UI automation test framework:
1. Framework invoker: Linux cron or Windows schedule task, Java TimeTask;
2. Automation test framework better uses a programmatic scripting language like perl/python. Batch script on Windows is not good enough.
3. Utilize different tools’ advantages. For example, use Ant ftp get rather then write a new script with Perl.
4. Test results reporting: email and web pages.
5. Logging: need a complete runtime log for failure debugging.
6. Failure record: use screenshot or video to record uncaught test failures.
7. Consider globalization testing: reuse test cases and enable g11n test by a switch.
Automation test:
1. Must clean test environment before call automation tool to run tests.
2. Check test env before run tests.
3. Set default pass status as false.
UI automation test cases:
1. Select them from functional test cases but save them as new if change them for automation;
2. Separate test suites for different purpose: BAT(build acceptance test), functional (old release, new features);
3. Automation test case review periodly especially for BAT;
UI automation test framework sequence diagram:
UI automation test sequence diagram:
JUnit test framework usecase diagram
Installation automation activity diagram:
Installation automation sequence diagram: