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  • [Warning] deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' 原因


    char *ss = "2cc5";
    会提示说[Warning] deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' 。


    Why? Well, C and C++ differ in the type of the string literal. In C the type is array of char and in C++ it is constant array of char. In any case, you are not allowed to change the characters of the string literal, so the const in C++ is not really a restriction but more of a type safety thing. A conversion from const char* to char* is generally not possible without an explicit cast for safety reasons. But for backwards compatibility with C the language C++ still allows assigning a string literal to a char* and gives you a warning about this conversion being deprecated.


    ss[0] = 'H';

    我试了下用这句代码修改ss数组某一位,编译可以通过,但是运行会崩溃,因为ss[0]指向const string的第一个元素,而任意试图对const string进行修改的操作都是错误的。

    但是,如果重新赋值一个const string给ss,确是可以的:

    ss = "Hello";

    因为这样就相当于新建了一个"Hello"的const string,然后把它的地址复制给ss,也就相当于ss这个指针指向的内存发生了变化而已,并非试图修改原来"2cc5"的const string.


    const char *ss = "2cc5";

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lvlang/p/10586370.html
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