# 游戏规则:
# 生命游戏(Game of Life),或者叫它的全称John Conway's Game of Life。是英国数学家约翰·康威在1970年代所发明的一种元胞自动机。
# 1. 活细胞周围的细胞数如果小于2个或多于3个则会死亡;(离群或过度竞争导致死亡)
# 2. 活细胞周围如果有2或3个细胞可以继续存活;(正常生存)
# 3. 死细胞(空格)周围如果恰好有3个细胞则会诞生新的活细胞。(繁殖)
# 这三条规则简称B3/S23。如果调整规则对应的细胞数量,还能衍生出其他类型的自动机。
CellGrid中, 然后再建立一个Game类,用来将活着的细胞显示出来:
# 游戏规则: # 生命游戏(Game of Life),或者叫它的全称John Conway's Game of Life。是英国数学家约翰·康威在1970年代所发明的一种元胞自动机。 # 1. 活细胞周围的细胞数如果小于2个或多于3个则会死亡;(离群或过度竞争导致死亡) # 2. 活细胞周围如果有2或3个细胞可以继续存活;(正常生存) # 3. 死细胞(空格)周围如果恰好有3个细胞则会诞生新的活细胞。(繁殖) # 这三条规则简称B3/S23。如果调整规则对应的细胞数量,还能衍生出其他类型的自动机。 import random class Cell: """ 细胞类,单个细胞 """ def __init__(self, ix, iy, is_live): self.ix = ix self.iy = iy self.is_live = is_live self.neighbour_count = 0 def __str__(self): return "[{},{},{:5}]".format(self.ix, self.iy, str(self.is_live)) def calc_neighbour_count(self): count = 0 pre_x = self.ix - 1 if self.ix > 0 else 0 for i in range(pre_x, self.ix+1+1): pre_y = self.iy - 1 if self.iy > 0 else 0 for j in range(pre_y, self.iy+1+1): if i == self.ix and j == self.iy: continue if self.invalidate(i, j): continue # type() count += int(CellGrid.cells[i][j].is_live) self.neighbour_count = count return count def invalidate(self, x, y): if x >= CellGrid.cx or y >= CellGrid.cy: return True if x < 0 or y < 0: return True return False def next_iter(self): if self.neighbour_count > 3 or self.neighbour_count < 2: self.is_live = False elif self.neighbour_count == 3: self.is_live = True elif self.neighbour_count == 2: print(self.is_live) class CellGrid: """ 细胞网格类,所有细胞都处在一个长cx,宽cy的网格中 """ cells = [] cx = 0 cy = 0 def __init__(self, cx, cy): CellGrid.cx = cx CellGrid.cy = cy for i in range(cx): cell_list = [] for j in range(cy): cell = Cell(i, j, random.random() > 0.5) cell_list.append(cell) CellGrid.cells.append(cell_list) def next_iter(self): for cell_list in CellGrid.cells: for item in cell_list: item.next_iter() def calc_neighbour_count(self): for cell_list in CellGrid.cells: for item in cell_list: item.calc_neighbour_count()
import pygame import sys from life import CellGrid, Cell GREY = (190, 190, 190) RED = (255, 0, 0) class Game: screen = None def __init__(self, width, height, cx, cy): self.width = width self.height = height self.cx_rate = int(width / cx) self.cy_rate = int(height / cy) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode([width, height]) self.cells = CellGrid(cx, cy) def show_life(self): for cell_list in self.cells.cells: for item in cell_list: x = item.ix y = item.iy if item.is_live: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, RED, [x * self.cx_rate, y * self.cy_rate, self.cx_rate, self.cy_rate]) pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("绘图") game = Game(800, 800, 40, 40) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: game.screen.fill(GREY) clock.tick(1) # 每秒循环1次 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() game.cells.calc_neighbour_count() for i in game.cells.cells: txt = "" for j in i: txt += str(j) print(txt) game.show_life() pygame.display.flip() game.cells.next_iter()