- New College Dataset :: Main / Downloads
- Autonomous Space Robotics Lab: Devon Island Rover Navigation Dataset
- Radish
- Robotic 3D Scan Repository
- The Rawseeds Project
- www.semantic3d.net
- laserregistration:laserregistration – ASL Datasets
- Computer Vision Group - Dataset Download
- The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
- The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
- Datasets « Nathan Silberman
- Freiburg Campus 360 degree 3D scans - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome Intelligente Systeme
- Oakland 3-D Point Cloud Dataset - CVPR 2009 subset
- The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository
- Andreas Geiger
- victoria_park
- www.possumrobot.com/Datasets/List_of_Datasets_1.htm
- Velodyne SLAM Dataset
- Cyrill Stachniss
- SLAM Benchmarking Datasets
- Arbeitsbereich Technische Aspekte Multimodaler Systeme
- Barcelona Robot Lab Dataset
- Datasets - Kevin Lai
- Turkish Citizenship Database
- Oxford Robotcar Dataset
- Data
- Paris-rue-Madame database - MINES ParisTech
- Point Cloud Data
- ICL-NUIM RGB-D Benchmark Dataset
- Dense multi-view stereo test images
- 3D Laser-based Mapping with Micro Aerial Vehicles
- MIDAS - Digital Archiving System - Public
- tutorials | rapidlasso GmbH
- Data | OpenTopography
- Data | OpenTopography
- ISPRS Benchmark Test on Urban Object Detection and Reconstruction - ISPRS