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  • No-sql之redis常用命令






    Redis is a data structure server. It is open-source, networked, 
    in-memory, and stores keys with optional durability. The 
    development of Redis has been sponsored by Redis Labs since June
    2015. Before that, it was sponsored by Pivotal Software and 
    by VMware. According to the monthly ranking by DB-Engines.com, 
    Redis is the most popular key-value database. Redis has also 
    been ranked the #1 NoSQL (and #4 database) in User Satisfaction
    and Market Presence based on user reviews, the most popular 
    NoSQL database in containers, and the #1 NoSQL among Top 50 
    Developer Tools & Services. The name Redis means REmote 
    DIctionary Server.





    help command


    select index(change the selected database for current connection,index从0开始的整数.)//重点掌握
    quit (close the connection)//重点掌握
    auth password(authenticate to the server)
    echo message(echo the given string)
    ping [message](ping the server,this command is often used to test if a connection is still alive,是一条测试连通性命令)//了解

    Server 命令

    info [section] (get information and statistics about the server)//重点掌握
    client list(get the list of client connections)//掌握
    dbsize (return the number of keys in the selected database)//掌握
    flushall (remove all keys form all databases)//掌握慎用
    flushdb (remove all key from the current database)//掌握慎用
    role (return the role of the instance in the context of replication)//掌握了解
    save (Synchronously save the dataset to disk)//掌握
    slaveof host port (make the server a slave of another instance,or promote it as master)//掌握了解
    bgrewriteaof(Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file)
    bgsave(Asynchronously save the database to disk)
    client setname(set the current connection name)
    client getname(get the current connection name)
    client pause timeout(stop processing commands from clients for some time)
    client reply on|off|skip(instruct the server whether to reply to commands)
    command (get array of Redis command details)
    command count (get total number of Redis commands)
    command getkeys (Extract keys given a fullRedis command)
    command info command-name[command-name...](get array of specifi Redis command details)
    config get parameter (get the value of a configuration parameter)
    config rewrite(rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration)
    config set parameter (set a configuration parameter to the give value)
    config resetstat (reset the stats returned by info)
    debug object key (get debugging information about a key)
    debug segfault (make the server crash)
    lastsave (get the unix timestamp of the last successful save to disk)
    monitor (listen for all requests received by server in real time)
    shutdown [nosave|save] (Synchronously save dataset to disk and then shut down the server)
    slowlog subcommand [argument] (manages the redis slow queres log)
    sync (internal command used for repliation)
    time (return the currect server time)

    keys 命令

    del key [key...] (delete a key or some keys)//重点掌握
    exists key [key ...] ( determine if a key exists)//重点掌握
    expire key seconds (set a key's time to live in seconds)//重点掌握
    persist key (remove the expiration form a key)//重点掌握
    randomkey (return a random key from the keyspace)//重点掌握
    rename key newkey (rename a key)//重点掌握
    keys pattern (find all keys matching the given pattern)//重点掌握
    ttl key (get the time to live for a key)//重点掌握
    type key (determine the type stored at key)//重点掌握
    expireat key timestatmp (set the expiration for a key as a unix timestatmp)//重点掌握
    sort key [by pattern][limit offset count] //TODO  待研究 (sort the elements in a list,set or sorted set)//重点掌握
    move key db (move a key to another database)//了解
    migreate //TODO 待理解和使用
    object subcommand [argument[argument...]] (inspect the internals of Redis objects)
    pexpire key milliseconds (set a key's time to live in milliseconds)
    pexpireat key milliseconds (set the expiration for a key as a unix time specified in milliseconds)
    ptll key (get the time to live for a key in milliseconds)
    renamenx key newkey (rename a key,only if the new key does not exist)
    restore key ttl serialized-value [replace] (create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using dum)
    wait numslaves timeout (wait for the Synchronous replication of all the write commands sent in the context of the current connection)
    scan cursor [match pattern] [count count] (incrementally iterate the keys space)
    dump key (return a serialized verison of the value stored at the specified eky)


    append key value (append a value to a key)//重点掌握
    set key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX] (set the string value of a key)
    setex key seconds vlaue (set the value and expiration of a key)//重点掌握
    setnx key value (set the value of a key ,only if the key does not exist)//重点掌握
    get key (get the value of a key)//重点掌握
    getset key value (set the string value of a key and return its old value)//掌握了解
    mset key value[key value ...] (set multiple keys to multiple values)//重点掌握
    msetnx key value [key value ...] (set multiple keys to multiple values,only if none of the keys exist)//重点掌握
    mget key[key ...] (get the values of all the given keys)//重点掌握
    strlen key (get the length of the value stored in a key)//重点掌握
    incr key (increment the integer value of a key by one)//重点掌握
    incr key increment (increment the integer value of a key by the given increment)//重点掌握
    decr key (decrement the integer value of a key by one)//重点掌握
    decrby key decrement (decrement the integer value of a key by the given decrement)//重点掌握
    getrange key start end (get a sbustring of the string stored at a key)
    setrange key offset value (overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset)
    incrbyfloat key increment (increment the float value of a key by the given increment)
    psetex key milliseconds value (set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key)



    hset key field value (set the string value of a hash field)//重点掌握
    hget key field (get the value of a hash field)//重点掌握
    hmset key field value [field value...] (set multiple hash fields to multiple values)//重点掌握
    hmget key field [field...] (get the values of all the given hash fields)//重点掌握
    hsetnx key field value (set the value of a hash field,only if the field does not exist)//了解
    hexists key field (determine if a hash field exists)//掌握了解
    hkeys key (get all the fields in a hash)//掌握了解
    hvals key (get all the values in a hash)//掌握了解
    hdel key field [field...] (delte one or moew hash fields)//掌握了解
    hlen key (get the number of fields in a hash)
    hgetall key (get all the fields and values in a hash)
    hincrby key field increment (increment the integer value of a hash field by the given increment)
    hincrbyfloat key field increment (increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount)
    hstrlen key field (get the length of the value of a hash field)
    hscan key cursor [match pattern] [count count] (incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values)//TODO 待研究


        Map<String key,Map<String field,String value>>
        Map<String key,JavaBean javaBean>
        userinfo [id:1,name:xxx,friends:10...]


    lpush key value [value...] (prepend one or multiple values to a list)//重要掌握
    lpushx key value (prepend a value to a list,only if the list exists)
    rpush key value [value...] (append one or multiple to a list)//重要掌握
    rpushx key value [append a value to a list,only if the list exists]
    lpop key (remove and get the first element in a list)//重要掌握
    rpop key (remove and get the last element in a list)//重要掌握
    rpoplpush source destination (remove the last element in a list,prepend it to another list and return it)//重要掌握
    brpoplpush source destination timeout (pop a value from a list,push it to another list and return it;or block until one is available)//重要掌握,可以用这个方法做阻塞队列
    llen key (get the length of a list)
    lrange key start stop (get a range of elements form a list)//重要掌握
    blpop key [key ...] timeout (remoce and get the first element in a list,or block until one is available)
    brpop key [key ...] timeout (remove and get the last element in a list,or block until one is available)
    lindex key index (get an element form a list by its index)
    linsert key before|after pivot value (insert an element before or after another element in a list)
    lset key index value (set the value of an element in a list by its index)
    ltrim key start stop (trim a list to the specified range)
    lrem key count value (remove elements from a list )



    multi (mark the start of a transaction block,类似于开启一个事务)//重点掌握
    exec (execute all commands issued after multi,类似于提交事务)//重点掌握
    discard (discard all commands issued after multi,类似回滚事务)//重点掌握
    watch key [key ...] (watch the given keys to determine executio of the multi/exec block)//重点掌握
    unwatch (forget about all watched keys)//重点掌握


    备注:redis geo功能是redis3.2之后才支持的,使用需注意
    geoadd locationSet longitude latitude name [longitude latitude name...](增加地址坐标使用经度和纬度和定位)
    geopos locationSet name [name] (显示某个地址的坐标)
    geodist locationSet location_x location_y [unit] (计算地理位置两点的距离)
    georadius locationSet longitude  latitude radius m|km|ft|mi  [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [ASC|DESC] [COUNT count] (范围查找)
    georadiusbymemer location-set location radius m|km|ft|mi [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [ASC|DESC] [COUNT count] (范围查找)
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