import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(n) #设置递归深度n
print(sys.getrecursionlimit()) #获取默认递归深度
def s(val,left,right): if left < right: mid = par(val,left,right) s(val,left,mid-1) s(val,mid+1,right) def par(val,left,right): tmp = val[left] while left < right: while left < right and tmp <= val[right]: right -= 1 val[left] = val[right] while left < right and tmp >= val[left]: left += 1 val[right] = val[left] val[left] = tmp return left def sort(val): s(val,0,len(lst)-1) lst = [6,5,4,1,3,2] sort(lst) print(lst)
def qSort(lst): quickSort(lst,0,len(lst)-1) def quickSort(lst,first,last): if first<last: splitpoint = partition(lst,first,last) quickSort(lst,first,splitpoint-1) quickSort(lst,splitpoint+1,last) def partition(lst,first,last): pivotvalue = lst[first] left = first+1 right = last done = False while not done: while left <= right and lst[left] <= pivotvalue: left = left + 1 while left <= right and lst[right] >= pivotvalue: right = right -1 if left > right: done = True else: temp = lst[left] lst[left] = lst[right] lst[right] = temp temp = lst[first] lst[first] = lst[right] lst[right] = temp return right lst = [54,26,93,17,77,31,44,55,20] qSort(lst) print(lst)
def q(val): if len(val) <= 1: return val base = val[0] left = [] right = [] for i in val[1:]: left.append(i) if i <= base else right.append(i) return q(left) + [base] + q(right)
def build_heap(val,curr,last): #curr为当前父节点索引,last最后一个叶节点索引 tmp = val[curr] j = 2*curr+1 while j <= last: if j < last and val[j] < val[j+1]: j += 1 if val[j] > tmp: val[curr] = val[j] curr = j j = 2 * curr + 1 else: break val[curr] = tmp def heap_sort(val): n = len(val) for i in range((n-2)//2,-1,-1): #注意此处,当前节点为 i ,其父节点为 (i-1)//2 或 (i+1)//2-1 build_heap(val,i,n-1) for i in range(n): val[0],val[n-1-i] = val[n-1-i],val[0] build_heap(val,0,n-2-i)