The function generates a summary report of the v$sql_shared_cursor view and additional diagnostic information depending on the reason code.
Counts all the versions that have 'Y' in any of the columns and if any have all 'N' too.
This script may be useful to diagnose ORA-600 [17059] errors
Running the Script
-- Generate reports for all cursors with more than 100 versions using SQL_ID (10g and up)
select b.* from v$sqlarea a ,table(version_rpt(a.sql_id)) b where loaded_versions >=100;
-- Generate reports for all cursors with more than 100 versions using HASH_VALUE
select b.* from v$sqlarea a ,table(version_rpt(null,a.hash_value)) b where loaded_versions>=100;
-- Generate the report for cursor with sql_id cyzznbykb509s
select * from table(version_rpt('cyzznbykb509s'));