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  • hi3531的hifb显示1080p60Hz 分类: HI3531 arm-linux-Ubuntu 2014-03-22 10:43 1061人阅读 评论(2) 收藏

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <pthread.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <sys/ioctl.h>
    #include <linux/fb.h>
    #include <sys/mman.h>   //mmap

    #include "hifb.h"
    #include "sample_comm.h"
    #define IMAGE_WIDTH 1920
    #define IMAGE_HEIGHT 1080
    #define IMAGE_SIZE (1920*1080*3)
    #define IMAGE_NUM 14
    #define IMAGE_PATH "./res/%d.bits"
     struct fb_bitfield       a16 = {15, 1, 0}, a32 = {24, 8, 0};
     struct fb_bitfield       r16 = {10, 5, 0}, r32 = {16, 8, 0};
     struct fb_bitfield       g16 = {5, 5, 0},  g32 = {8, 8, 0};
     struct fb_bitfield       b16 = {0, 5, 0},  b32 = {0, 8, 0};
     HIFB_ALPHA_S             stAlpha;
     HIFB_COLORKEY_S          stColorKey;
    FILE                     *fp1,*fp2,*fp3;
       char  bmp_buf[1920*1080*3*4];
    int main()
     int fd;
     int i;
     struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix;
     struct fb_var_screeninfo var;

     unsigned char *pShowScreen;
     unsigned char *pHideScreen;
     HIFB_POINT_S stPoint = {0, 0};
     FILE *fp;
     VO_PUB_ATTR_S stPubAttr = {0};
     char image_name[128];
     /*0. open VO device 0 */
     /* …… initialize the attributes for stPubAttr */
     HI_MPI_VO_SetPubAttr(0, &stPubAttr);
     /*1. open Framebuffer device overlay 0*/
     fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);
     if(fd < 0)
     printf("open fb0 failed! ");
     return -1;

       HI_BOOL  bShow = HI_FALSE;

     /*2. set the screen original position*/
     if (ioctl(fd, FBIOPUT_SCREEN_ORIGIN_HIFB, &stPoint) < 0)
     printf("set screen original show position failed! ");
     return -1;

     /*3. get the variable screen info*/
     if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var) < 0)
     printf("Get variable screen info failed! ");
     return -1;
     /*4. modify the variable screen info
     the screen size: IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT
     the virtual screen size: IMAGE_WIDTH*(IMAGE_HEIGHT*2)
     the pixel format: ARGB1555
        printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d ", var.xres_virtual,var.yres_virtual,var.xres,var.yres,var.xoffset,var.yoffset,var.bits_per_pixel);
     var.xres = var.xres_virtual = IMAGE_WIDTH;
     var.yres = IMAGE_HEIGHT;
     var.yres_virtual = IMAGE_HEIGHT*2;
     var.bits_per_pixel = 32;

     var.xoffset = 0;
     var.yoffset = 0;

     var.red = r32;
     var.green = g32;
     var.blue = b32;
     var.transp = a32;

     /*5. set the variable screeninfo*/
     if (ioctl(fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &var) < 0)
     printf("Put variable screen info failed! ");
     return -1;
      printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d ", var.xres_virtual,var.yres_virtual,var.xres,var.yres,var.xoffset,var.yoffset,var.bits_per_pixel);
     /*6. get the fix screen info*/
     if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fix) < 0)
     printf("Get fix screen info failed! ");
     return -1;
     /*7. map the physical video memory for user use*/

     pShowScreen = mmap(NULL, fix.smem_len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
     //pHideScreen = pShowScreen + (1920*1080*3;
     memset(pShowScreen, 0, 1920*1080*8);
       printf("fix.smem_len: %d ", fix.smem_len);
     /*8. load the bitmaps from file to hide screen and set pan display the
     hide screen*/

     unsigned int h,w,u32Height = 1080;
     unsigned int u32Width = 1920;
        bShow = HI_TRUE;
         if (ioctl(fd, FBIOPUT_SHOW_HIFB, &bShow) < 0)
      printf("FBIOPUT_SHOW_HIFB failed! ");
      return -1;

         fp1 = fopen("1080P1.bmp", "rb");

            if(fp1==NULL) printf("fp1 not open ");
            fread(bmp_buf, 54, 1, fp1);
            fread(bmp_buf, u32Width*u32Height*3, 1, fp1);

     fp2 = fopen("2.bmp", "rb");

            if(fp2==NULL) printf("fp1 not open ");
            fread(bmp_buf+u32Width*u32Height*3, 54, 1, fp2);
            fread(bmp_buf+u32Width*u32Height*3, u32Width*u32Height*3, 1, fp2);

     fp3 = fopen("3.bmp", "rb");

            if(fp3==NULL) printf("fp1 not open ");
            fread(bmp_buf+u32Width*u32Height*6, 54, 1, fp3);
            fread(bmp_buf+u32Width*u32Height*6, u32Width*u32Height*3, 1, fp3);
            printf("ok open file ");   

    int index=0;
    for( index=0;index<100;index++)
                *(unsigned char *)(pShowScreen+(1-index%2)*u32Width*u32Height*4+h*u32Width*4+w*4+0) =  bmp_buf[(u32Height-1-h)*u32Width*3+w*3+0+(index%3)*u32Width*u32Height*3]; //b
                *(unsigned char *)(pShowScreen+(1-index%2)*u32Width*u32Height*4+h*u32Width*4+w*4+1) =  bmp_buf[(u32Height-1-h)*u32Width*3+w*3+1+(index%3)*u32Width*u32Height*3]; //g
                *(unsigned char *)(pShowScreen+(1-index%2)*u32Width*u32Height*4+h*u32Width*4+w*4+2) =  bmp_buf[(u32Height-1-h)*u32Width*3+w*3+2+(index%3)*u32Width*u32Height*3]; //r
                *(unsigned char *)(pShowScreen+(1-index%2)*u32Width*u32Height*4+h*u32Width*4+w*4+3) = 0xff; //a

          var.yoffset = u32Height;
          var.yoffset = 0;
      if (ioctl(fd, FBIOPAN_DISPLAY, &var) < 0)
       printf("FBIOPAN_DISPLAY failed! ");
       return -1;

     printf("Enter to quit! ");
     /*9. close the devices*/
     return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mao0504/p/4706636.html
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