1 void user_gpio_init(void) 2 { 3 /*!< Output push-pull, low level, 10MHz */ 4 GPIO_Init(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_LNIB, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_LOW_SLOW);//FI 0..3 5 GPIO_Init(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_4, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_LOW_SLOW);//BI 6 /*!< Input pull-up, external interrupt */ 7 GPIO_Init(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_7, GPIO_MODE_IN_PU_IT); //Data 8 /*@brief Set the external interrupt sensitivity of the selected port.*/ 9 /*!< Interrupt on Falling edge only */ 10 EXTI_SetExtIntSensitivity(EXTI_PORT_GPIOC, EXTI_SENSITIVITY_FALL_ONLY); 11 } 12 //interrupt routine 13 void portC_isr(void) 14 { 15 static u8 one_byte; 16 static u8 index; 17 static u8 bits_of_byte; 18 switch(IR_State) 19 { 20 case IDL: 21 { 22 time_125us=0; 23 IR_State++; 24 break; 25 } 26 case START: 27 { 28 if(time_125us>104)//ok , ready to receive data 29 { 30 time_125us=0; 31 one_byte = 0; 32 index=0; 33 bits_of_byte = 0; 34 IR_State++; 35 } 36 else IR_State--; 37 break; 38 } 39 case DATA: 40 { 41 if((time_125us<14)&&(time_125us>6))//0 42 { 43 one_byte <<=1; 44 bits_of_byte++; 45 } 46 else if((time_125us>14)&&(time_125us<23))//1 47 { 48 one_byte<<=1; 49 one_byte+=1; 50 bits_of_byte++; 51 } 52 else 53 { 54 IR_State = IDL; 55 } 56 time_125us=0; 57 if(bits_of_byte >= 8) // got one byte ready 58 { 59 g_u8arr_buf[index++]=one_byte; 60 time_release_125us=0; 61 if(index>=4) 62 { 63 //__disable_interrupt(); 64 if ((g_u8arr_buf[3]==0x13)&&(g_u8arr_buf[2]==0xEC)&&(g_u8arr_buf[1]==0xff)&&g_u8arr_buf[0]==0x00)//0x00FFEC13 65 { 66 if(g_motor_busy!=0x00) 67 { 68 MotorStop; 69 g_motor_busy=0; 70 } 71 } 72 else if ((g_u8arr_buf[3]==0x53)&&(g_u8arr_buf[2]==0xAC)&&(g_u8arr_buf[1]==0xff)&&g_u8arr_buf[0]==0x00)//0x00FFAC53 73 { 74 //time_release_125us=0; 75 if(g_motor_busy!=0x5a) 76 { 77 MotorForward; 78 g_motor_busy=0x5a; 79 } 80 } 81 else if ((g_u8arr_buf[3]==0x33)&&(g_u8arr_buf[2]==0xCC)&&(g_u8arr_buf[1]==0xff)&&g_u8arr_buf[0]==0x00)//0x00FFCC33 82 { 83 //time_release_125us=0; 84 if(g_motor_busy!=0x3c) 85 { 86 MotorBackward; 87 g_motor_busy=0x3c; 88 } 89 } 90 else 91 { 92 if(g_motor_busy!=0x00) 93 { 94 MotorStop; 95 g_motor_busy=0; 96 } 97 } 98 IR_State = IDL; 99 //__enable_interrupt(); 100 } 101 bits_of_byte=0; 102 one_byte=0; 103 } 104 break; 105 } 106 default: 107 { 108 IR_State = IDL; 109 break; 110 } 111 } 112 }
红外编码常用格式为:报头为13.5ms信号,之后才开始传送数据。数据的编码:1ms左右代表0或者1, 2ms左右代表1或者0。这个主要看自己的定义了。