测试环境19.10 RAC linux,根据种子库复制新建了一个PDB,结果发现处于受限模式???
PDB does not come out of Restricted Mode due to ORA-959 in PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS (Doc ID 2167662.1) SYMPTOMS After a PDB is created, it is in restricted mode due to errors in pdb_plug_in_violations like these: Sync PDB failed with ORA-959 during 'CREATE USER <user> IDENTIFIED BY VALUES * DEFAULT TABLESPACE <tablespace>
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <temp_tablespace> . . . container = all' The user is a common user. CHANGES The new PDB was created from the PDB$SEED, which did not contain the common user's default tablespace. CAUSE This issue is caused by unpublished Bug 23572982 - SYNC PDB FAILED WITH ORA-959 DURING 'CREATE USER. SOLUTION The following solutions are available to fix unpublished Bug 23572982: Upgrade to and apply the Database RU (or Windows bundle patch if running
on Microsoft Windows). Apply (Jul 2017) Database Proactive Bundle Patch (for engineered systems and Database In-Memory) Apply interim Patch 23572982 for for your OS. Workaround (do either of the following): 1. Create a PDB that will be used as a "template" PDB for all others. Add the common user's default tablespace to
it. Clone/copy future PDBs from the "template" PDB rather than from the PDB$SEED, since the PDB$SEED doesn't have the
needed tablespace. 2. Bounce the CDB, which causes a re-sync and resolves the pending ORA-959 in the pdb_plug_in_violations.
1.MOS文档阅读说明,这个问题的原因就是Oracle自己的种子库,本身就缺少了Users表空间,因此你使用这个种子库作为模板复制新的pdb,肯定是少了users的! 2.那么如何处理这个问题呢? MOS的建议不太友好,它说让咱们新建一个PDB,然后手工加上缺少的表空间,后续新建pdb已自己刚刚新建的pdb作为模板,
抛弃系统的种子库模板pdb,这样以后就不会遇到这个问题了; 3.如何解决受限模式,Bounce the Cdb,关闭pdb,重新打开会自动应用! 4.Mos文档说12.2有补丁打完就好,结果实际19.10都还能遇到!!! 实际处理方法: alter session set container=xx; 手工create tablespace users datafile '+xx' size 10g; shutdown immediate; alter database open; 另一个节点需要提前down,后续open.
SQL>select * from pdb_plug_in_violations;
这个视图显示PDB与CDB不兼容的信息! 对于其它PDB OK,单独PDB不正常,说明DB整体打补丁是OK的,可以检查这个视图!
displays information about incompatibilities between a PDB and the CDB to which it belongs.
确认是ORA-959,这个就是表空间不存在,确认种子库以及新建PDB均缺少USERS or 报错中涉及的表空间就可以确认是这个问题了!