一 相关知识
1 索引的产生以及为什么python的列表索引是从0开始的?
我们把这些能排序的数字叫做序数(ordinal numbers),因为它们能代表一定的顺序。
然而,程序不会这么想。它们能从一个列表中任意取出一个元素来。对程序而言,动物们的列表更像是一叠卡片。如果它们想要老虎,就直接去拿。如果想要斑马,也能直接去拿。这就需要这些元素能有一个恒定的地址(address),或者索引(index),以便程序能够以一种随机的方式把它们从列表中拿出来。最好的办法就是让指标(indices)从 0 开始。相信我,这样在数学上更为便捷。这种数字叫做基数(cardinal number),它意味着你可以随机取数,所以必须要有一个 0 元素。
python的创始人bai(Guido van Rossum)说过,Python使用0-based索引方式的原因之一是Python的切片(slice)语法。
使用0-based的索引方式,Python的半开区间切片和缺省匹配区间切片语法变得非常漂亮: a[:n] 和 a[i:i+n],前者的标准写法就是a[0:n]。
Guido van Rossum说想其是被半开区间语法的优雅迷住了。特别是当两个切片操作位置邻接时,第一个切片操作的终点索引值是第二个切片的起点索引值时,太漂亮了,无法舍弃。例如,想将一个数组以i,j两个点切成三部分——这三部分将会是a[:i],a[i:j]和a[:i]。
二 习题
记住:序数 == 排序,第一;基数 == 随机卡片,0。( ordinal == ordered, 1st; cardinal == cards at random, 0. )
animals = ['bear', 'python3.6', 'peacock', 'kangaroo', 'whale', 'platypus']
使用完整的表述格式进行回答,例如: “The first (1st) animal is at 0 and is a bear.” 然后反过来说一遍: “The animal at 0 is the 1st animal and is a bear
1 The animal at 1. 2 The third (3rd) animal. 3 The first (1st) animal. 4 The animal at 3. 5 The fifth (5th) animal. 6 The animal at 2. 7 The sixth (6th) animal. 8 The animal at 4.
1 The animal at 1 is the 2nd animal and is python3.6. 2 The third (3rd) animal is at 2 and is a peacock. 3 The first (1st) animal is at 0 and is a bear. 4 The animal at 3 is the 4th animal and is a kangaroo. 5 The fifth (5th) animal is at 4 and is a whale. 6 The animal at 2 is the 3rd animal and is a peacock. 7 The sixth (6th) animal is at 5 and is a platypus. 8 The animal at 4 is the 5th animal and is a whale.
1 >>> animals = ['bear','python3.6','peacock','kangaroo','whale','platypus'] 2 >>> animals[1] 3 'python3.6' 4 >>> animals[2] 5 'peacock' 6 >>> animals[0] 7 'bear' 8 >>> animals[3] 9 'kangaroo' 10 >>> animals[4] 11 'whale' 12 >>> animals[2] 13 'peacock' 14 >>> animals[5] 15 'platypus' 16 >>> animals[4] 17 'whale' 18 >>>