DECODE(value, if1, then1, if2, then2, if3, then3,...ifn, thenn, else)
1. 与sign函数联用比较大小:
select decode(sign(arg1-arg2),-1, arg1, arg2) from dual; --get arg1与arg2的较小值 select decode(sign(3-5),1 ,3, 5) from dual
2. 表、视图结构转化:
基本思路:使用substrb函数实现对字段的判断,然后用decode函数对数据进行重新计算,并生成新的数据和构成新的表(table or view)。
SELECT <myColumnSpec> = CASE WHEN <A> THEN <somethingA> WHEN <B> THEN <somethingB> ELSE <somethingE> END
除了可以在select 中使用CASE 外,where 子句,group by 子句,order by 子句都可以使用
SELECT CASE WHEN price IS NULL THEN 'Unpriced' WHEN price < 10 THEN 'Bargain' WHEN price BETWEEN 10 and 20 THEN 'Average' ELSE 'Gift to impress relatives' END AS "Range", Title FROM titles where CASE WHEN price IS NULL THEN 'Unpriced' WHEN price < 10 THEN 'Bargain' WHEN price BETWEEN 10 and 20 THEN 'Average' ELSE 'Gift to impress relatives' END in('Average','Bargain') GROUP BY CASE WHEN price IS NULL THEN 'Unpriced' WHEN price < 10 THEN 'Bargain' WHEN price BETWEEN 10 and 20 THEN 'Average' ELSE 'Gift to impress relatives' END, Title ORDER BY CASE WHEN price IS NULL THEN 'Unpriced' WHEN price < 10 THEN 'Bargain' WHEN price BETWEEN 10 and 20 THEN 'Average' ELSE 'Gift to impress relatives' END,Title
rm_site_master 表结构:
rma_center | name
123 |qw
23 |ASde
45 |sssdf
55 |e3fbg
55555 |adfv
22221 |sdfsfe
4 |sdfeg
579 |lojgdex
select name, CASE WHEN rma_center IS NULL THEN 'Null' WHEN rma_center > 1000 THEN '>1000' WHEN rma_center BETWEEN 30 and 100 THEN '30~100' ELSE 'Gift to impress relatives' END AS "RMA CENTER Type" from rm_site_master where CASE WHEN rma_center IS NULL THEN 'Null' WHEN rma_center > 1000 THEN '>1000' WHEN rma_center BETWEEN 30 and 100 THEN '30~100' ELSE 'Gift to impress relatives' END in('30~100','>1000') group by CASE WHEN rma_center IS NULL THEN 'Null' WHEN rma_center > 1000 THEN '>1000' WHEN rma_center BETWEEN 30 and 100 THEN '30~100' ELSE 'Gift to impress relatives' END, name order by CASE WHEN rma_center IS NULL THEN 'Null' WHEN rma_center > 1000 THEN '>1000' WHEN rma_center BETWEEN 30 and 100 THEN '30~100' ELSE 'Gift to impress relatives' END, name
1,DECODE Oracle 特有;
2,CASE WHEN Oracle , SQL Server, MySQL 都可用;
3,DECODE 只能用做相等判断,但是可以配合sign函数进行大于,小于,等于的判断,CASE 可用于=,>=,<,<=,<>,is null,is not null 等的判断;
4,DECODE 使用其来比较简洁,CASE 虽然复杂但更为灵活;