver" class Calculator { private int _curr = 0; public void Operation(char @operator, int operand) { switch (@operator) { case '+': _curr += operand; break; case '-': _curr -= operand; break; case '*': _curr *= operand; break; case '/': _curr /= operand; break; } Console.WriteLine( "Current value = {0,3} (following {1} {2})", _curr, @operator, operand); } } // "Invoker" class User { // Initializers private Calculator _calculator = new Calculator(); private List<Command> _commands = new List<Command>(); private int _current = 0; public void Redo(int levels) { Console.WriteLine(" ---- Redo {0} levels ", levels); // Perform redo operations for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) { if (_current < _commands.Count - 1) { Command command = _commands[_current++]; command.Execute(); } } } public void Undo(int levels) { Console.WriteLine(" ---- Undo {0} levels ", levels); // Perform undo operations for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) { if (_current > 0) { Command command = _commands[--_current] as Command; command.UnExecute(); } } } public void Compute(char @operator, int operand) { // Create command operation and execute it Command command = new CalculatorCommand( _calculator, @operator, operand); command.Execute(); // Add command to undo list _commands.Add(command); _current++; } } }
// Command pattern // .NET Optimized example using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Command.NETOptimized { class MainApp { static void Main() { // Create user and let her compute var user = new User(); // Issue several compute commands user.Compute('+', 100); user.Compute('-', 50); user.Compute('*', 10); user.Compute('/', 2); // Undo 4 commands user.Undo(4); // Redo 3 commands user.Redo(3); // Wait for user Console.ReadKey(); } } // "Command" interface ICommand { void Execute(); void UnExecute(); } // "ConcreteCommand" class CalculatorCommand : ICommand { private char _operator; private int _operand; private Calculator _calculator; // Constructor public CalculatorCommand(Calculator calculator, char @operator, int operand) { this._calculator = calculator; this._operator = @operator; this._operand = operand; } // Sets operator public char Operator { set { _operator = value; } } // Sets operand public int Operand { set { _operand = value; } } // Execute command public void Execute() { _calculator.Operation(_operator, _operand); } // Unexecute command public void UnExecute() { _calculator.Operation(Undo(_operator), _operand); } // Return opposite operator for given operator private char Undo(char @operator) { switch (@operator) { case '+': return '-'; case '-': return '+'; case '*': return '/'; case '/': return '*'; default: throw new ArgumentException("@operator"); } } } // "Receiver" class Calculator { private int _current = 0; // Perform operation for given operator and operand public void Operation(char @operator, int operand) { switch (@operator) { case '+': _current += operand; break; case '-': _current -= operand; break; case '*': _current *= operand; break; case '/': _current /= operand; break; } Console.WriteLine( "Current value = {0,3} (following {1} {2})", _current, @operator, operand); } } // "Invoker" class User { private Calculator _calculator = new Calculator(); private List<ICommand> _commands = new List<ICommand>(); private int _current = 0; // Redo original commands public void Redo(int levels) { Console.WriteLine(" ---- Redo {0} levels ", levels); // Perform redo operations for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) { if (_current < _commands.Count - 1) { _commands[_current++].Execute(); } } } // Undo prior commands public void Undo(int levels) { Console.WriteLine(" ---- Undo {0} levels ", levels); // Perform undo operations for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) { if (_current > 0) { _commands[--_current].UnExecute(); } } } // Compute new value given operator and operand public void Compute(char @operator, int operand) { // Create command operation and execute it ICommand command = new CalculatorCommand(_calculator, @operator, operand); command.Execute(); // Add command to undo list _commands.Add(command); _current++; } } }
// 文档类 public class Document { //显示操作 public void Display() { Console.WriteLine("Display "); } //撤销操作 public void Undo() { Console.WriteLine("Undo "); } //恢复操作 public void Redo() { Console.WriteLine("Redo "); } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Document doc = new Document(); doc.Display(); doc.Undo(); doc.Redo(); } }
// 抽象命令 public abstract class DocumentCommand { protected Document _document; public DocumentCommand(Document doc) { this._document = doc; } //执行 public abstract void Execute(); }
// 显示命令 public class DisplayCommand : DocumentCommand { public DisplayCommand(Document doc) : base(doc) { } public override void Execute() { _document.Display(); } } // 撤销命令 public class UndoCommand : DocumentCommand { public UndoCommand(Document doc) : base(doc) { } public override void Execute() { _document.Undo(); } } // 重做命令 public class RedoCommand : DocumentCommand { public RedoCommand(Document doc) : base(doc) { } public override void Execute() { _document.Redo(); } }
// Invoker角色 public class DocumentInvoker { DocumentCommand _discmd; DocumentCommand _undcmd; DocumentCommand _redcmd; public DocumentInvoker(DocumentCommand discmd, DocumentCommand undcmd, DocumentCommand redcmd) { this._discmd = discmd; this._undcmd = undcmd; this._redcmd = redcmd; } public void Display() { _discmd.Execute(); } public void Undo() { _undcmd.Execute(); } public void Redo() { _redcmd.Execute(); } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Document doc = new Document(); DocumentCommand discmd = new DisplayCommand(doc); DocumentCommand undcmd = new UndoCommand(doc); DocumentCommand redcmd = new RedoCommand(doc); DocumentInvoker invoker = new DocumentInvoker(discmd, undcmd, redcmd); invoker.Display(); invoker.Undo(); invoker.Redo(); } }
虽然我们不曾看过Microsoft应用程序的源代码,但我们相当确定大部分,包括Visual Studio.NET,使用命令模式来支持其菜单,工具条,快捷方式及相关的撤销功能。我们曾期待在.NET中命令模式被暴露为WinForms统一命令路由架构的一部分,但是这没有。所以,到WPF出现前,命令模式在.NET Framework的使用没有普及,但随着WPF的引入这种情况发生改变:WPF在其命令系统中内置支持命令。
在ASP.NET的MVC模式中,有一种叫Front Controller的模式,它分为Handler和Command树两个部分,Handler处理所有公共的逻辑,接收HTTP Post或Get请求以及相关的参数并根据输入的参数选择正确的命令对象,然后将控制权传递到Command对象,由其完成后面的操作,这里面其实就是用到了Command模式。
图6.Front Controller的处理程序部分结构图
图7.Front Controller的命令部分结构图
Handler 类负责处理各个Web 请求,并将确定正确的 Command对象这一职责委派给CommandFactory 类。当CommandFactory返回Command对象后,Handler将调用Command上的Execute方法来执行请求。具体的实现如下
// Handler类 public class Handler : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { Command command = CommandFactory.Make(context.Request.Params); command.Execute(context); } public bool IsReusable { get { return true; } } }
// Command public interface Command { void Execute(HttpContext context); }
// CommandFactory public class CommandFactory { public static Command Make(NameValueCollection parms) { string requestParm = parms["requestParm"]; Command command = null; //根据输入参数得到不同的Command对象 switch (requestParm) { case "1": command = new FirstPortal(); break; case "2": command = new SecondPortal(); break; default: command = new FirstPortal(); break; } return command; } }
public abstract class RedirectCommand : Command { //获得Web.Config中定义的key和url键值对,UrlMap类详见下载包中的代码 private UrlMap map = UrlMap.SoleInstance; protected abstract void OnExecute(HttpContext context); public void Execute(HttpContext context) { OnExecute(context); //根据key和url键值对提交到具体处理的页面 string url = String.Format("{0}?{1}", map.Map[context.Request.Url.AbsolutePath], context.Request.Url.Query); context.Server.Transfer(url); } }
public class FirstPortal : RedirectCommand { protected override void OnExecute(HttpContext context) { //在输入参数中加入项portalId以便页面处理 context.Items["portalId"] = "1"; } }
public class SecondPortal : RedirectCommand { protected override void OnExecute(HttpContext context) { context.Items["portalId"] = "2"; } }
using System; using System.Text; namespace DoFactory.HeadFirst.Command { class RemoteLoader { static void Main(string[] args) { var remoteControl = new RemoteControl(); var light = new Light("Living Room"); var tv = new TV("Living Room"); var stereo = new Stereo("Living Room"); var hottub = new Hottub(); var lightOn = new LightOnCommand(light); var stereoOn = new StereoOnCommand(stereo); var tvOn = new TVOnCommand(tv); var hottubOn = new HottubOnCommand(hottub); var lightOff = new LightOffCommand(light); var stereoOff = new StereoOffCommand(stereo); var tvOff = new TVOffCommand(tv); var hottubOff = new HottubOffCommand(hottub); ICommand[] partyOn = { lightOn, stereoOn, tvOn, hottubOn}; ICommand[] partyOff = { lightOff, stereoOff, tvOff, hottubOff}; var partyOnMacro = new MacroCommand(partyOn); var partyOffMacro = new MacroCommand(partyOff); remoteControl.SetCommand(0, partyOnMacro, partyOffMacro); Console.WriteLine(remoteControl); Console.WriteLine("--- Pushing Macro On---"); remoteControl.OnButtonWasPushed(0); Console.WriteLine(" --- Pushing Macro Off---"); remoteControl.OffButtonWasPushed(0); // Wait for user Console.ReadKey(); } } #region Remote Control public class RemoteControl { private ICommand[] _onCommands; private ICommand[] _offCommands; private ICommand _undoCommand; // Constructor public RemoteControl() { _onCommands = new ICommand[7]; _offCommands = new ICommand[7]; ICommand noCommand = new NoCommand(); for (int i = 0; i < 7 ;i++) { _onCommands[i] = noCommand; _offCommands[i] = noCommand; } _undoCommand = noCommand; } public void SetCommand(int slot, ICommand onCommand, ICommand offCommand) { _onCommands[slot] = onCommand; _offCommands[slot] = offCommand; } public void OnButtonWasPushed(int slot) { _onCommands[slot].Execute(); _undoCommand = _onCommands[slot]; } public void OffButtonWasPushed(int slot) { _offCommands[slot].Execute(); _undoCommand = _offCommands[slot]; } public void UndoButtonWasPushed() { _undoCommand.Undo(); } public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(" ------ Remote Control ------- "); for (int i = 0; i < _onCommands.Length; i++) { sb.Append("[slot " + i + "] " + _onCommands[i].GetType().Name + " " + _offCommands[i].GetType().Name + " "); } sb.Append("[undo] " + _undoCommand.GetType().Name + " "); return sb.ToString(); } } #endregion #region Commands public interface ICommand { void Execute(); void Undo(); } public class NoCommand : ICommand { public void Execute() { } public void Undo() { } } public class MacroCommand : ICommand { private ICommand[] _commands; public MacroCommand(ICommand[] commands) { this._commands = commands; } public void Execute() { for (int i = 0; i < _commands.Length; i++) { _commands[i].Execute(); } } public void Undo() { for (int i = 0; i < _commands.Length; i++) { _commands[i].Undo(); } } } public class TVOnCommand : ICommand { private TV _tv; public TVOnCommand(TV tv) { this._tv = tv; } public void Execute() { _tv.On(); _tv.SetInputChannel(); } public void Undo() { _tv.Off(); } } public class TVOffCommand : ICommand { private TV _tv; public TVOffCommand(TV tv) { this._tv= tv; } public void Execute() { _tv.Off(); } public void Undo() { _tv.On(); } } public class StereoOnCommand : ICommand { private Stereo _stereo; public StereoOnCommand(Stereo stereo) { this._stereo = stereo; } public void Execute() { _stereo.On(); } public void Undo() { _stereo.Off(); } } public class StereoOffCommand : ICommand { private Stereo _stereo; public StereoOffCommand(Stereo stereo) { this._stereo = stereo; } public void Execute() { _stereo.Off(); } public void Undo() { _stereo.On(); } } public class StereoOnWithCDCommand : ICommand { private Stereo _stereo; public StereoOnWithCDCommand(Stereo stereo) { this._stereo = stereo; } public void Execute() { _stereo.On(); _stereo.SetCD(); _stereo.SetVolume(11); } public void Undo() { _stereo.Off(); } } public class LivingroomLightOnCommand : ICommand { private Light _light; public LivingroomLightOnCommand(Light light) { this._light = light; } public void Execute() { _light.On(); } public void Undo() { _light.Off(); } } public class LivingroomLightOffCommand : ICommand { private Light _light; public LivingroomLightOffCommand(Light light) { this._light = light; } public void Execute() { _light.Off(); } public void Undo() { _light.On(); } } public class LightOnCommand : ICommand { private Light _light; public LightOnCommand(Light light) { this._light = light; } public void Execute() { _light.On(); } public void Undo() { _light.Off(); } } public class LightOffCommand : ICommand { private Light _light; public LightOffCommand(Light light) { this._light = light; } public void Execute() { _light.Off(); } public void Undo() { _light.On(); } } public class HottubOffCommand : ICommand { private Hottub _hottub; public HottubOffCommand(Hottub hottub) { this._hottub = hottub; } public void Execute() { _hottub.SetTemperature(98); _hottub.Off(); } public void Undo() { _hottub.On(); } } public class CeilingFanOffCommand : ICommand { private CeilingFan _ceilingFan; private CeilingFanSpeed _prevSpeed; public CeilingFanOffCommand(CeilingFan ceilingFan) { this._ceilingFan = ceilingFan; } public void Execute() { _prevSpeed = _ceilingFan.Speed; _ceilingFan.Off(); } public void Undo() { switch (_prevSpeed) { case CeilingFanSpeed.High: _ceilingFan.high(); break; case CeilingFanSpeed.Medium: _ceilingFan.medium(); break; case CeilingFanSpeed.Low: _ceilingFan.low(); break; case CeilingFanSpeed.Off: _ceilingFan.Off(); break; } } } public class CeilingFanMediumCommand : ICommand { private CeilingFan _ceilingFan; private CeilingFanSpeed _prevSpeed; public CeilingFanMediumCommand(CeilingFan ceilingFan) { this._ceilingFan = ceilingFan; } public void Execute() { _prevSpeed = _ceilingFan.Speed; _ceilingFan.medium(); } public void Undo() { switch (_prevSpeed) { case CeilingFanSpeed.High: _ceilingFan.high(); break; case CeilingFanSpeed.Medium: _ceilingFan.medium(); break; case CeilingFanSpeed.Low: _ceilingFan.low(); break; case CeilingFanSpeed.Off: _ceilingFan.Off(); break; } } } public class CeilingFanHighCommand : ICommand { private CeilingFan _ceilingFan; private CeilingFanSpeed _prevSpeed; public CeilingFanHighCommand(CeilingFan ceilingFan) { this._ceilingFan = ceilingFan; } public void Execute() { _prevSpeed = _ceilingFan.Speed; _ceilingFan.high(); } public void Undo() { switch (_prevSpeed) { case CeilingFanSpeed.High: _ceilingFan.high(); break; case CeilingFanSpeed.Medium: _ceilingFan.medium(); break; case CeilingFanSpeed.Low: _ceilingFan.low(); break; case CeilingFanSpeed.Off: _ceilingFan.Off(); break; } } } public class HottubOnCommand : ICommand { private Hottub _hottub; public HottubOnCommand(Hottub hottub) { this._hottub = hottub; } public void Execute() { _hottub.On(); _hottub.SetTemperature(104); _hottub.Circulate(); } public void Undo() { _hottub.Off(); } } #endregion #region TV, Tub, CeilingFan, etc public class Hottub { private bool _on; private int _temperature; public void On() { _on = true; } public void Off() { _on = false; } public void Circulate() { if (_on) { Console.WriteLine("Hottub is bubbling!"); } } public void JetsOn() { if (_on) { Console.WriteLine("Hottub jets are on"); } } public void JetsOff() { if (_on) { Console.WriteLine("Hottub jets are off"); } } public void SetTemperature(int temperature) { if (temperature > this._temperature) { Console.WriteLine("Hottub is heating to a steaming " + temperature + " degrees"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Hottub is cooling to " + temperature + " degrees"); } this._temperature = temperature; } } public class TV { private string _location; private int _channel; public TV(string location) { this._location = location; } public void On() { Console.WriteLine(_location + " TV is on"); } public void Off() { Console.WriteLine(_location + " TV is off"); } public void SetInputChannel() { this._channel = 3; Console.WriteLine(_location + " TV channel " + _channel + " is set for DVD"); } } public class Stereo { private string _location; public Stereo(string location) { this._location = location; } public void On() { Console.WriteLine(_location + " stereo is on"); } public void Off() { Console.WriteLine(_location + " stereo is off"); } public void SetCD() { Console.WriteLine(_location + " stereo is set for CD input"); } public void setDVD() { Console.WriteLine(_location + " stereo is set for DVD input"); } public void SetRadio() { Console.WriteLine(_location + " stereo is set for Radio"); } public void SetVolume(int volume) { // code to set the volume // valid range: 1-11 (after all 11 is better than 10, right?) Console.WriteLine(_location + " Stereo volume set to " + volume); } } public class Light { private string _location; public Light(string location) { this._location = location; } public void On() { Level = 100; Console.WriteLine("Light is on"); } public void Off() { Level = 0; Console.WriteLine("Light is off"); } public void Dim(int level) { this.Level = level; if (Level == 0) { Off(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Light is dimmed to " + level + "%"); } } public int Level { get; private set; } } public class CeilingFan { private string _location; public CeilingFan(string location) { this._location = location; } public void high() { // turns the ceiling fan on to high Speed = CeilingFanSpeed.High; Console.WriteLine(_location + " ceiling fan is on high"); } public void medium() { // turns the ceiling fan on to medium Speed = CeilingFanSpeed.Medium; Console.WriteLine(_location + " ceiling fan is on medium"); } public void low() { // turns the ceiling fan on to low Speed = CeilingFanSpeed.Low; Console.WriteLine(_location + " ceiling fan is on low"); } public void Off() { // turns the ceiling fan off Speed = CeilingFanSpeed.Off; Console.WriteLine(_location + " ceiling fan is off"); } public CeilingFanSpeed Speed{ get; private set; } } public enum CeilingFanSpeed { High, Medium, Low, Off } #endregion }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace 命令模式 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //开店前的准备 Barbecuer boy = new Barbecuer(); Command bakeMuttonCommand1 = new BakeMuttonCommand(boy); Command bakeMuttonCommand2 = new BakeMuttonCommand(boy); Command bakeChickenWingCommand1 = new BakeChickenWingCommand(boy); Waiter girl = new Waiter(); //开门营业 顾客点菜 girl.SetOrder(bakeMuttonCommand1); girl.SetOrder(bakeMuttonCommand2); girl.SetOrder(bakeChickenWingCommand1); //点菜完闭,通知厨房 girl.Notify(); Console.Read(); } } //服务员 public class Waiter { private IList<Command> orders = new List<Command>(); //设置订单 public void SetOrder(Command command) { if (command.ToString() == "命令模式.BakeChickenWingCommand") { Console.WriteLine("服务员:鸡翅没有了,请点别的烧烤。"); } else { orders.Add(command); Console.WriteLine("增加订单:" + command.ToString() + " 时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } //取消订单 public void CancelOrder(Command command) { orders.Remove(command); Console.WriteLine("取消订单:" + command.ToString() + " 时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString()); } //通知全部执行 public void Notify() { foreach (Command cmd in orders) { cmd.ExcuteCommand(); } } } //抽象命令 public abstract class Command { protected Barbecuer receiver; public Command(Barbecuer receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } //执行命令 abstract public void ExcuteCommand(); } //烤羊肉串命令 class BakeMuttonCommand : Command { public BakeMuttonCommand(Barbecuer receiver) : base(receiver) { } public override void ExcuteCommand() { receiver.BakeMutton(); } } //烤鸡翅命令 class BakeChickenWingCommand : Command { public BakeChickenWingCommand(Barbecuer receiver) : base(receiver) { } public override void ExcuteCommand() { receiver.BakeChickenWing(); } } //烤肉串者 public class Barbecuer { public void BakeMutton() { Console.WriteLine("烤羊肉串!"); } public void BakeChickenWing() { Console.WriteLine("烤鸡翅!"); } } }