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  • C/C++调用Golang 二


    C/C++调用Golang 一》简单介绍了C/C++调用Golang的方法步骤,只涉及一个简单的函数调用。本文总结具体项目中的使用场景,将介绍三种较复杂的调用方式:一,C++golang传入复杂结构体;二,C++golang传入回调函数,在golang中调用C++函数;三,C++调用golang函数,返回复杂的结构体。

    (本文后面涉及三个例子,省略了编译步骤,仅展示关键代码。具体操作步骤参考《C/C++调用Golang 一》)


    采用avro来序列化与反序列化结构体。C++avro使用官方版本,golangavro使用gopkg.in/alanctgardner/gogen-avro.v4 。(C++代码省略了avro结构体的序列化与反序列化,仅展示C++Golang的交互部分)

    1.1 Golang 代码

    package main

    import "C"

    import "fmt"

    //export WriteData

    func WriteData(data []byte) int {

        fmt.Println("WriteData ", data, len(data))

        return 0


    func main() {



    /* Created by "go tool cgo" - DO NOT EDIT. */

    /* package c_references_to_go/sample1 */

    /* Start of preamble from import "C" comments.  */

    /* End of preamble from import "C" comments.  */

    /* Start of boilerplate cgo prologue.  */

    #line 1 "cgo-gcc-export-header-prolog"

    #ifndef GO_CGO_PROLOGUE_H

    #define GO_CGO_PROLOGUE_H

    typedef signed char GoInt8;

    typedef unsigned char GoUint8;

    typedef short GoInt16;

    typedef unsigned short GoUint16;

    typedef int GoInt32;

    typedef unsigned int GoUint32;

    typedef long long GoInt64;

    typedef unsigned long long GoUint64;

    typedef GoInt32 GoInt;

    typedef GoUint32 GoUint;

    //typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ GoUintptr;

    typedef float GoFloat32;

    typedef double GoFloat64;

    //typedef float _Complex GoComplex64;

    //typedef double _Complex GoComplex128;


      static assertion to make sure the file is being used on architecture

      at least with matching size of GoInt.


    typedef char _check_for_32_bit_pointer_matching_GoInt[sizeof(void*)==32/8 ? 1:-1];

    typedef struct { const char *p; GoInt n; } GoString;

    typedef void *GoMap;

    typedef void *GoChan;

    typedef struct { void *t; void *v; } GoInterface;

    typedef struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; } GoSlice;


    /* End of boilerplate cgo prologue.  */

    #ifdef __cplusplus

    extern "C" {


    extern GoInt WriteData(GoSlice p0);

    #ifdef __cplusplus



    1.2 C++代码

    #include <Windows.h>

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include "sample1.h"

    //#include "LargeStruct.h"

    typedef GoInt (*funcPtrWriteData)(GoSlice p0);

    int main(){

    HMODULE h = LoadLibraryA("sample1.dll");

    if (NULL == h || INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h)


    return -1;


    funcPtrWriteData pfWriteData = (funcPtrWriteData)GetProcAddress(h,"WriteData");

    if (pfWriteData)


    /* LargeStruct ls;

    ls.ID = "100001";

    ls.Name = "Peter";

    Pet pet;

    pet.Type = "Dog";

    pet.Name = "WangCai";

    pet.Age = 5;


    GoSlice p0;

    p0.data = 0;  //serial ls to binary

    p0.len = p0.cap = 0;  //binary len




    return 0;



    2.1 Golang 代码

    设置回调需要中间的桥接函数 CReportData

    package main

    import (







    typedef int (*ptfFuncReportData)(const char* data,int len);

    extern int CReportData(ptfFuncReportData pf,const char* data,int len);


    import "C"

    import (





    var callBackFunc C.ptfFuncReportData

    //export SetCallBack

    func SetCallBack(f C.ptfFuncReportData) {

        callBackFunc = f


    //export BeginWork

    func BeginWork() {

        go func() {

            for index := 0; index < 10; index++ {

                var ls avro_struct.LargeStruct

                ls.ID = fmt.Sprintf("ID%d", 1000+index)

                ls.Name = fmt.Sprintf("Peter%d", index)

                ls.Pets = []*avro_struct.Pet{&avro_struct.Pet{Type: "Dog", Name: "WangCai", Age: 5}}

                var buf bytes.Buffer


                dataSlice := buf.Bytes()





    func GoReportData(data []byte) {

        C.CReportData(callBackFunc, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])), C.int(len(data)))


    func main() {



    #include "_cgo_export.h"

    int CReportData(ptfFuncReportData pf,const char* data,int len){

        return pf(data,len);



    /* Created by "go tool cgo" - DO NOT EDIT. */

    /* package c_references_to_go/sample2 */

    /* Start of preamble from import "C" comments. */

    #line 7 "Y:\mygo\src\c_references_to_go\sample2\main.go"




    typedef int (*ptfFuncReportData)(const char* data,int len);

    extern int CReportData(ptfFuncReportData pf,const char* data,int len);

    #line 1 "cgo-generated-wrapper"

    /* End of preamble from import "C" comments. */

    /* Start of boilerplate cgo prologue. */

    #line 1 "cgo-gcc-export-header-prolog"

    #ifndef GO_CGO_PROLOGUE_H

    #define GO_CGO_PROLOGUE_H

    typedef signed char GoInt8;

    typedef unsigned char GoUint8;

    typedef short GoInt16;

    typedef unsigned short GoUint16;

    typedef int GoInt32;

    typedef unsigned int GoUint32;

    typedef long long GoInt64;

    typedef unsigned long long GoUint64;

    typedef GoInt32 GoInt;

    typedef GoUint32 GoUint;

    typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ GoUintptr;

    typedef float GoFloat32;

    typedef double GoFloat64;

    typedef float _Complex GoComplex64;

    typedef double _Complex GoComplex128;


    static assertion to make sure the file is being used on architecture

    at least with matching size of GoInt.


    typedef char _check_for_32_bit_pointer_matching_GoInt[sizeof(void*)==32/8 ? 1:-1];

    typedef struct { const char *p; GoInt n; } GoString;

    typedef void *GoMap;

    typedef void *GoChan;

    typedef struct { void *t; void *v; } GoInterface;

    typedef struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; } GoSlice;


    /* End of boilerplate cgo prologue. */

    #ifdef __cplusplus

    extern "C" {


    extern void SetCallBack(ptfFuncReportData p0);

    extern void BeginWork();

    #ifdef __cplusplus



    2.2 C++代码

    #include <Windows.h>

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include "sample2.h"

    typedef void (*funcPtrSetCallBack)(ptfFuncReportData p0);

    typedef void (*funcPtrBeginWork)();

    int OnReportData(const char* data,int len){

    printf("OnReportData %x %d ",data,len);

    return 0;


    int main(){

    HMODULE h = LoadLibraryA("sample2.dll");

    if (NULL == h || INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h)


    return -1;


    funcPtrSetCallBack pfSetCallBack = (funcPtrSetCallBack)GetProcAddress(h,"SetCallBack");

    funcPtrBeginWork pfBeginWork = (funcPtrBeginWork)GetProcAddress(h,"BeginWork");

    if (pfSetCallBack)




        if (pfBeginWork)






    return 0;





    不能向C++程序返回Go sliceGo struct。(详情见master分支 src/cmd/cgo/doc.go ,参考5

    3.1 Golang代码

    package main

    import (








    typedef struct {

         char* Data;

         int DataLen;

    } GetLargeStruct_return;

    extern GetLargeStruct_return* CopyLargeSturct(char* data,int dataLen);

    extern void FreeLargeSturct(GetLargeStruct_return* ptr);


    import "C"

    import (



    //export GetLargeStruct

    func GetLargeStruct(paraIn int) *C.GetLargeStruct_return {

        var ls avro_struct.LargeStruct

        ls.ID = "1000001"

        ls.Name = "Peter"

        ls.Pets = []*avro_struct.Pet{&avro_struct.Pet{Type: "Dog", Name: "WangCai", Age: 5}}

        var buf bytes.Buffer


        dataSlice := buf.Bytes()

        return C.CopyLargeSturct((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&dataSlice[0])), C.int(len(dataSlice)))


    //export FreeLargeStruct

    func FreeLargeStruct(ptr *C.GetLargeStruct_return) {



    //export GetLargeStruct2

    func GetLargeStruct2(paraIn int) (*C.char, int) {

        var ls avro_struct.LargeStruct

        ls.ID = "1000001"

        ls.Name = "Peter"

        ls.Pets = []*avro_struct.Pet{&avro_struct.Pet{Type: "Dog", Name: "WangCai", Age: 5}}

        var buf bytes.Buffer


        dataSlice := buf.Bytes()

        return (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CBytes(dataSlice))), len(dataSlice)


    //export FreeCBytes

    func FreeCBytes(ptr *C.char) {



    func main() {


    C函数源码文件 (释放C分配的内存)

    #include "_cgo_export.h"

    GetLargeStruct_return* CopyLargeSturct(char* data,int dataLen){

         GetLargeStruct_return* result = (GetLargeStruct_return*)malloc(sizeof(GetLargeStruct_return));

         result->DataLen = dataLen;

         result->Data = 0;


         result->Data = malloc(dataLen);



         return result;


    void FreeLargeSturct(GetLargeStruct_return* ptr){

         if(ptr != 0){

             if(ptr->Data != 0 ){







    /* Created by "go tool cgo" - DO NOT EDIT. */

    /* package c_references_to_go/sample3 */

    /* Start of preamble from import "C" comments. */

    #line 8 "Y:\mygo\src\c_references_to_go\sample3\main.go"




    typedef struct {

       char* Data;

       int DataLen;

    } GetLargeStruct_return;

    extern GetLargeStruct_return* CopyLargeSturct(char* data,int dataLen);

    extern void FreeLargeSturct(GetLargeStruct_return* ptr);

    #line 1 "cgo-generated-wrapper"

    /* End of preamble from import "C" comments. */

    /* Start of boilerplate cgo prologue. */

    #line 1 "cgo-gcc-export-header-prolog"

    #ifndef GO_CGO_PROLOGUE_H

    #define GO_CGO_PROLOGUE_H

    typedef signed char GoInt8;

    typedef unsigned char GoUint8;

    typedef short GoInt16;

    typedef unsigned short GoUint16;

    typedef int GoInt32;

    typedef unsigned int GoUint32;

    typedef long long GoInt64;

    typedef unsigned long long GoUint64;

    typedef GoInt32 GoInt;

    typedef GoUint32 GoUint;

    typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ GoUintptr;

    typedef float GoFloat32;

    typedef double GoFloat64;

    typedef float _Complex GoComplex64;

    typedef double _Complex GoComplex128;


    static assertion to make sure the file is being used on architecture

    at least with matching size of GoInt.


    typedef char _check_for_32_bit_pointer_matching_GoInt[sizeof(void*)==32/8 ? 1:-1];

    typedef struct { const char *p; GoInt n; } GoString;

    typedef void *GoMap;

    typedef void *GoChan;

    typedef struct { void *t; void *v; } GoInterface;

    typedef struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; } GoSlice;


    /* End of boilerplate cgo prologue. */

    #ifdef __cplusplus

    extern "C" {


    extern GetLargeStruct_return* GetLargeStruct(GoInt p0);

    extern void FreeLargeStruct(GetLargeStruct_return* p0);

    /* Return type for GetLargeStruct2 */

    struct GetLargeStruct2_return {

      char* r0;

      GoInt r1;


    extern struct GetLargeStruct2_return GetLargeStruct2(GoInt p0);

    extern void FreeCBytes(char* p0);

    #ifdef __cplusplus



    3.2 C++ 代码

    #include <Windows.h>

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include "sample3.h"

    typedef GetLargeStruct_return* (*funcPtrGetLargeStruct)(GoInt p0);

    typedef void (*funcPtrFreeLargeStruct)(GetLargeStruct_return* p0);

    typedef struct GetLargeStruct2_return (*funcPtrGetLargeStruct2)(GoInt p0);

    typedef void (*funcPtrFreeCBytes)(char* p0);

    int main(){

    HMODULE h = LoadLibraryA("sample3.dll");

    if (NULL == h || INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h)


    return -1;


    funcPtrGetLargeStruct pfGetLargeStruct = (funcPtrGetLargeStruct)GetProcAddress(h,"GetLargeStruct");

    funcPtrFreeLargeStruct pfFreeLargeStruct = (funcPtrFreeLargeStruct)GetProcAddress(h,"FreeLargeStruct");

    if (pfGetLargeStruct)


    GetLargeStruct_return* result = pfGetLargeStruct(5);

    if (result)


    printf("GetLargeStruct(5) return  %x %d ",result->Data,result->DataLen);

    if (pfFreeLargeStruct)






    funcPtrGetLargeStruct2 pfGetLargeStruct2 = (funcPtrGetLargeStruct2)GetProcAddress(h,"GetLargeStruct2");

    funcPtrFreeCBytes pfFreeCBytes = (funcPtrFreeCBytes)GetProcAddress(h,"FreeCBytes");

    if (pfGetLargeStruct)


    GetLargeStruct2_return result = pfGetLargeStruct2(5);

    printf("GetLargeStruct2(5) return  %x %d ",result.r0,result.r1);

    if (pfFreeCBytes)






    return 0;







    1. C? Go? Cgo!      https://blog.golang.org/c-go-cgo  
    2. Command cgo     https://golang.org/cmd/cgo/
    3. Cgo             https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/cgo
    4. cmd/cgo: Go type not supported in export: struct #18412


    1. https://go.googlesource.com/go/+/master/src/cmd/cgo/doc.go


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