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    Replace this file with prentcsmacro.sty for your meeting, or with entcsmacro.sty for your meeting. Both can be found at the ENTCS Macro Home Page.Component Identification Through Program Slicing Nuno F. Rodrigues 1,2Departamento de Inform´atica Universidade do Minho Braga, Portugal Lu´ıs S. Barbosa 1,3Departamento de Inform´atica Universidade do Minho Braga, Portugal 


    This paper reports on the development of specific slicing techniques for functional programs and their use for the identification of possible coherent components from
    monolithic code. An associated tool is also introduced. This piece of research is part of a broader project on program understanding and re-engineering of legacy
    code supported by formal methods.

    Key words: Program Slicing, Static Analysis, Component

    1 Introduction

    A fundamental problem in system’s re-engineering is the identification of coherent units of code providing recurrently used services. Such units, which are typically organised around a collection of data structures or interrelated functions, can be wrapped around an interface and made available as software components in a modular architectural reconstruction of the original system. Moreover they can then be made available for reuse in different contexts. This paper proposes the use of software slicing techniques to support such a component’s identification process. Introduced by Weiser [16,14,15] in the 1 The research reported in this paper is supported by FCT, under contract Rodrigueslate Seventies, program slicing is a family of techniques for isolating parts of a program which depend on or are depended upon a specific computational entity referred to as the slicing criterion. Its potential for service or component identification is therefore quite obvious. In practice, however, this requires 

    • A flexible definition of what is understood by a slicing criterion. In fact, Weiser’s original definition has been re-worked and expanded several times, leading to the emergence of different methods for defining and computing program slices. Despite this diversity, most of the methods and corresponding tools target either the imperative or the object oriented paradigms, where program slices are computed with respect to a variable or a program statement.

    • The ability to extract actual (executable) code fragments.

    • And, of course, suitable tool support.

    All these issues are addressed in this paper. Our attention, however, is restricted to functional programs [2]. Such focus is explained not only by the
    research context mentioned below, but also because we deliberately want to take an alternative path to mainstream research on slicing where functional
    programming has been largely neglected. Therefore our research questions include the definition of what a slice is for a functional program, how can
    program data be extracted and represented, what would be the most suitable criteria for component identification from functional monolithic code. There
    is another justification for the qualificative functional in our title: the tool that supports the envisaged approach was entirely developed in Haskell [2].
    The context for this research is a broader project on program understanding and re-engineering of legacy code supported by formal methods. A number
    of case-studies in the project deal with functional code, even in the form of executable specifications 4 . Actually, if forward software engineering can today be regarded as a lost opportunity for formal methods (with notable exceptions in areas such as safety-critical and dependable computing), reverse engineering looks more and more a promising area for their application, due to the engineering complexity and exponential costs involved. In a situation in which the only quality certificate of the running software artefact still is life-cycle endurance, customers and software producers are little prepared to modify or improve running code. However, faced with so risky a dependence on legacy software, managers are more and more prepared to spend resources to increase confidence on — i.e., the level of understanding of — their code. 

    The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 reviews basic concepts in program slicing and introduces introduces functional slicing, specifying a new
    representation structure — the FDG (Functional Dependence Graph) — and the slicing operations over it. The corresponding prototype tool (HaSlicer)

    4 Specification understanding is not so weird as it may look at first sight. Actually, the authors became aware of the amount and relevance of legacy specifications in the context of an industrial partnership on software documentation.

    is described in section 3. Section 4 discusses how these techniques and tool can be used for ’component discovery’ and identification. A small example is
    included to illustrate the approach. The paper ends with a small section on conclusions and future work.

    2 Functional Program Slicing

    2.1 Program Slicing

    Weiser, in [15], defines a program slice S as a reduced executable program obtained from a program P by removing statements, such that S replicates part of
    the behaviour of P . A complementary definition characterizes program slices as fragments of a program that influences specific computational result inside
    that program [13]. The computation of a program slice is called program slicing. This process is driven by what is referred to as a slicing criterion, which
    is, in most approaches, a pair containing a line number and a variable identifier. From the user point of view, this represents a point in the code whose
    impact she/he wants to inspect in the overall program. From the program slicer view, the slicing criterion is regarded as the seed from which a program
    slice is computed. According to Weiser original definition a slice consists of an executable sub-program including all statements with some direct or indirect
    consequence on the result of the value of the entity selected as the slicing criterion. The concern is to find only the pieces of code that affect a particular
    entity in the program.
    Weiser approach corresponds to what would now be classified as a backward, static slicing method. A dual concept is that of forward slicing in-
    troduced by Horwitz et al [5]. In forward slicing one is interested on what depends on or is affected by the entity selected as the slicing criterion. Note
    that combining the two methods also gives interesting results. In particular the union of a backward to a forward slice for the same criterion n provides
    a sort of a selective window over the code highlighting the region relevant for entity n.
    Another duality pops up between static and dynamic slicing. In the first case only static program information is used, while the second one also con-
    siders input values [6,7] leading frequently, due to the extra information used, to smaller and easier to analyse slices, although with a restricted validity.
    Slicing techniques are always based on some form of abstract, graph-based representation of the program under scrutiny, from which dependence relations
    between the entities it manipulates can be identified and extracted. Therefore, in general, the slicing problem reduces to sub-graph identification with
    respect to a particular node. Note, however, that in general slicing can become a highly complex process (e.g., when acting over unstructured control
    flow structures or distributed primitives), and even, in some cases undecidable



    2.2 Functional Program Slicing

    As mentioned above, mainstream research on program slicing targets imperative languages and, therefore, it is oriented towards particular, well char-
    acterised notions of computational variable, program statement and control flow behaviour. Slicing functional programs requires a different perspective.
    Functions, rather program statements, are the basic computational units and functional composition replaces statement sequencing. Moreover there is no
    notion of assignable variable or global state whatsoever. Besides, in modern functional languages encapsulation constructs, such as Haskell [2] modules or
    Ml [4] abstract data types, provide powerful structuring mechanisms which can not be ignored in program understanding. What are then suitable notions of
    slicing for functional programs? More specifically: suitable with respect to the component identification process? Such is the question set in this section.

    2.3 Functional Dependence Graphs

    As mentioned above slicing techniques are always based on some kind of dependence graph. Typical such structures are control flow graphs (CFG) and
    program dependence graphs (PDG).
    For a program P , a CFG is an oriented graph in which each node is associated with a statement from P and edges represent the corresponding flow
    of control between statements. These kind of graphs rely entirely on a precise notion of program statement and their order of execution inside the program.
    Since functional languages are based on expression rather than statements, CFG’s are not immediately useful in performing static analysis over functional
    A PDG is an oriented graph where the nodes represent different kinds of entities in the source code, and edges represent different kinds of dependencies.
    The entities populating the nodes can represent functions, modules, datatypes, program statements, and other kind of program structures that may
    be found in the code. In a PDG there are different sorts of edges (e.g., loopcarried flow edges, loop-independent flow edges, control dependence edges,
    etc) each representing a different kind of dependency between the intervenient nodes.

    Adapting the definition of PDG’s to the functional paradigm, one may obtain a structure capturing a variety of information that, once combined,
    can form the basis of meaningful slicing criteria. This leads to the following definition.

    Definition 1 (Functional Dependence Graph) A Functional Dependence Graph (FDG) is a directed graph, G = (E, N) where N is a set of nodes and
    E ⊆ N × N a set of edges represented as a binary relation between nodes. A node N = (t, s, d) consists of a node type t, of type NT ype, a source code
    location s, of type SrcLoc and a description d of type Descr.


    A source code location is simply an index of the node contents in the actual
    source code.

    Definition 2 (SrcLoc) The type SrcLoc is a product composed by the source file name and the line-colunm code coordinates of a particular program el-
    ement, i.e., SrcLoc = SrcF ileName × SrcBgnLine × SrcBgnColumn × SrcEndLine × SrcEndColumn.

    More interesting is the definition of a node type which captures the information diversity mentioned above and is the cornerstone of FDG’s flexibility.

    Definition 3 (NType) the type of a FDG node is given by the following enumeration of literals

    NT ype = Nm (module) | Nf (function)
    | N (data type) | N (constructor)
    dt c

    | Nd (destructor)

    Let us explain in some detail the intuition behind these types. Nodes bearing the Nm (Module) type, represent software modules, which,
    from the program analysis point of view, corresponds to the highest level of abstraction over source code. Note that Haskell has a concrete definition of
    module, which makes the identification of Nm nodes straightforward. Modules encapsulate several program entities, in particular code fragments that give
    rise to other FDG nodes. Thus, a Nm node depends on every other node representing entities defined inside the module as well as on nodes corresponding
    to modules it may import.
    Nodes of type Nf represent functions, i.e., abstractions of processes which transform some kind of input information (eventually void) into an output
    (eventually void too). Functions are the building blocks of functional programs, which in most cases, decorate them with suitable type information,
    making extraction simple. More complex is the task of relating a function node to the nodes corresponding to computational entities in its body — data
    type references, other functions or what we shall call below functional statements.
    Constructor nodes (N ) are specially targeted to functional languages with

    a precise notion of explicit type constructors (such as the ones associated
    to datatype declarations in Haskell). Destructor nodes (N ) store datatype

    selectors, which are dual to constructors, and again specific to the functional
    paradigm .
    This diversity of nodes in the FDG is interconnected by arcs. In all cases
    an edge from a node n1 to a node n2 witnesses a dependence relation of n2 on
    n . The semantics of such a relation, however, depends on the types of both

    5 A similar notion may, however, be found in other contexts — e.g., the C selector operator

    “.” which retrieves specific fields from a struct construction. Object oriented languages
    also have equivalent selector operators.


    Target Source NType’s Edge Semantic

    Nm {Nm } Target node imports source node

    N {N , N , N , N } Source node contains target node definition
    m f c d dt

    Nf {Nst} Statements belong to function definition

    N {N , N , N , N } Function is using target node functionality
    f c d dt f

    Ndt {Ndt } Source data-type is using target data-type

    N {N } Data-type is constructed by target node
    dt c

    N {N } Data-type is destructed by target node
    dt d

    Table 1
    FDG Edge Description

    nodes. For example, an edge from a Nf (function) node n1 to a Nm (module)
    node n2 means that the module represented by n2 depends on the function
    associated to n , that is, in particular, that the function in n is defined inside
    1 1

    the module in n .

    On the other hand, an edge from a node n to n , both of type N , witnesses
    3 4 f

    a dependence of the function in n on the one in n . This means, in particular,
    4 3

    the latter is called by the former. Notice the difference from the Nm , Nf case
    where dependence means definition inside the module.
    Table 1 introduces the intended semantics of edges with respect to the
    types of nodes they connect. Also note that a FDG represents only direct
    dependencies. For example there is no node in a FDG to witness the fact that
    a module uses a function defined elsewhere. What would be represented in
    such a case is a relationship between the external function and the internal
    one which calls it. From there the indirect dependence can be retrieved by a
    particular slicing criterion.

    2.4 The Slicing Process

    Program slicing based on Functional Dependence graphs is a five phase process,
    as illustrated in figure 1. As expected, the first phase corresponds to the
    parsing of the source code, giving origin to an abstract syntax tree (AST)
    instance t. This is followed by an abstraction process that extracts the relevant
    information from t, constructing a FDG instance g according to the different
    types of nodes found.
    The third phase is where the actual slicing takes place. Here, given a


    ----------------------- Page 7-----------------------


    Fig. 1. The slicing process

    slicing criterion, composed by a node from t and a specific slicing algorithm,
    the original FDG g is sliced, originating a subgraph of g which is g . Notice

    that, slicing takes place over the FDG, and that the result is always a subgraph
    of the original graph.
    The fourth phase, is responsible for pruning AST t, based on the sliced

    graph g. At this point, each program entity that is not present in graph g ,
    is used to prune the correspondent syntactic entity in t, giving origin to a
    subtree t of t. Finally, code reconstruction takes place, where the pruned tree
    t is consumed to generate the sliced program by an inverse process of phase

    In [9] a number of what we have called slicing combinators were formally
    defined, as operators in the relational calculus [1], on top of which the actual
    slicing algorithms, underlying phases three and four above, are implemented.
    This provides a basis for an algebra of program slicing, which is, however, out
    of the scope of this paper.

    3 The HaSlicer Prototype

    HaSlicer 6 is a prototype of a slicer for functional programs entirely written

    in Haskell built as a proof-of-concept for the ideas discussed in the previous
    section. Both forward, backward and forward dependency slicing are covered.

    6 The prototype is available for testing at http://wiki.di.uminho.pt/wiki/bin/view/Nuno


    Node Color Node Type






    Table 2
    FDG Edge Codes

    In general the prototype implements the above mentioned slicing combinators
    [9] and addresses two other issues fundamental to component identification:
    the definition of the extraction process from source code and the incorporation
    of a visual interface over the generated FDG to support user interaction.
    Although its current version accepts only Haskell code, plug-ins for other
    functional languages as well as for the Vdm-Sl metalanguage [3] are currently
    under development.
    Figure 2 shows two snapshots of the prototype working over a small Haskell
    program. Screenshot 2 (a), shows the visualization of the entire FDG loaded in
    the tool. Notice that the differently coloured nodes indicate different program
    entity types according to Table 2.
    Figure 2.(a) reproduces the subgraph resulted from performing slice over
    one of the nodes of the graph from 2.(b). Once a slice has been computed,
    the user may retrieve the corresponding code. The whole process can also be
    undone or launched again with different criteria or object files.

    4 Component Discovery and Identification

    4.1 Two Approaches

    There are basically two ways in which slicing techniques, and the HaSlicer
    tool, can be used in the process of component identification: either as a sup-
    port procedure for manual component identification or as a ’discovery’ proce-
    dure in which the whole system is searched for possible loci of services, and
    therefore potential components. In this section both approaches are briefly
    The first approach deals with manual component identification guided by
    analysing and slicing some representation of the legacy code. In this context,
    the FDG seems to provide a suitable representation model. Through its anal-
    ysis, the software architect can easily identify all the dependencies between


    (a) (b)

    Fig. 2. Slicing with HaSlicer

    the code entities and look for certain architectural patterns and/or undesired
    dependencies in the graph.
    One of the most interesting operations in this category is component iden-
    tification by service. The idea is to isolate a component that implements a
    specific service of the overall system. The process starts in a top-down way,
    looking for the top level functions that characterise the desired service. Once
    these functions are found, forward dependency slicing is applied starting from
    the corresponding FDG nodes. These produces a series of sliced files (one
    per top level function), that have to be merged together in order to build
    the desired component. Note that a forward dependency slice collects all the
    program entities which each top level function requires to operate correctly.
    Thus, by merging all the forward dependency slices corresponding to a par-
    ticular service one gets the least (derived) program that implements it.
    This process leads to the identification of a new component which, besides
    being reusable in other contexts, will typically be part of the (modular) re-
    construction of the original legacy system. But in what direction should such
    system be reorganized to use the identified service as an independent compo-
    nent? This would require an operation upon the FDG which is, in a sense,
    dual to slicing. It consists of extracting every program entity from the system,
    but for ones already collected in the computed slices. Such operation, which
    is, at present, only partially supported by HaSlicer, produces typically a
    program which cannot be immediately executed, but may be transformed in
    that direction. This amounts basically to identify potential broken function
    calls in the original code and re-direct them to the new component’s services.
    The second use of slicing mentioned in the beginning of this section un-
    der the designation of ’component discovery’ relies on slicing techniques for
    the automatic isolation of possible components. In our experience this was
    found particularly useful at early stages of component identification. Such


    ----------------------- Page 10-----------------------


    procedures, however, must be used carefully, since they may lead to the iden-
    tification of both false positives and false negatives. This means that there
    might be good candidates for components which are not found as well as sit-
    uations in which several possible components are identified which turn out to
    lack any practical or operational interest.
    To use an automatic component ’discovery’ procedure, one must first un-
    derstand what to look for, since there is no universal way of stating which
    characteristics correspond to a potential software component. Thus, one has
    to look for components by indirect means, that certainly include the identifi-
    cation of certain characteristics that components usually bear, but also some
    filtering criteria.
    A typical characteristic that is worthwhile to look for concerns the or-
    ganization of a bunch of functions around a common data type structure.
    Therefore a possible criteria for component ’discovery’ is based on the data
    types defined on the original code. The idea is to take each data type and
    isolate both the data type and every program entity in the system that de-
    pends on it. Such an operation can be accomplished by performing a backward
    slicing starting from each data type node in the FDG.
    A second well known characteristic, identified by the object-orientation
    community, relates to the fact that ’interesting’ components typically present
    a low level of coupling and a high level of cohesion[18]. Briefly, coupling is a
    metric to assess how mutually dependable two components are, i.e., it tries
    to measure how much a change in one component affects other components
    in a system. On the other hand, cohesion measures how internally related
    are the functions of a specific component. Generally, in a component with a
    low cohesion degree errors and undesirable behaviour are difficult to detect.
    In practice if its functions are weakly related errors may ’hide’ themselves in
    seldom used areas and remain invisible to testing for some time.
    The conjunction of these two metrics leads to a ’discovery’ criteria which
    uses the FDG to look for specific clusters of functions, i.e., sets of strongly
    related functions, with reduced dependencies on any other program entity
    outside this set. Such function clusters cannot be identified by program slicing
    techniques, but the FDG is still very useful in determining this clusters. In fact
    these kind of metrics can be computed on top of the information represented
    in the FDG. The HaSlicer tool, in particular, compute their combined value

    Coupling(G, f) {(x, y) | ∃x, y. yGx ∧ x ∈ f ∧ y ∈ f } (1)

    Cohesion(G, f) {(x, y) | ∃x, y. yGx ∧ x ∈ f ∧ y ∈ f } (2)

    CCAnalysis(G) {(Coupling(G, f), Cohesion(G, f)) | ∀f ∈ PF } (3)

    where G is a FDG and F a set of functions under scrutiny. Depending on how
    liberal or strict one wants the component discovery criteria to be, different
    acceptance limits for coupling and cohesion can be used. This will define


    Fig. 3. FDG for the Toy Bank Account System

    what clusters will be considered as loci of potential components. Once such clusters are identified, the process continues by applying forward dependency
    slicing on every function in the cluster and merging the resulting code.

    4.2 A Toy Example

    To illustrate the use of slicing for component identification, consider the Haskell code for a toy bank account system, shown in Appendix A. The
    corresponding FDG, as computed by HaSlicer is depicted in Figure 3.
    If one tries to apply an automatic component ’discovery’ method to this code, based, for example, in the combined cohesion-coupling metric, the num-
    ber of cases to consider soon becomes very large. This occurs because the algorithm iterates powerset over the set of functions. Nevertheless, a simple
    filter based on both coupling, cohesion and cardinality of the sets under analysis largely decreases the number of cases to consider. The idea is to tune the
    ’discovery’ engine to look for high cohesion values combine with both a low value of coupling and, what is most important, a reduced number of elements
    in the set being analysed. The results of applying such a filter to the example at hands are reproduced in Table 3.
    Clearly, two components have been identified (corresponding to the gray area of the FDG in Figure 3): a component for handling Client information
    and another one for managing Accounts data. As mentioned above, the process would continue by applying forward dependency slicing over the nodes
    corresponding to the functions in the identified sets, followed by slice merging.


    Functions’ Clusters Coh Cou

    getAccAmount findAcc existsAcc insertAcc updateAcc removeAcc 7 0

    getCltName findClt existsClt insertClt updateClt removeClt 7 0

    Table 3
    Cohesion and Coupling Metric for Example 3

    5 Related Work

    The FDG definition used in our approach is closely related to the notion of Program Dependence Graph defined by Ottenstein and Ottenstein in [8],
    though we have specialized the graph to face the functional paradigm and introduced new semantics to the node relations.
    Our methodology for component identification is based on the ideias first presented by Schwanke et al [11] [10], where design principles like coupling
    and cohesion are used to identify highly cohesive modules. Here we diverge from the existing approaches, by making use of the lazy properties of Haskell
    in order to obtain answers in an acceptable time.
    A second difference between our approach to component identification and other techniques, which are usually included in the boarder discipline of soft-
    ware clustering [17], is that we are working with functional languages with no aggregation units other then the module itself. In contrast to this, most of
    the software clustering algorithms are oriented to the OO paradigm, and as a consequence, they are often based on the notion of class which is itself an
    aggregation construct. Thus, we have to cope with a much smaller granularity
    of programming units to modularize.

    6 Conclusions and Future Work

    Under the overall motto of functional slicing, the aim of this paper was twofold.
    On the one hand a specific dependence graph structure, the FDG, was intro-
    duced as the core graph structure for functional slicing and a corresponding
    prototype developed. On the other hand it was shown how slicing techniques
    can be used to identify software components from (functional) legacy code,
    either as a support tool for the working software architect or in an auto-
    matic way in a process of component ’discovery’. The latter is particularly
    useful as an architecture understanding technique in the earlier phases of the
    re-engineering process.
    What makes FDG a suitable structure for our purpose is the introduction
    of an ontology of node types and differentiated edge semantics. This makes
    possible to capture in a single structure the different levels of abstraction a
    program may possess. This way a FDG captures not only high level views


    of a software project (e.g., how modules or data-types are related), but also
    low level views (down to relations between functional statements inside func-
    tion’s bodies, not discussed here but see [9]). Moreover, as different program
    abstraction levels are stored in a single structure, it becomes easy to jump
    across views according to the analyst needs. Finally, notice that the FDG
    structure is flexible enough to be easily adapted to other programming lan-
    guages and paradigms.
    An area of future research is the adaptation of graph clustering techniques,
    already available in the literature, to the discovery of components over FDG in-
    stances. Concerning this aspect, we have already carried out some experiences
    with adjacency matrixes algorithms which point to a significant reduction in
    the time to compute component candidates.
    As mentioned in the Introduction, this research is part of a broader agenda.
    In such a context, current work includes:
    • The generalization of slicing techniques to the software architecture level,
    in order to make them applicable, not only to architectural specifications
    (as in [19]), but also to the source code level of large heterogeneous software
    systems, i.e. systems that have been programmed in multiple languages and
    consists of many thousands of lines of code.
    • The research on the interplay between component identification based on
    slicing, as discussed in this paper, and other analysis techniques (such as,
    e.g., type reconstruction) also based on graph analysis.


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    A Toy Bank Account System

    module Slicing where

    import Mpi


    data System = Sys { clients :: [Client],
    accounts :: [Account] } deriving Show

    data Client = Clt { cltid :: CltId,
    name :: CltName } deriving Show

    data Account = Acc { accid :: AccId,
    amount :: Amount } deriving Show

    type CltId = Int
    type CltName = String
    type AccId = Int
    type Amount = Double

    initClts :: [((CltId, CltName), (AccId, Amount))] -> System
    initClts = (uncurry Sys) . split (map ((uncurry Clt) . fst))
    (map ((uncurry Acc) . snd))

    findClt :: CltId -> System -> Maybe Client
    findClt cid sys =
    if (existsClt cid sys) then Just . head . filter ((cid ==) . cltid) . clients $ sys
    else Nothing

    findAcc :: AccId -> System -> Maybe Account
    findAcc acid sys =
    if (existsAcc acid sys) then Just . head . filter ((acid ==) . accid) . accounts $ sys
    else Nothing

    existsClt :: CltId -> System -> Bool
    existsClt cid = elem cid . map cltid . clients

    existsAcc :: AccId -> System -> Bool
    existsAcc acid = elem acid . map accid . accounts

    insertClt :: (CltId, CltName) -> System -> System
    insertClt (cid, cname) (Sys clts accs) =
    if (existsClt cid (Sys clts accs)) then error "Client ID already exists!"
    else Sys ((Clt cid cname) : clts) accs

    insertAcc :: (AccId, Amount) -> System -> System
    insertAcc (acid, amount) (Sys clts accs) =
    if (existsAcc acid (Sys clts accs)) then error "Account ID already exists!"
    else Sys clts ((Acc acid amount) : accs)

    removeClt :: CltId -> System -> System
    removeClt cid (Sys clts accs) =
    if (existsClt cid (Sys clts accs)) then Sys (filter ((cid /=) . cltid) clts) accs
    else Sys clts accs

    removeAcc :: AccId -> System -> System
    removeAcc acid (Sys clts accs) =
    if (existsAcc acid (Sys clts accs)) then Sys clts (filter ((acid /=) . accid) accs)
    else Sys clts accs

    updateClt :: (CltId, CltName) -> System -> System
    updateClt (cid, cname) sys =
    if (existsClt cid sys) then insertClt (cid, cname) . removeClt cid $ sys
    else insertClt (cid, cname) sys

    updateAcc :: (AccId, Amount) -> System -> System
    updateAcc (acid, amount) sys =
    if (existsAcc acid sys) then insertAcc (acid, amount) . removeAcc acid $ sys
    else insertAcc (acid, amount) sys

    getCltName :: CltId -> System -> Maybe CltName
    getCltName cid sys = case findClt cid sys of


    Just clt -> Just . name $ clt
    Nothing -> Nothing

    getAccAmount :: AccId -> System -> Maybe Amount
    getAccAmount acid sys = case findAcc acid sys of
    Just acc -> Just . amount $ acc
    Nothing -> Nothing


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/maifengqiang/p/3091213.html
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