默认EM Grid/Cloud Control的HTTPS协议登陆端口是7799,而HTTP协议的端口是7788,但是请注意默认不会启用HTTP协议登陆EM。准确地说Oracle更prefer 安全的HTTPS协议。
如果你使用HTTP登陆EM,如http://hostname:7788/em时可能遇到403错误(HTTP 403 Forbidden),这是由于默认不启用HTTP协议登陆EM。
该问题可以通过emctl secure unlock -console解锁console,并重启OMS来解决:
Enterprise Manager Grid Control - Version: and later [Release: 11.1 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Trying to access the 11g Grid Console using the URL: http://omsmachine.domain:7788/em resulted in the error:
The website declined to show this webpage
Using the https URL: https://omsmachine.domain:7799/em works fine.
Unlocked the Console access from Secure mode using:
cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl secure unlock -console
The command completes successfully and the 'emctl status oms -details' command returns the output:
HTTP Console Port : 7788
HTTPS Console Port : 7799
HTTP Upload Port : 4889
HTTPS Upload Port : 4900
OMS is not configured with SLB or virtual hostname
Agent Upload is unlocked.
OMS Console is unlocked.
But, trying to accessing the 11g Grid Console using the HTTP Console port still fails.
Internet explorer returns:
'HTTP 403 Forbidden' message
and Mozilla Firefox returns:
You are not authorised to access this resource on the server.
Access to the 11g Grid Console in Secure mode has been unlocked.
The OMS has to be restarted after unlocking the Console access in secure mode. Without this, the Console will not be accessible using the http protocol.
- After executing:
cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl secure unlock -console
- Stop and re-start the OMS:
cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl stop oms
emctl start oms
- After the above, the 11g Grid Console will be accessible using the http protocol and port.