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  • 容器--ArrayList






      这个比较明显,ArrayList内部定义了一个数组字段:private transient Object[] elementData; 注意虽然ArrayList是支持泛型的,但数组的类型还是Object, 这个是因为无法用泛型来new 一个数组,比如T data[] = new T[size],这是肯定不行的,所以只能使用Object. 另外注意这个字段是transient的,也就意味着在序列化时会忽略,需要特殊处理。




          ArrayList定义了一个字段,int size, 这个表示容器中元素的个数。而elementData的长度则表示其容量大小,通常情况下size < 数组的长度。当有元素到列表中时,系统会先检查当前容量的大小以判断是否需要扩容,以add(index, element)为例,相关实现如下:

     1  public boolean add(E e) {
     3         //事实上并不是每一次add操作都要扩容,但每一次,modCount都需要加1
     4         ensureCapacityInternal(size + 1);  // Increments modCount!!
     5         elementData[size++] = e;
     6         return true;
     7     }
     9 private void grow(int minCapacity) {
    10         // overflow-conscious code
    11         int oldCapacity = elementData.length; //原大小
    12         //新的大小等于原大小在原来的基础上增加1/2,比如原长度是10, 则新长度是15
    13         int newCapacity = oldCapacity + (oldCapacity >> 1);
    15         //如果新的容量 < 目标容量(比如目标是16), 则取目标
    16         if (newCapacity - minCapacity < 0)
    17             newCapacity = minCapacity;
    19         //太大,则根据目标容易来取值,最大不能超过整型的最大值
    20         if (newCapacity - MAX_ARRAY_SIZE > 0)
    21             newCapacity = hugeCapacity(minCapacity);
    22         // minCapacity is usually close to size, so this is a win:
    24         //分配一个长度为newCapacity的数组,并将elementData中的元素复制过去
    25         //当然,多出的空间,数组中元素的值默认就是null了
    26         elementData = Arrays.copyOf(elementData, newCapacity);
    27     }



        对于删除来说,elementData的空间并不会缩小,但是多出的部分会被置为null, 以避免不必要的内存泄露。



          4)如何实现indexOf? 基本思路还是对数组中的元素进行遍历,对每个元素调用equals来比较,返回第一个匹配的元素,或者返回-1. 但ArrayList 是允许null元素存在的,所以遍历要分两种情况,当目标对象为null时,其实判断方式就是 == null的形式。





     1 /**
     2      * Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the
     3      * specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
     4      * A subsequence of array components are copied from the source
     5      * array referenced by <code>src</code> to the destination array
     6      * referenced by <code>dest</code>. The number of components copied is
     7      * equal to the <code>length</code> argument. The components at
     8      * positions <code>srcPos</code> through
     9      * <code>srcPos+length-1</code> in the source array are copied into
    10      * positions <code>destPos</code> through
    11      * <code>destPos+length-1</code>, respectively, of the destination
    12      * array.
    13      * <p>
    14      * If the <code>src</code> and <code>dest</code> arguments refer to the
    15      * same array object, then the copying is performed as if the
    16      * components at positions <code>srcPos</code> through
    17      * <code>srcPos+length-1</code> were first copied to a temporary
    18      * array with <code>length</code> components and then the contents of
    19      * the temporary array were copied into positions
    20      * <code>destPos</code> through <code>destPos+length-1</code> of the
    21      * destination array.
    22      * <p>
    23      * If <code>dest</code> is <code>null</code>, then a
    24      * <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown.
    25      * <p>
    26      * If <code>src</code> is <code>null</code>, then a
    27      * <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown and the destination
    28      * array is not modified.
    29      * <p>
    30      * Otherwise, if any of the following is true, an
    31      * <code>ArrayStoreException</code> is thrown and the destination is
    32      * not modified:
    33      * <ul>
    34      * <li>The <code>src</code> argument refers to an object that is not an
    35      *     array.
    36      * <li>The <code>dest</code> argument refers to an object that is not an
    37      *     array.
    38      * <li>The <code>src</code> argument and <code>dest</code> argument refer
    39      *     to arrays whose component types are different primitive types.
    40      * <li>The <code>src</code> argument refers to an array with a primitive
    41      *    component type and the <code>dest</code> argument refers to an array
    42      *     with a reference component type.
    43      * <li>The <code>src</code> argument refers to an array with a reference
    44      *    component type and the <code>dest</code> argument refers to an array
    45      *     with a primitive component type.
    46      * </ul>
    47      * <p>
    48      * Otherwise, if any of the following is true, an
    49      * <code>IndexOutOfBoundsException</code> is
    50      * thrown and the destination is not modified:
    51      * <ul>
    52      * <li>The <code>srcPos</code> argument is negative.
    53      * <li>The <code>destPos</code> argument is negative.
    54      * <li>The <code>length</code> argument is negative.
    55      * <li><code>srcPos+length</code> is greater than
    56      *     <code>src.length</code>, the length of the source array.
    57      * <li><code>destPos+length</code> is greater than
    58      *     <code>dest.length</code>, the length of the destination array.
    59      * </ul>
    60      * <p>
    61      * Otherwise, if any actual component of the source array from
    62      * position <code>srcPos</code> through
    63      * <code>srcPos+length-1</code> cannot be converted to the component
    64      * type of the destination array by assignment conversion, an
    65      * <code>ArrayStoreException</code> is thrown. In this case, let
    66      * <b><i>k</i></b> be the smallest nonnegative integer less than
    67      * length such that <code>src[srcPos+</code><i>k</i><code>]</code>
    68      * cannot be converted to the component type of the destination
    69      * array; when the exception is thrown, source array components from
    70      * positions <code>srcPos</code> through
    71      * <code>srcPos+</code><i>k</i><code>-1</code>
    72      * will already have been copied to destination array positions
    73      * <code>destPos</code> through
    74      * <code>destPos+</code><i>k</I><code>-1</code> and no other
    75      * positions of the destination array will have been modified.
    76      * (Because of the restrictions already itemized, this
    77      * paragraph effectively applies only to the situation where both
    78      * arrays have component types that are reference types.)
    79      *
    80      * @param      src      the source array.
    81      * @param      srcPos   starting position in the source array.
    82      * @param      dest     the destination array.
    83      * @param      destPos  starting position in the destination data.
    84      * @param      length   the number of array elements to be copied.
    85      * @exception  IndexOutOfBoundsException  if copying would cause
    86      *               access of data outside array bounds.
    87      * @exception  ArrayStoreException  if an element in the <code>src</code>
    88      *               array could not be stored into the <code>dest</code> array
    89      *               because of a type mismatch.
    90      * @exception  NullPointerException if either <code>src</code> or
    91      *               <code>dest</code> is <code>null</code>.
    92      */
    93     public static native void arraycopy(Object src,  int  srcPos,
    94                                         Object dest, int destPos,
    95                                         int length);


          这个方法要求两个数组中存储的元素类型是一致的,至少是可转换的,不能一个是引用类型,另一个是基本类型。另外,strPos + length和descPos + length都不能超过自身数组的空间,否则会有越界异常。





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/macs524/p/5731423.html
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