1. add Eclipse plugin
Cucumber -> http://cucumber.github.com/cucumber-eclipse/update-site //eclipse安装失败,用maven repository depenency添加到pom.xml的方式
2. Junit Test Runner Class
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
features = "Feature"
,glue={"stepDefinition"} //指定feature文件夹
public class TestRunner {
format = {"pretty"} Prints the Gherkin source with additional colours and stack traces for errors.
format={"html:Foler_Name"}This will generate a HTML report at the location mentioned in the for-matter itself.
format={"json:Foler_Name/cucumber.json"}This report contains all the information from the gherkin source in JSON Format. This report is meant to be post-processed into another visual format by 3rd party tools such as Cucumber Jenkins.
format={"junit: Folder_Name/cucumber.xml"}This report generates XML files just like Apache Ant’s JUnit report task. This XML format is understood by most Continuous Integration servers, who will use it to generate visual reports.