1 import sys, os 2 os.system(sys.argv[])
这个例子os.system接受命令行参数,运行参数指令,保存为,命令行带参数运行 notepad,将打开记事本程序。
1 import sys 2 def readfile(filename): 3 ''' Print a file to the standard output. ''' 4 f = file(filename) 5 while True: 6 line = f.readline() 7 if len(line) == 0: 8 break 9 print line 10 f.close() 11 12 #Script starts from here 13 if len(sys.argv) < 2: 14 print ' NO action specified.' 15 sys.exit() 16 17 if sys.argv[1].startwith('--'): 18 option = sys.argv[1][2:] 19 if option == 'version': 20 print ' version 1.2 ' 21 elif option == 'help': 22 print '''This program prints files to the standard output. 23 Any number of files can be specified. 24 Options include: 25 --version : Prints the version number 26 --help : Display this help''' 27 else: 28 print 'Unknow option.' 29 else: 30 for filename in sys.argv[1:]: 31 readfile(filename)
1)命令行带参数运行 --version 输出结果为:version 1.2
2)命令行带参数运行 --help 输出结果为:This program prints files……
3)与sample.py同一目录下,新建a.txt的记事本文件,内容为:test argv;
命令行带参数运行 a.txt,输出结果为a.txt文件内容:test argv,