select count(*) from ITSV.his.information_schema.columns where table_name = 'zsb_ctmcallinfo' and column_name = 'ctp_iftax'
select * from zsb_customer t where not exists(select 1 from zsb_customer where ctm_id=t.ctm_id and ctm_code='001')
--insert into zsb_customer select case when ([ear_id]='000' and (select count(*) from ITSV.his.dbo.zsb_customer where ctm_id=t.ctm_id and ([ear_id]='000' or [ear_id]=@ear_id)) = 1) then @ear_id else [ear_id] end, [ctm_id] from ITSV.his.dbo.zsb_customer t
MERGE zsb_customer AS t USING (SELECT (case when ([ear_id]='000'and (select count(*) from ITSV.his.dbo.zsb_customer where ctm_id=t.ctm_id and ([ear_id]='000' or [ear_id]=@ear_id)) = 1) then @ear_id else [ear_id] end) as ear_id, [ctm_id] FROM ITSV.his.dbo.zsb_customer t) AS s ON (t.ear_id = s.ear_id) WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN insert values(s.[ear_id]);
--select * from ITSV.his.dbo.zsb_customer where ctm_id='000C00356232' --delete from ITSV.his.dbo.zsb_customer where ctm_id='000C00224428' and ear_id='010'
select * from (select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by ear_id,ctm_code,rvi_code) num from ITSV.his.dbo.zsb_rvinfo) as t where t.num between 10000000 and 11000000 -- rows:100w time:0:4:46 select * from ITSV.his.dbo.zsb_rvinfo WHERE rvi_date >= '2019-10-01 00:00:00' and rvi_date < '2020-02-01 00:00:00' -- rows:330W time:0:1:57
select * from (select *, row_number()over(ORDER BY ear_id,ctm_code,rvi_code) as num from zsb_rvinfo) as t WHERE t.num>=1 and t.num<=10 select * from (select *, row_number()over(ORDER BY ear_id,ctm_code,rvi_code) as num from zsb_rvinfo) as t WHERE t.num>=10 and t.num<=20
--创建链接服务器 exec sp_addlinkedserver 'ITSV' , '' , 'SQLOLEDB' , '' exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'ITSV' , 'false' , null , 'sa' , 'sa@1234'
exec batch_import '001'
delete from zsb_rvinfo
insert into zsb_rvinfo select * from ITSV.DBName.dbo.zsb_rvinfo
exec sp_dropserver 'ITSV', 'droplogins'
insert into zsb_rvinfo select TOP (20000) * from openrowset('sqloledb','';'sa';'sa@1234','select * from ..zsb_rvinfo')
--数据存入临时表 select * into ##TempTable from ITSV.DBName.dbo.zsb_customer --多条id相同的数据,取日期最新的 select * from zsb_customer t where not exists (select 1 from zsb_customer where id=t.id and 日期>t.日期) -- 定义游标. DECLARE @ctm_id VARCHAR(10); DECLARE customer_fast CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT ctm_id FROM res_zsb_customer; -- 打开游标. OPEN customer_fast; WHILE 1=1 BEGIN -- 填充数据. FETCH NEXT FROM customer_fast INTO @ctm_id; if(@ctm_id != '') -- 假如未检索到数据,退出循环. IF @@fetch_status!= 0 BREAK; --PRINT @value; END;