- C:>fossil user new Joe
- C:>fossil user default Joe
- 设置账户
fossil setting proxy http://-:-
fossil update
-iprojectfossil>fossil setting proxy http://-:-
-iprojectfossil>fossil update
Autosync: https://synopse.info/fossil
via proxy: http://-:-
Round-trips: 1 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 12
Pull done, sent: 605 received: 3977 ip: -
上面的用法 生效了。
HTTP Proxies
If you are behind a restrictive firewall that requires you to use an HTTP proxy to reach the internet, then you can configure the proxy in three different ways. You can tell fossil about your proxy using a command-line option on commands that use the network, sync, clone, push, and pull.
fossil clone URL --proxy Proxy-URL
It is annoying to have to type in the proxy URL every time you sync your project, though, so you can make the proxy configuration persistent using the setting command:
fossil setting proxy Proxy-URL
Or, you can set the "http_proxy" environment variable:
export http_proxy=Proxy-URL
To stop using the proxy, do:
fossil setting proxy off
Or unset the environment variable. The fossil setting for the HTTP proxy takes precedence over the environment variable and the command-line option overrides both. If you have an persistent proxy setting that you want to override for a one-time sync, that is easily done on the command-line. For example, to sync with a co-workers repository on your LAN, you might type:
fossil sync --proxy off