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  • 日志分析工具Log Parser介绍

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    分析Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement性能有时候需要分析前端服务器的IIS Log,这时候可以用一个工具,就是 Log Parser,下载地址是 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24659 。

    下载完毕安装后,打开安装目录 C:Program Files (x86)Log Parser 2.2 ,将其中的文件 LogParser.exe 复制到 C:WindowsSystem32 文件夹中,这样在cmd或者PowerShell中就可以直接使用命令分析日志了,也可以方便的查看帮助。打开界面输入 logparser 结果如下:

    如果IIS 没有启动Log功能(默认安装情况下不启用),建议先启用。

    在服务器上输入 INETMGR 打开 Internet Infomation Services (IIS) Manager ,打开IIS上的Logging

    IIS日志默认情况下是没有记录Bytes Sent和Bytes Received两个字段的,建议勾选。从Directory: 就知道IIS日志存放的路径。

    如果访问量很大,IIS Log文件会很大,打开麻烦,可以考虑每个日志文件达到多大的时候生成一个新文件来记录IIS 日志。

    将 IIS Log拿到后就可以用Log Parser对它进行分析了,我这里查看一个文件所有记录,以另外一种格式来看看。首先截图原文是啥样的,不是很好阅读。


    logparser "select * from D:u_ex190322.log" -o:datagrid


    默认只展示10行,可以点击下面的【All rows】按钮。列太多,我选一些列来看看。

    logparser "select date,time,c-ip,cs-method,cs-uri-stem,cs-uri-query,sc-status,sc-bytes,cs-bytes,time-taken from D:u_ex190322.log" -o:datagrid



    列标题 含义 说明
    date 请求发生的日期 UTC 0时区日期
    time 请求发生的时间 UTC 0时区时间
    c-ip Client IP Address 请求发起的客户端IP
    cs-uri-stem URI Stem


    This field MUST specify the URL actually used by the client. Any query strings MUST be excluded from the URL. (This means that the value of the cs-uri-stem field is equal to the URL actually used by the client, truncated at the first "?" character.)

    我简单理解就是访问的网址 ? 符号的前面部分

    cs-uri-query URI Query


    The Query property contains any query information included in the URI. Query information is separated from the path information by a question mark (?) and continues to the end of the URI. The query information returned includes the leading question mark.

    我简单理解就是访问的网址 ? 符号的后面部分

    sc-status Protocal Status 对于HTTP请求来讲就是返回的HTTP status code
    cs-method Method 对于HTTP请求来讲就是请求的动作把,比如GET,POST,DELETE,PUT等
    sc-byte Bytes Sent 就是服务器端给客户端发送内容的大小,以字节为单位
    cs-byte Bytes Received 就是客户端给服务器端发送内容的大小,以字节为单位
    time-taken Time Taken


    The time-taken field measures the length of time that it takes for a request to be processed. The client-request time stamp is initialized when HTTP.sys receives the first byte of the request. HTTP.sys is the kernel-mode component that is responsible for HTTP logging for IIS activity. The client-request time stamp is initialized before HTTP.sys begins parsing the request. The client-request time stamp is stopped when the last IIS response send completion occurs. 

    Beginning in IIS 6.0, the time-taken field typically includes network time.

    Note The value in the time-taken field does not include network time if one of the following conditions is true:

    • The response size is less than or equal to 2 KB, and the response size is from memory.
    • TCP buffering is used. Applications that use HTTPAPI.dll can set the HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_BUFFER_DATA flag to enable TCP buffering on Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 and later. This allows the server to send all of the response data to the client without having to wait for the client’s corresponding acknowledgements.



    logparser "select count(*) from D:u_ex190322.log where time-taken >=10000"


    logparser "select date,time,c-ip,cs-method,cs-uri-stem,cs-uri-query,sc-status,sc-bytes,cs-bytes,time-taken from D:u_ex190322.log where time-taken >=10000" -o:datagrid

    在打开的新窗口中是可以显示所有符合条件记录(使用【All rows】按钮),然后用 Ctrl + A 全选,Ctrl + C 复制,可以直接粘贴到Excel中。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/luoyong0201/p/Dynamics_365_Log_Parser.html
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