#include <rtthread.h> void rt_init_thread_entry(void *parameter) { } static struct rt_mailbox mb; static rt_uint8_t mb_pool[128]; static rt_uint8_t mb_str1[] = "I'm a mail!"; static rt_uint8_t mb_str2[] = "This is another mail!"; static rt_uint8_t mb_str3[] = "Over!"; static rt_uint8_t thread1_stack[1024]; struct rt_thread thread1; static void thread1_entry(void *parameter) { char *str; while (1) { rt_kprintf("thread1: try to receive a mail.\n"); /* receive a mail from the mailbox. */ if (rt_mb_recv(&mb, (rt_uint32_t *)&str, RT_WAITING_FOREVER) == RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("thread1: get a mail from mailbox.\n"); if (str == mb_str3) break; rt_thread_delay(10); } } rt_mb_detach(&mb); } static rt_uint8_t thread2_stack[1024]; struct rt_thread thread2; static void thread2_entry(void *parameter) { rt_uint8_t count; count = 0; while (count < 10) { count++; if (count & 0x01) { rt_mb_send(&mb, (rt_uint32_t)&mb_str1[0]); } else { rt_mb_send(&mb, (rt_uint32_t)&mb_str2[0]); } rt_thread_delay(20); } rt_mb_send(&mb, (rt_uint32_t)&mb_str3[0]); } int rt_application_init() { rt_thread_t init_thread; rt_err_t result; result = rt_mb_init(&mb, "mbt", &mb_pool[0], sizeof(mb_pool)/4, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); if (result != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("init mailbox failed.\n"); return -1; } init_thread = rt_thread_create("init", rt_init_thread_entry, RT_NULL, 2048, 8, 20); if (init_thread != RT_NULL) rt_thread_startup(init_thread); rt_thread_init(&thread1, "thread1", thread1_entry, RT_NULL, &thread1_stack[0], sizeof(thread1_stack),10,5); rt_thread_startup(&thread1); rt_thread_init(&thread2, "thread2", thread2_entry, RT_NULL, &thread2_stack[0], sizeof(thread2_stack),10,5); rt_thread_startup(&thread2); return 0; }
thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:I'm a mail! thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:this is another mail! thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:I'm a mail! thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:this is another mail! thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:I'm a mail! thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:this is another mail! thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:I'm a mail! thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:this is another mail! thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:I'm a mail! thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:this is another mail! thread1: try to recv a mail thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:over