Right tool for the right job!
XMind 3.0.3 思维导图软件,开源。brainstorming and mind mapping software
“XMind, combined with online sharing service, provides a revolutionary way to enable both team brainstorming and personal mind mapping.”
A sample
ftp4j 1.4 一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能。
ShellExView v1.37 - Shell Extensions Manager
The ShellExView utility displays the details of shell extensions installed on your computer, and allows you to easily disable and enable each shell extension.
ImgBurn 免费刻录软件 ImgBurn 2.5
ImgBurn 是一款简单易用而且完全免费的CD/DVD镜像文件刻录软件,支持所有最新型刻录机,能够写入大部分CD/DVD镜像格式。支持DVD双层镜像。
Photosynth是微软Live Labs新开发的一项软件技术,是向用户提供一套根据照片自动生成三维模型的软件,微软将其作第一次更新。
Health Monitor 2.1:系统监测工具
系统管理员可以利用Health Monitor 去监控网络中的每一台工作站PC或者服务器,一旦出现问题,它可以用邮件或者短信息的方式通知你。你还可以自行指定让它监控哪些组件和服务,比如CPU利用率、剩余硬盘空间、可用内存数量等。文件夹或者文件的变动也会被记录在案,所有的监测结果会被保存在一个log文件中。
Nvu Html Editing TooL
Introducing Sandboxie
http://www.sandboxie.com/ 免费 "可以用来启动任何应用程序,独立于操作系统的进程来运行,相当于一台虚拟机。"
Sandboxie runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer.
Two Powerful MySQL client tools:
HeidiSQL: http://www.oschina.net/p/heidisql http://www.heidisql.com/
Navicat: http://www.oschina.net/p/navicat+lite http://download.navicat.com/download/navicat8lite_mysql_cs.exe
"Navicat Lite 更适合数据库开发者,而 HeidiSQL 更适合数据库管理员"
HeidiSQL is open-source and free and Navicat is not open-source but still provides a free Lite version.
Comparism: http://opensource.csdn.net/discuss/thread/617?lp=12
Floor Planner:
http://floorplanner.com/ 装修设计, 平面和3D效果图, 注册就可以使用.
gliffy http://www.gliffy.com/ ********@126.com:1*****
Professional-quality flowcharts, org charts, UML diagrams, network diagrams, wireframes, technical drawings and more.
Gliffy works directly in your browser!
StarUML http://staruml.io/
StarUML is one of the most popular UML tool in the world.
Prototype Tool/ UI Mockup Tool
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own display.
Synergy 可以在多台电脑之间共享鼠标、键盘、剪贴板。开源,跨 Win、Linux、Mac。
14 Free Remote Access Software Tools