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  • 如何用delphi读取网卡物理号

    unit Main;


      SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,

      Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
      Nb, ExtCtrls;

      TForm1 = class(TForm)
        Panel1: TPanel;
        Memo1: TMemo;
        Panel2: TPanel;
        Button1: TButton;
        procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
        procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
        { Private declarations }
        { Public declarations }

      Form1: TForm1;


    {$R *.DFM}

    { enumerate the lana's  - works only on WIN32 }
    function NbLanaEnum: TLana_Enum;
      NCB: TNCB;
      L_Enum: TLana_Enum;
      RetCode: Word;
    {$IFDEF WIN32}
      FillChar(NCB, SizeOf(NCB), 0);
      FillChar(L_Enum, SizeOf(TLana_Enum), 0);
      NCB.Command := NCB_ENUM;
      NCB.Buf := @L_Enum;
      NCB.Length := Sizeof(L_Enum);
      RetCode := NetBiosCmd(NCB);
      if RetCode <> NRC_GOODRET then begin
        L_Enum.Length := 0;
        L_Enum.Lana[0] := Byte(RetCode);
    {$ELSE}                     { not supported for WIN16, fake LANA 0 }
      L_Enum.Length := 1;
      L_Enum.Lana[0] := 0;
      Result := L_Enum;

    { Reset the lana - don't for WIN16 !     }
    function NbReset(l: Byte): Word;
      NCB: TNCB;
    {$IFNDEF WIN32}             { will reset all your connections for WIN1
    6 }
      Result := NRC_GOODRET;    { so just fake a reset for Win16          
      FillChar(NCB, SizeOf(NCB), 0);
      NCB.Command := NCB_RESET;
      NCB.Lana_Num := l;
      Result := NetBiosCmd(NCB);
    { return the MAC address of an interface }
    { in the form of a string like :         }
    { 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'                    }
    { using the definitions in nb.pas        }

    function NbGetMacAddr(LanaNum: Integer): String;
      NCB: TNCB;
      AdpStat: TAdpStat;
      RetCode: Word;
      FillChar(NCB, SizeOf(NCB), 0);
      FillChar(AdpStat, SizeOf(AdpStat), 0);
      NCB.Command := NCB_ADPSTAT;
      NCB.Buf := @AdpStat;
      NCB.Length := Sizeof(AdpStat);
      FillChar(NCB.CallName, Sizeof(TNBName), $20);
      NCB.CallName[0] := Byte('*');
      NCB.Lana_Num := LanaNum;
      RetCode := NetBiosCmd(NCB);
      if RetCode = NRC_GOODRET then begin
        Result := Format('%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x',
      end else begin
        Result := '??:??:??:??:??:??';

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

    procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      L_Enum : TLana_Enum;
      RetCode: Word;
      i: Integer;
      L_Enum := NbLanaEnum;                       { enumerate lanas for WI
    N NT }
      if L_Enum.Length = 0 then begin
        Button1.Caption := Format('LanaEnum err=%2.2x', [L_Enum.Lana[0]]);


      for i := 0 to (L_Enum.Length - 1)do begin   { for every lana found  

        RetCode := NbReset(L_Enum.Lana[i]);       { Reset lana for WIN NT
        if RetCode <> NRC_GOODRET then begin
           Button1.Caption := Format('Reset Lana %d err=%2.2x',[i, RetCode
                                                 { Get MAC Address        
        Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Lana %x = %s', [L_Enum.Lana[i], NbGetMacAd


      Button1.Caption := 'Stop';


    unit Nb;


    {  nb.pas

       16/32 bit windows netbios access (follows IBM's Netbios 3.0 spec)

       (C) CEVI VZW - 29 april 1998     -- DH (Danny.Heijl@cevi.be) --

       You can (ab)use this code as you like, but please do not remove the

       I used reference material from IBM, Microsoft, Syntax and Byte when
    I wrote
       the 16-bit (DOS) c-version ages ago (in Borland Turbo C 2.0 on a 38
    6SX PC)
       with a Syntax SMB server running on Interactive Unix.
       I now converted this to 16 and 32 bit Delphi code.



    uses SysUtils, Winprocs, Wintypes;


    { size of a netbios name }
      NBNAMESIZE    = 16;

    { max number of network adapters }
    { remeber it's BIG Blue, right ? }
      MAXLANAS      = 254;

    { NCB Command codes }

      NCB_ASYNC     = $80;   { asynch command bit to be or-ed into command

      NCB_CALL      = $10;   { open a session }
      NCB_LISTEN    = $11;   { wait for a call }
      NCB_HANGUP    = $12;   { end session }
      NCB_SEND      = $14;   { send data }
      NCB_RECV      = $15;   { receive data }
      NCB_RECVANY   = $16;   { receive data on any session }
      NCB_CHAINSEND = $17;   { chain send data }
      NCB_DGSEND    = $20;   { send a datagram }
      NCB_DGRECV    = $21;   { receive datagram }
      NCB_DGSENDBC  = $22;   { send broadcast datagram }
      NCB_DGREVCBC  = $23;   { receive broadcast datagram }
      NCB_ADDNAME   = $30;   { add unique name to local table }
      NCB_DELNAME   = $31;   { delete name from local table }
      NCB_RESET     = $32;   { reset adapter }
      NCB_ADPSTAT   = $33;   { adapter status }
      NCB_SSTAT     = $34;   { session status }
      NCB_CANCEL    = $35;   { cancel NCB request }
      NCB_ADDGRPNAME= $36;   { add group name to local table }
      NCB_ENUM      = $37;   { enum adapters }
      NCB_UNLINK    = $70;   { unlink remote boot code }
      NCB_SENDNA    = $71;   { send, don't wait for ACK }
      NCB_CHAINSENDNA=$72;   { chain send, but don't wait for ACK }
      NCB_LANSTALERT= $73;   { lan status alert }
      NCB_ACTION    = $77;   { enable extensions }
      NCB_FINDNAME  = $78;   { search for name on the network }
      NCB_TRACE     = $79;   { activate / stop tracing }

    { NCB return codes }

      NRC_GOODRET     = $00;    { good return
                                  also returned when ASYNCH request accept
    ed }
      NRC_BUFLEN      = $01;    { illegal buffer length                   
      NRC_ILLCMD      = $03;    { illegal command                         
      NRC_CMDTMO      = $05;    { command timed out                       
      NRC_INCOMP      = $06;    { message incomplete, issue another comman
    d  }
      NRC_BADDR       = $07;    { illegal buffer address                  
      NRC_SNUMOUT     = $08;    { session number out of range             
      NRC_NORES       = $09;    { no resource available                   
      NRC_SCLOSED     = $0a;    { session closed                          
      NRC_CMDCAN      = $0b;    { command cancelled                       
      NRC_DUPNAME     = $0d;    { duplicate name                          
      NRC_NAMTFUL     = $0e;    { name table full                         
      NRC_ACTSES      = $0f;    { no deletions, name has active sessions  
      NRC_LOCTFUL     = $11;    { local session table full                
      NRC_REMTFUL     = $12;    { remote session table full               
      NRC_ILLNN       = $13;    { illegal name number                     
      NRC_NOCALL      = $14;    { no callname                             
      NRC_NOWILD      = $15;    { cannot put * in NCB_NAME                
      NRC_INUSE       = $16;    { name in use on remote adapter           
      NRC_NAMERR      = $17;    { name deleted                            
      NRC_SABORT      = $18;    { session ended abnormally                
      NRC_NAMCONF     = $19;    { name conflict detected                  
      NRC_IFBUSY      = $21;    { interface busy, IRET before retrying    
      NRC_TOOMANY     = $22;    { too many commands outstanding, retry lat
    er }
      NRC_BRIDGE      = $23;    { ncb_lana_num field invalid              
      NRC_CANOCCR     = $24;    { command completed while cancel occurring
      NRC_CANCEL      = $26;    { command not valid to cancel             
      NRC_DUPENV      = $30;    { name defined by anther local process    
      NRC_ENVNOTDEF   = $34;    { environment undefined. RESET required   
      NRC_OSRESNOTAV  = $35;    { required OS resources exhausted         
      NRC_MAXAPPS     = $36;    { max number of applications exceeded     
      NRC_NOSAPS      = $37;    { no saps available for netbios           
      NRC_NORESOURCES = $38;    { requested resources are not available   
      NRC_INVADDRESS  = $39;    { invalid ncb address or length > segment
      NRC_INVDDID     = $3B;    { invalid NCB DDID                        
      NRC_LOCKFAIL    = $3C;    { lock of user area failed                
      NRC_OPENERR     = $3f;    { NETBIOS not loaded                      
      NRC_SYSTEM      = $40;    { system error                            

      NRC_PENDING     = $ff;    { asynchronous command is not yet finished

    {  Values for transport_id }

    ALL_TRANSPORTS = 'M'#$00#$00#$00;
    MS_NBF         = 'MNBF';

    {  values for name_flags bits. }

    NAME_FLAGS_MASK = $87;

    GROUP_NAME      = $80;
    UNIQUE_NAME     = $00;

    REGISTERING     = $00;
    REGISTERED      = $04;
    DEREGISTERED    = $05;
    DUPLICATE       = $06;

    {  Values for state }

      LISTEN_OUTSTANDING      = $01;
      CALL_PENDING            = $02;
      SESSION_ESTABLISHED     = $03;
      HANGUP_PENDING          = $04;
      HANGUP_COMPLETE         = $05;
      SESSION_ABORTED         = $06;


    { Netbios Name }
      TNBName = array[0..(NBNAMESIZE - 1)] of byte;

    { MAC address }
      TMacAddress = array[0..5] of byte;

      PNCB = ^TNCB;

    { Netbios Control Block }

    {$IFDEF WIN32}
      TNCBPostProc = procedure(P: PNCB);

      TNCB = packed record        { Netbios Control Block }
        Command:  byte;      { command code                       }
        RetCode:  byte;      { return code                        }
        LSN:      byte;      { local session number               }
        Num:      byte;      { name number                        }
        Buf:      ^byte;     { data buffer                        }
        Length:   word;      { data length                        }
        CallName: TNBName;   { name to call                       }
        Name:     TNBName;   { our own name                       }
        RTO:      byte;      { receive time-out                   }
        STO:      byte;      { send time-out                      }
      {$IFNDEF WIN32}
        Post_Offs:word;      { asynch notification routine offset }
        Post_Seg: word;      { asynch notification routine segment}
        PostPrc:  TNCBPostProc;{ asynch notification routine (nb30) }
        Lana_Num: byte;     { adapter number                     }
        Cmd_Cplt: byte;     { command completion flag            }
      {$IFDEF WIN32}
        Reserved: array[0..9] of byte;  { Reserverd for Bios use }
        Event:    THandle;  { WIN32 event handle to be signalled }
                            { for asynch cmd completion          }
        Reserved: array[0..13] of byte;  { Reserved }

    { Netbios Name Info record }
      PNameInfo = ^TNameInfo;
      TNameInfo = packed record  { name info record }
        Name:   TNBName;       { netbios name }
        NameNum:byte;          { name number  }
        NameSt: byte;          { name status  }

    { Netbios adapter status }
      PAdpStat = ^TAdpStat;
      TAdpStat = packed record    { adapter status record}
        ID:       TMacAddress;   { adapter mac address           }
        VMajor:   byte;          { software version major number }
        Resvd0:   byte;
        AdpType:  byte;          { adapter type                  }
        VMinor:   byte;          { software version minor number }
        RptTime:  word;          { reporting time period         }
        RcvCRC:   word;          { receive crc errors            }
        RcvOth:   word;          { receive other errors          }
        TxmCol:   word;          { transmit collisions           }
        TxmOth:   word;          { transmit other errors         }
        TxmOK:    LongInt;       { successfull transmissions     }
        RcvOK:    LongInt;       { successfull receives          }
        TxmRetr:  word;          { transmit retries              }
        NoRcvBuf: word;          { number of 'no receive buffer' }
        T1_tmo:   word;          { t1 time-outs                  }
        Ti_tmo:   word;          { ti time_outs                  }
        Resvd1:   LongInt;
        Free_Ncbs:word;          { number of free ncb's          }
        Cfg_Ncbs: word;          { number of configured ncb's    }
        max_Ncbs: word;          { max ncb's used                }
        NoTxmBuf: word;          { number of 'no transmit buffer'}
        MaxDGSize:word;          { max. datagram size            }
        Pend_Ses: word;          { number of pending sessions    }
        Cfg_Ses:  word;          { number of configured sessions }
        Max_Ses:  word;          { max sessions used             }
        Max_SPSz: word;          { max. session packet size      }
        nNames:   word;          { number of names in local table}
        Names:    array[0..15] of TnameInfo; { local name table  }

       Structure returned to the NCB command NCBSSTAT is SESSION_HEADER fo
       by an array of SESSION_BUFFER structures. If the NCB_NAME starts wi
    th an
       asterisk then an array of these structures is returned containing t
       status for all names.

    { session header }
      PSession_Header = ^TSession_Header;
      TSession_Header = packed record
        sess_name:            byte;
        num_sess:             byte;
        rcv_dg_outstanding:   byte;
        rcv_any_outstanding:  byte;

    { session buffer }
      PSession_Buffer = ^TSession_Buffer;
      TSession_Buffer = packed record
        lsn:                  byte;
        state:                byte;
        local_name:           TNBName;
        remote_name:          TNBName;
        rcvs_outstanding:     byte;
        sends_outstanding:    byte;

       Structure returned to the NCB command NCBENUM.

       On a system containing lana's 0, 2 and 3, a structure with
       length =3, lana[0]=0, lana[1]=2 and lana[2]=3 will be returned.
      PLana_Enum = ^TLana_Enum;
      TLANA_ENUM = packed record
        length:   byte;         {  Number of valid entries in lana[] }
        lana:     array[0..(MAXLANAS - 1)] of byte;

       Structure returned to the NCB command NCBFINDNAME is FIND_NAME_HEAD
    ER followed
       by an array of FIND_NAME_BUFFER structures.

      PFind_Name_Header = ^TFind_Name_Header;
      TFind_Name_Header = packed record
        node_count:    word;
        reserved:      byte;
        unique_group:  byte;

      PFind_Name_Buffer = ^TFind_Name_Buffer;
      TFind_Name_Buffer = packed record
        length:          byte;
        access_control:  byte;
        frame_control:   byte;
        source_addr:     TMacAddress;
        routing_info:    array[0..17] of byte;

       Structure provided with NCBACTION. The purpose of NCBACTION is to p
       transport specific extensions to netbios.

      PAction_Header = ^TAction_Header;
      TAction_Header = packed record
        transport_id: LongInt;
        action_code:  Word;
        reserved:     Word;

    {$IFDEF WIN32}
      function Netbios(P: PNCB): Char; stdcall;

    { Exposed functions }

    function NetbiosCmd(var NCB: TNCB): Word;


    {$IFDEF WIN32}
    function Netbios; external 'netapi32.dll' name 'Netbios';

    { execute a Windows Netbios Call  }

    function NetbiosCmd(var NCB: TNCB): Word;
    {$IFNDEF WIN32}
        push bp                   { save bp }
        push ss                   { save ss }
        push ds                   { save ds }
        les  bx, NCB              { get segment/offset address of NCB }
        call NetBiosCall;         { 16 bit Windows Netbios call }
        xor  ah,ah
        mov  @Result, ax          { store return code }
        pop  ds                   { restore ds }
        pop  ss                   { restore ss }
        pop  bp                   { restore bp }
      Result := Word(Netbios(PNCB(@NCB))); { 32 bit Windows Netbios call }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/martian6125/p/9631363.html
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