1.概述(about Spring Web Folw)
- Spring Web Flow是spring社区一个子project
- Spring Web Flow builds on Spring MVC
- Spring Web Flow的特色功能是:它实现了web apllication的“流”。类似于业务流程引擎(Activiti)的功能,将一系列的业务处理阶段封装成一个工作流,引导系统的使用者(也即用户)顺着封装好的“工作流”一步步完成每个阶段的任务(task),最终到达工作流程的尾部,整个流程结束。A flow spans【跨越】 multiple HTTP requests, has state【拥有状态】, deals with transactional data【处理事务数据】, is reusable【是可重用的】, and may be dynamic【动态的】 and long-running in nature..
- Spring Web Flow的应用场景
- Spring Web Flow适用于开发拥有如下特征的web application:
- There is a clear start and an end point.
- The user must go through a set of screens in a specific order【特定的顺序】.
- The changes are not finalized until the last step.
- Once complete it shouldn't be possible to repeat a transaction accidentally
- 一些实际应用场景(Spring Web Flow的应用实例)
- checking in for a flight,
- applying for a loan,
- shopping cart checkout,
- adding a confirmation step to a form.
- Spring Web Flow适用于开发拥有如下特征的web application: