<update id="updateExpressById" parameterType="java.util.Map"> update WEB_EXPRESS <trim prefix="set" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="eNum !=null and eNum!=''"> ENUM = #{eNum}, </if> <if test="company !=null and company!=''"> COMPANY = #{company}, </if> <if test="uPhone !=null and uPhone!=''"> UPHONE = #{uPhone}, </if> <if test="username != null and username!=''"> USERNAME = #{username}, </if> <if test="inTime != null and inTime!=''"> INTIME = #{inTime}, </if> <if test="eStatus != null and eStatus!=''"> ESTATUS = #{eStatus}, </if> <if test="outTime != null and outTime!=''"> OUTTIME = #{outTime}, </if> <if test="cPhone != null and cPhone!=''"> CPHONE = #{cPhone}, </if> <if test="code != null and code!=''"> CODE = #{code}, </if> </trim> where ID = #{id} </update>
业务代码 将参数加入map集合中
Map map = new ConcurrentHashMap(); map.put("eStatus",2); map.put("outTime",DateUtil.getTime()); map.put("cPhone", CookieUtil.getCookie("userId",request)); map.put("code",0); map.put("id",id);
sql语句拼接直接忽略了CODE = #{code}
解决办法 将0作为字符串存入map
ok 问题解决 该数据在mysql客户端中也为0