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  • vue2.0 练习项目-外卖APP(完)



     1 <template>
     2     <div class="star-box">
     3         <span class="star" v-for='(item,index) in starGroup' :class='item' ></span>
     4     </div>
     5 </template>
     6 <script>
     7 function matchScore(score) {
     8   let len = parseInt(score),
     9     floor = parseFloat(score) - len,
    10     countStar = 5,
    11     group = [];
    12   for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    13     group.push("on");
    14   }
    15   if (floor > 0) {
    16     group.push("half");
    17   }
    18   let residue = countStar - group.length;
    19   if (residue > 0) {
    20     for (var j = 0; j < residue; j++) {
    21       group.push("off");
    22     }
    23   }
    24   return group;
    25 }
    27 export default {
    28   props: {
    29     score: 0
    30   },
    31   data() {
    32     return {
    33       starGroup: []
    34     };
    35   },
    36   methods: {},
    37   watch: {
    38     score: function(newScore) {
    39       this.starGroup = matchScore(newScore);
    40     }
    41   },
    42   created() {
    43     this.starGroup = matchScore(this.score);
    44   }
    45 };
    46 </script>
    47 <style>
    48 .star-box {
    49   display: inline;
    50   vertical-align: sub;
    51 }
    52 .star:nth-child(1) {
    53   margin-left: 0px;
    54 }
    55 .star {
    56   margin-left: 10px;
    57   display: inline-block;
    58   width: 20px;
    59   height: 20px;
    60   background-repeat: no-repeat;
    61   background-size: 100% 100%;
    62 }
    63 .on {
    64   background-image: url("./star24_on@2x.png");
    65 }
    67 .half {
    68   background-image: url("./star24_half@2x.png");
    69 }
    71 .off {
    72   background-image: url("./star24_off@2x.png");
    73 }
    74 </style>

      其实开发过程中遇到的问题不是很多,vue这个框架真的是挺容易上手的,总结下用到知识点:vue2 + vuex + vue-router + webpack + ES6/7。


      项目demo演示地址:https://codeyoyo.github.io/seller-app/dist/ (请用chrome手机模式预览)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lzy138/p/7762156.html
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