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  • HDU 4611 Balls Rearrangement

    Balls Rearrangement

    Time Limit: 9000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65535/32768 K (Java/Others)

    Total Submission(s): 1079    Accepted Submission(s): 416

    Problem Description
      Bob has N balls and A boxes. He numbers the balls from 0 to N-1, and numbers the boxes from 0 to A-1. To find the balls easily, he puts the ball numbered x into the box numbered a if x = a mod A.   Some day Bob buys B new boxes, and he wants to rearrange the balls from the old boxes to the new boxes. The new boxes are numbered from 0 to B-1. After the rearrangement, the ball numbered x should be in the box number b if x = b mod B.   This work may be very boring, so he wants to know the cost before the rearrangement. If he moves a ball from the old box numbered a to the new box numbered b, the cost he considered would be |a-b|. The total cost is the sum of the cost to move every ball, and it is what Bob is interested in now.
      The first line of the input is an integer T, the number of test cases.(0<T<=50)    Then T test case followed. The only line of each test case are three integers N, A and B.(1<=N<=1000000000, 1<=A,B<=100000).
      For each test case, output the total cost.
    Sample Input
    1000000000 1 1
    8 2 4
    11 5 3
    Sample Output








    另外数据要用long long保存,不知道为什么,数据范围明明在long以内,可是交上去就是WA,还是后来一位学长给我改了过来

      1 #include<iostream>
      2 #include<cstdio>
      3 #include<cmath>
      4 #define LL long long
      6 using namespace std;
      8 LL gcd (LL x, LL y)
      9 {
     10     LL z;
     11     if (x < y)
     12         x ^= y ^= x ^= y;
     13     while (y)
     14     {
     15         z = x % y;
     16         x = y;
     17         y = z;
     18     }
     19     return x;
     20 }
     22 LL lcm (LL x, LL y)
     23 {
     24     return x * y / gcd (x, y);
     25 }
     27 long long cal (LL n, LL a, LL b)
     28 {
     29     if (a == b)
     30         return 0;
     31     LL current = 0, atimes = 0, btimes = 0, t = lcm (a, b), times = n / t;
     32     long long ans = 0;
     33     if (times)
     34     {
     35         while (current < t)
     36         {
     37             if ( (atimes + 1) *a < (btimes + 1) *b)
     38             {
     39                 atimes++;
     40                 ans += fabs (int (current % a - current % b)) * (atimes * a - current);
     41                 current = atimes * a;
     42             }
     43             else
     44             {
     45                 btimes++;
     46                 ans += fabs (int (current % a - current % b)) * (btimes * b - current);
     47                 current = btimes * b;
     48             }
     49         }
     50         ans *= times;
     51     }
     52     current = 0;
     53     atimes = btimes = 0;
     54     LL am, bm, e = n - t * times - 1;
     55     while (current <= e)
     56     {
     57         am = (atimes + 1) * a;
     58         bm = (btimes + 1) * b;
     59         if (am < bm)
     60         {
     61             if (am <= e)
     62             {
     63                 ans += fabs ( (int) current % a - current % b) * (am - current);
     64                 current = am;
     65                 atimes++;
     66             }
     67             else
     68             {
     69                 ans += fabs (int (current % a - current % b)) * (e - current + 1);
     70                 break;
     71             }
     72         }
     73         else
     74         {
     75             if (bm <= e)
     76             {
     77                 ans += fabs (int (current % a - current % b)) * (bm - current);
     78                 current = bm;
     79                 btimes++;
     80             }
     81             else
     82             {
     83                 ans += fabs (int (current % a - current % b)) * (e - current + 1);
     84                 break;
     85             }
     86         }
     87     }
     88     return ans;
     89 }
     91 int main()
     92 {
     93     int t;
     94     LL n, a, b;
     95     scanf ("%d", &t);
     96     while (t--)
     97     {
     98         scanf ("%I64d %I64d %I64d", &n, &a, &b);
     99         printf ("%I64d
    ", cal (n, a, b));
    100     }
    101     return 0;
    102 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lzj-0218/p/3219761.html
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