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  • Script:诊断Scheduler信息

    set long 400
    set pagesize 1000
    set linesize 120
    column log_date format a37
    column operation format a8
    column status format a6
    column additional_info format a400
    column systimestamp format a37
    column next_start_date format a40
    column start_date format a40
    column manual_open_time format a40
    column manual_duration format a40
    column duration format a40
    column end_date format a40
    column last_start_date format a40
    column window_name format a26
    column systimestamp format a35
    column ATTR_INTV format a37
    column ATTR_TSTAMP format a37
    column start_time format a35
    column obj_name format a20
    column name format a30
    column value format a30
    column job_queue_name format a18  
    column job_type format 9999
    column flag format 9999  
    column status format a6
    column "SEQUENCE#" format 9999
    column id format 99999
    spool wintest
    select * from dba_scheduler_windows ;
    select log_date, window_name, operation,status, substr(additional_info,1,350)
     from dba_scheduler_window_log order by 1 ;
    select window_name, substr(additional_info,1,350) x 
     from dba_scheduler_window_log where additional_info is not null;
    -- Report current time in scheduler format
    select dbms_scheduler.stime from dual;
    -- Report Internal Queues v10.2(before)
    select job_queue_name,   JOB_TYPE,  
        (select object_name from dba_objects where object_id = job_oid
          ) OBJ_NAME,  FLAG, start_time from x$jskjobq;
    -- Report current open window attributes(before)
    SELECT o.name, o.namespace, a.*
     FROM sys.obj$ o, sys.scheduler$_global_attribute a
      WHERE o.obj# = a.obj# AND BITAND(a.flags,1) != 1
       AND o.name = 'CURRENT_OPEN_WINDOW' AND o.namespace = 51;
    -- To implement the solution, please execute the following steps::
    exec dbms_scheduler.disable('WEEKEND_WINDOW');
    exec dbms_scheduler.disable('WEEKNIGHT_WINDOW');
    exec dbms_scheduler.set_scheduler_attribute('SCHEDULER_DISABLED', 'TRUE');
    select value from v$parameter where name='job_queue_processes';
    alter system set job_queue_processes=0;
    exec dbms_ijob.set_enabled(FALSE);
    alter system flush shared_pool;
    alter system flush shared_pool;
    cwo number;
    select o.obj# into cwo from sys.obj$ o
      where o.name = 'CURRENT_OPEN_WINDOW' and o.namespace = 51;
    update sys.scheduler$_global_attribute set value = null, attr_tstamp = null,
    attr_intv = null, additional_info = null where obj# = cwo;
    exec dbms_ijob.set_enabled(TRUE);
    exec dbms_scheduler.enable('WEEKEND_WINDOW');
    exec dbms_scheduler.enable('WEEKNIGHT_WINDOW');
    exec dbms_scheduler.set_scheduler_attribute('SCHEDULER_DISABLED', 'FALSE');
    exec dbms_ijob.set_enabled(TRUE);
    -- Report current time in scheduler format
    select dbms_scheduler.stime from dual;
    -- Report Internal Queues v10.2(after)
    select job_queue_name, JOB_TYPE,
     (select object_name from dba_objects where object_id = job_oid
      ) OBJ_NAME, FLAG, start_time from x$jskjobq;
    -- Report current open window attributes(after)
    SELECT o.name, o.namespace, a.*
     FROM sys.obj$ o, sys.scheduler$_global_attribute a
      WHERE o.obj# = a.obj# AND BITAND(a.flags,1) != 1
       AND o.name = 'CURRENT_OPEN_WINDOW' AND o.namespace = 51;
    ACCEPT J_NUM NUMBER PROMPT "Enter job_queue_processes: "
    prompt Setting job_queue_processes=&&J_NUM
    alter system set job_queue_processes=&&J_NUM;
    select value from v$parameter where name='job_queue_processes';
    spool off
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/macleanoracle/p/2967938.html
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