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  • Docker常用命令


    docker version              # 显示docker的版本信息   
    docker info                 # 显示docker的系统信息,包括镜像和容器数量
    docker [command] --help     # 万能命令



    1. docker images:查看所有本地的主机上的镜像
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:/etc/docker$ sudo docker images
    REPOSITORY    TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
    hello-world   latest    bf756fb1ae65   12 months ago   13.3kB
    # 解释
    REPOSITORY  # 镜像的仓库源
    TAG         # 镜像的标签
    IMAGE ID    # 镜像的id
    CREATED     # 镜像创建时间
    SIZE        # 镜像大小
    # 可选项
      -a, --all             Show all images (default hides intermediate images)
          --digests         Show digests
      -f, --filter filter   Filter output based on conditions provided
          --format string   Pretty-print images using a Go template
          --no-trunc        Don't truncate output
      -q, --quiet           Only show image IDs
    1. docker search:搜索镜像
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:/etc/docker$ sudo docker search mysql
    NAME                              DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
    mysql                             MySQL is a widely used, open-source relation…   10339     [OK]       
    mariadb                           MariaDB is a community-developed fork of MyS…   3832      [OK]
    ## 解释
    Usage:  docker search [OPTIONS] TERM
    Search the Docker Hub for images
      -f, --filter filter   Filter output based on conditions provided
          --format string   Pretty-print search using a Go template
          --limit int       Max number of search results (default 25)
          --no-trunc        Don't truncate output
    # 可选项,通过收藏来过滤
    --filter=STARS=3000 搜索STARS > 3000 以上的
    1. docker pull :下载镜像


    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:/etc/docker$ docker pull --help
    Usage:  docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]
    Pull an image or a repository from a registry
      -a, --all-tags                Download all tagged images in the repository
          --disable-content-trust   Skip image verification (default true)
          --platform string         Set platform if server is multi-platform capable
      -q, --quiet                   Suppress verbose output


    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:/etc/docker$ docker pull mysql
    Using default tag: latest # 默认下载最新的,可以指定版本
    Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/images/create?fromImage=mysql&tag=latest: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:/etc/docker$ sudo docker pull mysql
    Using default tag: latest
    latest: Pulling from library/mysql
    6ec7b7d162b2: Pull complete  # 分层下载,docker image的和兴,联合文件系统,如果有共用的,就不会重新下载
    fedd960d3481: Pull complete 
    7ab947313861: Pull complete 
    64f92f19e638: Pull complete 
    3e80b17bff96: Pull complete 
    014e976799f9: Pull complete 
    59ae84fee1b3: Pull complete 
    ffe10de703ea: Pull complete 
    657af6d90c83: Pull complete 
    98bfb480322c: Pull complete 
    6aa3859c4789: Pull complete 
    1ed875d851ef: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:78800e6d3f1b230e35275145e657b82c3fb02a27b2d8e76aac2f5e90c1c30873 # 签名
    Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:latest # 真实地址
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:/etc/docker$ sudo docker pull mysql:5.7 # 带版本号
    5.7: Pulling from library/mysql
    6ec7b7d162b2: Already exists # 已经下载过,就不会再下载了,联合文件系统
    fedd960d3481: Already exists 
    7ab947313861: Already exists 
    64f92f19e638: Already exists 
    3e80b17bff96: Already exists 
    014e976799f9: Already exists 
    59ae84fee1b3: Already exists 
    7d1da2a18e2e: Pull complete 
    301a28b700b9: Pull complete 
    529dc8dbeaf3: Pull complete 
    bc9d021dc13f: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:c3a567d3e3ad8b05dfce401ed08f0f6bf3f3b64cc17694979d5f2e5d78e10173
    Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:5.7
    1. docker rmi:删除镜像
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:/etc/docker$ docker rmi --help 
    Usage:  docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]
    Remove one or more images
      -f, --force      Force removal of the image
          --no-prune   Do not delete untagged parents

    docker rmi -f [IMAGE ID]:删除指定镜像
    docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq):删除所有镜像(符合命令)



    sudo docker pull centos
    1. 新建容器并启动
    docker run [可选参数] image
    # 参数说明
    --name = 'Name' 容器名字 tomcat01 tomcat02, 用来区分容器
    -d              后台方式运行
    -it             使用交互方式运行,进入容器查看内容
    -p              指定容器的端口 -p 8080:8080 # 主机映射
        -p ip:主机端口:容器端口
        -p 主机端口:容器端口(常用)
        -p 容器端口
    -P              随机指定端口
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ sudo docker run -it centos /bin/bash  # 启动centos容器,并进入容器
    [root@18c49e246aae /]# 
    [root@18c49e246aae /]# ls   # 查看容器内的centos,基础版本,很多命令都不全
    bin  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  lost+found  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
    [root@18c49e246aae /]# exit
    1. 列出所有的运行的容器: docker ps
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ sudo docker ps --help
    Usage:  docker ps [OPTIONS]
    List containers
      -a, --all             Show all containers (default shows just running)    # 列出当前正在运行的容器+带出历史运行过的容器
      -f, --filter filter   Filter output based on conditions provided
          --format string   Pretty-print containers using a Go template
      -n, --last int        Show n last created containers (includes all states) (default -1) # 显示最近创建?个的容器 -n=?
      -l, --latest          Show the latest created container (includes all states)
          --no-trunc        Don't truncate output
      -q, --quiet           Only display container IDs  # 只显示容器的编号
      -s, --size            Display total file sizes
    1. 退出容器
    exit #直接容器体质并退出
    Ctrl + P + Q # 容器不停止退出
    1. 删除容器
    docker rm [容器id]                  #删除指定的容器,不能删除正在运行的容器,如果要强制删除 rm -f
    docker rm -f $(docker ps -eq)       #删除所有容器
    docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm   # 删除所有容器
    1. 启动和停止容器的操作
    docker start 容器id     # 启动容器
    docker restart 容器id   # 重启容器
    docker stop 容器id      # 停止当前正在运行的容器
    dockerkill 容器id       # 强行杀掉容器


    1. 后台启动容器
    # 通过镜像后台启动容器
    docker run -d [镜像名]
    ## 但是docker ps,发现 centos停止了
    ## 常见的坑,docker 容器使用后台运行,就必须要有一个前台进程,docker发现没有应用,就会自动停止
    ## 例如nginx,容器启动后,发现自己没有提供服务,就会立刻停止,就是没有程序了
    1. 查看日志:docker logs
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ sudo docker logs --help
    Usage:  docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER
    Fetch the logs of a container
          --details        Show extra details provided to logs
      -f, --follow         Follow log output
          --since string   Show logs since timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)
      -n, --tail string    Number of lines to show from the end of the logs (default "all")
      -t, --timestamps     Show timestamps
          --until string   Show logs before a timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)


    sudo docker run -d centos /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo kuangshen; sleep 1; done" # 启动容器,并写shell脚本
    sudo docker logs -tf -n 10 ae92a16fcbd8 # 查看10条日志
    1. 查看容器中进程信息:docker top
    sudo docker top ae92a16fcbd8
    UID                 PID                 PPID                C                   STIME               TTY                 
    root                8408                8375                0                   10:20               ?                   
    root                9809                8408                0                   10:26               ?                   
    1. 查看镜像元数据
    sudo docker inspect --help
    Usage:  docker inspect [OPTIONS] NAME|ID [NAME|ID...]
    Return low-level information on Docker objects
      -f, --format string   Format the output using the given Go template
      -s, --size            Display total file sizes if the type is container
          --type string     Return JSON for specified type


    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ sudo docker inspect ae92a16fcbd8
            "Id": "ae92a16fcbd849993c739b49eef7323551f84bea88f2edcbab1e1f76e0eaa907",
            "Created": "2021-01-07T02:20:04.460626428Z",
            "Path": "/bin/sh",
            "Args": [
                "while true; do echo kuangshen; sleep 1; done"
            "State": {
                "Status": "running",
                "Running": true,
                "Paused": false,
                "Restarting": false,
                "OOMKilled": false,
                "Dead": false,
                "Pid": 8408,
                "ExitCode": 0,
                "Error": "",
                "StartedAt": "2021-01-07T02:20:04.852612913Z",
                "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "Image": "sha256:300e315adb2f96afe5f0b2780b87f28ae95231fe3bdd1e16b9ba606307728f55",
            "ResolvConfPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/ae92a16fcbd849993c739b49eef7323551f84bea88f2edcbab1e1f76e0eaa907/resolv.conf",
            "HostnamePath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/ae92a16fcbd849993c739b49eef7323551f84bea88f2edcbab1e1f76e0eaa907/hostname",
            "HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/ae92a16fcbd849993c739b49eef7323551f84bea88f2edcbab1e1f76e0eaa907/hosts",
            "LogPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/ae92a16fcbd849993c739b49eef7323551f84bea88f2edcbab1e1f76e0eaa907/ae92a16fcbd849993c739b49eef7323551f84bea88f2edcbab1e1f76e0eaa907-json.log",
            "Name": "/charming_beaver",
            "RestartCount": 0,
            "Driver": "overlay2",
            "Platform": "linux",
            "MountLabel": "",
            "ProcessLabel": "",
            "AppArmorProfile": "docker-default",
            "ExecIDs": null,
            "HostConfig": {
                "Binds": null,
                "ContainerIDFile": "",
                "LogConfig": {
                    "Type": "json-file",
                    "Config": {}
                "NetworkMode": "default",
                "PortBindings": {},
                "RestartPolicy": {
                    "Name": "no",
                    "MaximumRetryCount": 0
                "AutoRemove": false,
                "VolumeDriver": "",
                "VolumesFrom": null,
                "CapAdd": null,
                "CapDrop": null,
                "CgroupnsMode": "host",
                "Dns": [],
                "DnsOptions": [],
                "DnsSearch": [],
                "ExtraHosts": null,
                "GroupAdd": null,
                "IpcMode": "private",
                "Cgroup": "",
                "Links": null,
                "OomScoreAdj": 0,
                "PidMode": "",
                "Privileged": false,
                "PublishAllPorts": false,
                "ReadonlyRootfs": false,
                "SecurityOpt": null,
                "UTSMode": "",
                "UsernsMode": "",
                "ShmSize": 67108864,
                "Runtime": "runc",
                "ConsoleSize": [
                "Isolation": "",
                "CpuShares": 0,
                "Memory": 0,
                "NanoCpus": 0,
                "CgroupParent": "",
                "BlkioWeight": 0,
                "BlkioWeightDevice": [],
                "BlkioDeviceReadBps": null,
                "BlkioDeviceWriteBps": null,
                "BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null,
                "BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null,
                "CpuPeriod": 0,
                "CpuQuota": 0,
                "CpuRealtimePeriod": 0,
                "CpuRealtimeRuntime": 0,
                "CpusetCpus": "",
                "CpusetMems": "",
                "Devices": [],
                "DeviceCgroupRules": null,
                "DeviceRequests": null,
                "KernelMemory": 0,
                "KernelMemoryTCP": 0,
                "MemoryReservation": 0,
                "MemorySwap": 0,
                "MemorySwappiness": null,
                "OomKillDisable": false,
                "PidsLimit": null,
                "Ulimits": null,
                "CpuCount": 0,
                "CpuPercent": 0,
                "IOMaximumIOps": 0,
                "IOMaximumBandwidth": 0,
                "MaskedPaths": [
                "ReadonlyPaths": [
            "GraphDriver": {
                "Data": {
                    "LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3faac96cb012a937e367442152d244219d96785315ff4d8b43a7dfd2492432a3-init/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/995eef35515c769ade1ece476c7f0bb5de825b349dde13a1660cbcd003a1b256/diff",
                    "MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3faac96cb012a937e367442152d244219d96785315ff4d8b43a7dfd2492432a3/merged",
                    "UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3faac96cb012a937e367442152d244219d96785315ff4d8b43a7dfd2492432a3/diff",
                    "WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3faac96cb012a937e367442152d244219d96785315ff4d8b43a7dfd2492432a3/work"
                "Name": "overlay2"
            "Mounts": [],
            "Config": {
                "Hostname": "ae92a16fcbd8",
                "Domainname": "",
                "User": "",
                "AttachStdin": false,
                "AttachStdout": false,
                "AttachStderr": false,
                "Tty": false,
                "OpenStdin": false,
                "StdinOnce": false,
                "Env": [
                "Cmd": [
                    "while true; do echo kuangshen; sleep 1; done"
                "Image": "centos",
                "Volumes": null,
                "WorkingDir": "",
                "Entrypoint": null,
                "OnBuild": null,
                "Labels": {
                    "org.label-schema.build-date": "20201204",
                    "org.label-schema.license": "GPLv2",
                    "org.label-schema.name": "CentOS Base Image",
                    "org.label-schema.schema-version": "1.0",
                    "org.label-schema.vendor": "CentOS"
            "NetworkSettings": {
                "Bridge": "",
                "SandboxID": "06569ae10ed8e3b4a39d9cadd11d8a1066df344b7a497d3b904ff7647fdd85f5",
                "HairpinMode": false,
                "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
                "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
                "Ports": {},
                "SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/06569ae10ed8",
                "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
                "SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,
                "EndpointID": "c9567b07caa683741109eced165e4a96ebb53e949cfeaca590453564cd4cc66b",
                "Gateway": "",
                "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
                "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
                "IPAddress": "",
                "IPPrefixLen": 16,
                "IPv6Gateway": "",
                "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:12:00:02",
                "Networks": {
                    "bridge": {
                        "IPAMConfig": null,
                        "Links": null,
                        "Aliases": null,
                        "NetworkID": "135647e4cf2e19a323d9e38563f8e512f30519995d5dcbb616824c566fda2430",
                        "EndpointID": "c9567b07caa683741109eced165e4a96ebb53e949cfeaca590453564cd4cc66b",
                        "Gateway": "",
                        "IPAddress": "",
                        "IPPrefixLen": 16,
                        "IPv6Gateway": "",
                        "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
                        "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
                        "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:12:00:02",
                        "DriverOpts": null
    1. 进入当前正在运行的容器
    docker exec -it [容器di] bashshell
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ clear
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ sudo docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE     COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
    ae92a16fcbd8   centos    "/bin/sh -c 'while t…"   13 minutes ago   Up 13 minutes             charming_beaver
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ sudo docker exec -it ae92a16fcbd8 /bin/bash
    [root@ae92a16fcbd8 /]# ls
    bin  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  lost+found  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
    [root@ae92a16fcbd8 /]# ps -ef
    UID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
    root         1     0  0 02:20 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh -c while true; do echo kuangshen; sleep 1; done
    root       858     0  0 02:34 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/bash
    root       877     1  0 02:34 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/coreutils --coreutils-prog-shebang=sleep /usr/bin/sleep 1
    root       878   858  0 02:34 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef
    docker attach [容器id]
    ## 详情
    sudo docker attach --help
    Usage:  docker attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINER
    Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
          --detach-keys string   Override the key sequence for detaching a container
          --no-stdin             Do not attach STDIN
          --sig-proxy            Proxy all received signals to the process (default true)
    ## 测试
    sudo docker attach ae92a16fcbd8
    # 两种命令的区别
    ## docker exec: 进入容器后,开启一个行的终端,可以在里面操作(常用)
    ## docker attach: 进入容器正在执行的终端,不会启动新的终端
    1. 从容器内拷贝文件到主机上
    # 命令
    docker cp 容器id:容器内路径 目的地主机路径
    # 测试
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ sudo docker run -it  centos /bin/bash
    [root@f63e106f76d2 /]# cd /home
    [root@f63e106f76d2 home]# touch test.go
    [root@f63e106f76d2 home]# ls
    [root@f63e106f76d2 home]# exit
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ sudo docker ps
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ sudo docker ps -a
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE     COMMAND       CREATED         STATUS                      PORTS     NAMES
    f63e106f76d2   centos    "/bin/bash"   3 minutes ago   Exited (0) 13 seconds ago             competent_thompson
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ sudo docker cp f63e106f76d2:/home/test.go /home
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~$ cd /home/
    ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:/home$ ls
    test.go  ubuntu
    # 拷贝是一个手动过程,未来我们通过 -v 数据卷的形式,将主机和容器打通



    attach      Attach to a running container # 当前 shell 下 attach 连接指定运行镜像
    build       Build an image from a Dockerfile # 通过 Dockerfile 定制镜像
    commit      Create a new image from a container changes # 提交当前容器为新的镜像
    cp          Copy files/folders from the containers filesystem to the host path #从容器中拷贝指定文件或者目录到宿主机中
    create      Create a new container # 创建一个新的容器,同 run,但不启动容器
    diff        Inspect changes on a containers filesystem # 查看 docker 容器变化
    events      Get real time events from the server # 从 docker 服务获取容器实时事件
    exec        Run a command in an existing container # 在已存在的容器上运行命令
    export      Stream the contents of a container as a tar archive # 导出容器的内容流作为一个 tar 归档文件[对应 import ]
    history     Show the history of an image # 展示一个镜像形成历史
    images      List images # 列出系统当前镜像
    import      Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball # 从tar包中的内容创建一个新的文件系统映像[对应export]
    info        Display system-wide information # 显示系统相关信息
    inspect     Return low-level information on a container # 查看容器详细信息
    kill        Kill a running container # kill 指定 docker 容器
    load        Load an image from a tar archive # 从一个 tar 包中加载一个镜像[对应 save]
    login       Register or Login to the docker registry server # 注册或者登陆一个 docker 源服务器
    logout      Log out from a Docker registry server # 从当前 Docker registry 退出
    logs        Fetch the logs of a container # 输出当前容器日志信息
    port        Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT # 查看映射端口对应的容器内部源端口
    pause       Pause all processes within a container # 暂停容器
    ps          List containers # 列出容器列表
    pull        Pull an image or a repository from the docker registry server # 从docker镜像源服务器拉取指定镜像或者库镜像
    push        Push an image or a repository to the docker registry server # 推送指定镜像或者库镜像至docker源服务器
    restart     Restart a running container # 重启运行的容器
    rm          Remove one or more containers # 移除一个或者多个容器
    rmi         Remove one or more images # 移除一个或多个镜像[无容器使用该镜像才可删除,否则需删除相关容器才可继续或 -f 强制删除]
    run         Run a command in a new container # 创建一个新的容器并运行一个命令
    save        Save an image to a tar archive # 保存一个镜像为一个 tar 包[对应 load]
    search      Search for an image on the Docker Hub # 在 docker hub 中搜索镜像
    start       Start a stopped containers # 启动容器
    stop        Stop a running containers # 停止容器
    tag         Tag an image into a repository # 给源中镜像打标签
    top         Lookup the running processes of a container # 查看容器中运行的进程信息
    unpause     Unpause a paused container # 取消暂停容器
    version     Show the docker version information # 查看 docker 版本号
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lxlhelloworld/p/14286454.html
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