功能 将当前目录下文件拷贝至另一目录下,且拷贝前先备份
#!/bin/sh #脚本功能 #覆盖文件前先备份 cfsuffix=$(date +%Y%m%d); #备份文件后缀 if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then #输入参数说明 echo "error...need args " echo "eg:path1 path2" echo "path1 files backup and copy to path2" exit 1 else path1=$1; path2=$2; echo $path1; echo $path2; #if [ [ -d "$path1" ] && [ -d "$path2" ] ]; then if [ -d "$path1" -a -d "$path2" ]; then ls $path1 | awk -F'[ ]' '{print $1}' | while read filename do sfile=$path1'/'$filename; #源文件 pfile=$path2'/'$filename; #需备份文件 cfile=$path2'/'$filename'.'$cfsuffix; #备份后文件 if [ -f $sfile ]; then if [ -f $pfile ]; then cp $pfile $cfile && a=1 || a=0; if [ $a -eq 1 ]; then echo $filename "backup success!"; cp $sfile $path2; else echo $filename "backup error!" fi else echo $pfile "not find!"; cp $sfile $path2; fi fi done else echo "error...args path not find!"; fi fi