public void AwaitFuncTaskListNoLambda() { var funcList = new List<Func<Task>>() { Delay3000Async, Delay2000Async, Delay1000Async }; //funcList.ForEach(async _ => await _()); //funcList.ForEach(AwaitAction()); //foreach (var func in funcList) //{ // AwaitAction()(func); //} Action<Func<Task>> L = this.Xxx; foreach (var func in funcList) { L(func); } } async void Xxx(Func<Task> ft) { await ft(); } public Action<Func<Task>> AwaitAction() { return async _ => await _(); }
- async用于异步,可以优美的替代Thread、BackgroundWorker和Task.Run等写法。
- await用于等待。一定是在你主动希望阻塞并等待返回结果时才使用。
- 在async方法里,Task在创建时就开始运行了。
Tasks created by its public constructors are referred to as “cold” tasks, in that they begin their life cycle in the non-scheduled TaskStatus.Created state, and it’s not until Start is called on these instances that they progress to being scheduled. All other tasks begin their life cycle in a “hot” state, meaning that their asynchronous execution has already been initiated and their TaskStatus is an enumeration value other than Created.
All tasks returned from TAP methods must be “hot.” If a TAP method internally uses a Task’s constructor to instantiate the task to be returned, the TAP method must call Start on the Task object prior to returning it. Consumers of a TAP method may safely assume that the returned task is “hot,” and should not attempt to call Start on any Task returned from a TAP method. Calling Start on a “hot” task will result in an InvalidOperationException (this check is handled automatically by the Task class).
private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var v = await Foo(); this.Title = v.ToString(); } private async Task<long> Foo() { var t = new Task<long>(() => { long z = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { z += i; } return z; }); //t.Start(); return await t; }