1 class Sort(object): 2 3 @staticmethod 4 def bubble_sort(ls): 5 lenth = len(ls) 6 if lenth == 0: 7 return [] 8 while lenth: 9 for i in range(lenth-1): 10 if ls[i] > ls[i+1]: 11 ls[i], ls[i+1] = ls[i+1], ls[i] 12 lenth -= 1 13 return ls 14 15 @staticmethod 16 def select_sort(ls): 17 if not ls: 18 return [] 19 lenth = len(ls) 20 i = 0 21 while i < lenth-1: 22 min_v = ls[i] 23 for n in range(i+1, lenth): 24 if ls[n] < min_v: 25 loc, min_v = n, ls[n] 26 if ls[i] != min_v: 27 ls[i], ls[loc] = ls[loc], ls[i] 28 i += 1 29 return ls 30 #以下有错误,当时没注意 31 # @staticmethod 32 # def insert_sort(ls): 33 # if not ls: 34 # return [] 35 # i = 1 36 # lenth = len(ls) 37 # while i < lenth: 38 # for n in range(0, i): 39 # if ls[n] > ls[n+1]: 40 # ls[n], ls[n+1] = ls[n+1], ls[n] 41 # i += 1 42 # return ls 43 #更正如下: 44
1 @staticmethod 2 def insert_sort(ls): 3 if not ls: 4 return [] 5 i = 1 6 lenth = len(ls) 7 while i < lenth: 8 tmp = ls[i] 9 for n in range(i, 0, -1): 10 if tmp < ls[n-1]: 11 ls[n] = ls[n-1] #the smaller ahead 12 else: 13 ls[n] = tmp 14 break 15 i += 1 16 return ls
1 @staticmethod 2 def shell_sort(ls): 3 if not ls: 4 return [] 5 lenth = len(ls) 6 increment = lenth // 2 7 while increment > 0: # stop the loop when increment = 0 8 loc = increment # start from location increment 9 while loc < lenth: 10 tmp = ls[loc] 11 for i in range(loc, increment-1, -increment): 12 if tmp < ls[i-increment]: #if large than the value in loc 13 ls[i] = ls[i-increment] # move to the next location 14 else: 15 break 16 ls[i] = tmp # move the value in loc to location i 17 loc += 1 # loop from increment to the last of ls 18 increment //= 2 19 return ls # this method allow sb. to sort the ls in different increment
46 47 if __name__ == '__main__': 48 ls = [1, 9, 5, 4, 3, 7, 6] 49 s = Sort() 50 print(s.bubble_sort(ls[:])) 51 print(s.select_sort(ls[:])) 52 print(s.insert_sort(ls[:]))
53 print(s.shell_sort(ls[:]))
- 冒泡排序是将最大值(最小值)通过相邻交换到行尾(行首);
- 选择排序是选出最大值(最小值)放到行尾(行首);
- 插入排序是通过相邻交换将下一个数插入到已经排好序的序列中。
- 希尔排序与3相近,但通过设置间隔分别排序,直到间隔为1完成排序。