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  • Salesforce Aura开发 Component表单初解



    标签       API         数据类型        
     票价  Number__c  数字(16,2)
     是否上映  Flag__c  复选框



     1 <aura:component Controller="MyTestMovieController">
     2     <aura:attribute name="movieList" type="Movie__c[]"/>
     3     <aura:attribute name="movie" type="Movie__c" 
     4                     default="{'sobjectType':'Movie__c',
     5                              'Name':'',
     6                              'Director__c':'',
     7                              'ToStar__c':'',
     8                              'ShowTime__c':'',
     9                              'Number__c':0,
    10                              'Flag__c':false}"/>    
    11     <!-- 表头 -->
    12      <lightning:layout class="slds-page-header slds-page-header--object-home">
    13         <lightning:layoutItem >
    14             <lightning:icon iconName="standard:scan_card" alternativeText="新电影"/>
    15         </lightning:layoutItem>
    16         <lightning:layoutItem padding="horizontal-small">
    17             <div class="page-section page-header">
    18                 <h1 class="slds-text-heading--label">电影</h1>
    19                 <h1 class="slds-text-heading--medium">新电影</h1>
    20             </div>
    21         </lightning:layoutItem>
    22     </lightning:layout>
    23     <!-- 电影字段列表    -->
    24     <lightning:layout >
    25         <lightning:layoutItem padding="around-small" size="6">
    26             <div aria-labelledby="newMovieForm">
    27                 <fieldset class="slds-box slds-theme--default slds-container--small">
    28                     <legend id="newMovieForm" class="slds-text-heading--small slds-p-vertical--medium">
    29                         新建电影
    30                     </legend>
    31                     <form class="slds-form--stacked">
    32                         <lightning:input aura:id="MovieForm" label="名称"
    33                                          name="movieName"
    34                                          value="{!v.movie.Name}"
    35                                          required="true"/>                        
    36                         <lightning:input aura:id="MovieForm" label="导演"
    37                                          name="movieDirector"
    38                                          value="{!v.movie.Director__c}"
    39                                          placeholder="请输入导演名称"/>
    40                          <lightning:input aura:id="MovieForm" label="主演"
    41                                          name="movieToStar"
    42                                          value="{!v.movie.ToStar__c}"
    43                                          placeholder="请输入主演名称"/>       
    44                         <lightning:input type="number" aura:id="MovieForm" label="票价"
    45                                          name="movieNumber"
    46                                          formatter="currency"
    47                                          min="1"
    48                                          step="0.5"
    49                                          value="{!v.movie.Number__c}"
    50                                          messageWhenRangeUnderflow="票价最低1元"/>                        
    51                         <lightning:input type="date" aura:id="MovieForm" label="上映时间"
    52                                          name="movieShowTime"
    53                                          value="{!v.movie.ShowTime__c}"/>                        
    54                         <lightning:input type="checkbox" aura:id="MovieForm" label="是否上映"
    55                                          name="movieFlag"
    56                                          checked="{!v.movie.Flag__c}"/>
    57                         <lightning:button label="加入电影列表"
    58                                           class="slds-m-top--medium"
    59                                           variant="brand"
    60                                           onclick="{!c.AddToList}"/>
    61                     </form>
    62                 </fieldset>
    63             </div>           
    64         </lightning:layoutItem>
    65     </lightning:layout>
    66 </aura:component>

    将该组件放在 My_Test.app中并预览



     1 ({
     2     AddToList : function(component, event, helper) {
     3         //系统提供的校验错误信息的标准方法可校验必填项以及最小值等等
     4         var validExpense = component.find('MovieForm').reduce(function (validSoFar, inputCmp) {
     5             // 显示填写错误的字段消息
     6             inputCmp.showHelpMessageIfInvalid();
     7             return validSoFar && inputCmp.get('v.validity').valid;
     8         }, true);
     9          // 通过字段校验后继续创建的逻辑
    10         if(validExpense){
    11             // 创建一条记录
    12             var movie = component.get("v.movie");
    13             console.log("传入的电影信息: " + JSON.stringify(movie));
    14             helper.createMovie(component, movie);
    15             //将表单重置
    16              component.set("v.movie",{'sobjectType':'Movie__c',
    17                              'Name':'',
    18                              'Director__c':'',
    19                              'ToStar__c':'',
    20                              'ShowTime__c':'',
    21                              'Number__c':0,
    22                              'Flag__c':false});
    23         }
    24     }
    25 })



        createMovie : function(component, movie) {
            var action = component.get("c.saveMovie");
                "movie": movie
            action.setCallback(this, function(response){
                var state = response.getState();
                if (state === "SUCCESS") {
                    var movieList = component.get("v.movieList");
                    component.set("v.movieList", movie);
            var movie = component.get("v.movie");        



     1 /*********
     2      *  Author:ricardo
     3      *  Time:2018-03-21
     4      *  Function:MyTest_Movie 后台控制类
     5      *  Test:
     6      */
     7 public class MyTestMovieController{
     8     //初始化
     9     @AuraEnabled
    10     public static List<Movie__c> GetAll(){
    11         List<Movie__c> movieList = new List<Movie__c>();
    12         movieList = [select ShowTime__c,ToStar__c,Theme__c,Director__c,Name from Movie__c limit 50];
    13         return movieList;
    14     }
    15     //创建记录
    16     @AuraEnabled
    17     public static Movie__c saveMovie(Movie__c movie) {
    18         // Perform isUpdatable() checking first, then
    19         upsert movie;
    20         return movie;
    21     }
    22 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/luqinghua/p/9072970.html
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