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  • EAS BOS ORMapping 元数据解析示例


      1 /**
      2  * ksql工具类
      3  * 
      4  */
      5 public class KSQLBuilder {
      6  public static IMetaDataLoader metaDataLoader = null;
      7  public static final String splitchar = ",";// 字段间 的分隔符
      8  public static final String KEY_SELECT = "SELECT";
      9  public static final String KEY_FROM = "FROM";
     10  public static final String KEY_UPDATE = "UPDATE";
     11  public static final String KEY_INSERT = "INSERT INTO";
     12  public static final String KEY_VALUES = "VALUES";
     13  public static final String KEY_WHERE = "WHERE";
     14  public static final String KEY_AND = "AND";
     15  public static final String KEY_OR = "OR";
     17  public static void initInstance(Context ctx) {
     18   if (metaDataLoader == null) {
     19    if (ctx == null) {
     20     metaDataLoader = MetaDataLoaderFactory.getRemoteMetaDataLoader();
     21    } else {
     22     metaDataLoader = MetaDataLoaderFactory.getLocalMetaDataLoader(ctx);
     23    }
     24   }
     25  }
     27  /**
     28   * 根据单个对象生成预编译语句使用的参数
     29   * 
     30   * @param entity
     31   * @param objVal
     32   * @return
     33   */
     34  public static List getParams(EntityObjectInfo entity, IObjectValue objVal) {
     35   List params = new ArrayList();
     36   if (entity == null) {
     37    entity = metaDataLoader.getEntity(objVal.getBOSType());
     38   }
     39   PropertyInfo property = null;
     40   String propName = "";
     41   PropertyCollection properties = entity.getInheritedNoDuplicatedPropertiesRuntime();
     42   for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) {
     43    property = properties.get(i);
     44    propName = property.getName();
     45    if (property instanceof LinkPropertyInfo) {
     46     if (objVal.getObjectValue(propName) != null) {
     47      params.add(objVal.getObjectValue(propName).getString("id"));// 联接属性取ID
     48     } else {
     49      params.add(null);
     50     }
     51    } else {
     52     params.add(objVal.get(propName));
     53    }
     54   }
     55   return params;
     56  }
     58  /**
     59   * 根据批量的数据,构建预编译参数值
     60   * 
     61   * @param objCols
     62   * @param list
     63   * @return
     64   */
     65  public static List getBatchInsertParams(IObjectCollection objCols) {
     66   List list = new ArrayList();
     67   if (objCols == null || objCols.isEmpty()) {
     68    return list;
     69   }
     70   BOSObjectType bosType = objCols.getObject(0).getBOSType();
     71   EntityObjectInfo entity = metaDataLoader.getEntity(bosType);
     72   IObjectValue objVal = null;
     73   for (int j = 0, k = objCols.size(); j < k; j++) {
     74    objVal = objCols.getObject(j);
     75    list.add(getParams(entity, objVal));
     76   }
     77   return list;
     78  }
     80  /**
     81   * 此方法适合单条数据插入使用
     82   * 
     83   * @param objVal
     84   * @param list
     85   * @return
     86   */
     87  public static String getInsertSQL(IObjectValue objVal, List list) {
     88   BOSObjectType bosType = objVal.getBOSType();
     89   EntityObjectInfo entity = metaDataLoader.getEntity(bosType);
     90   String ksql = getInsertSQL(entity);
     91   list.addAll(getParams(entity, objVal));
     92   return ksql;
     93  }
     94  public static String getInsertSQL(BOSObjectType bosType) {
     95   EntityObjectInfo entity = metaDataLoader.getEntity(bosType);
     96   return getInsertSQL(entity);
     97  }
     98  protected static String getInsertSQL(EntityObjectInfo entity) {
     99   StringBuffer ksql = new StringBuffer();
    100   StringBuffer params = new StringBuffer();
    101   PropertyCollection properties = entity.getInheritedNoDuplicatedPropertiesRuntime();
    102   String[] fields = getTableFields(properties);
    103   ksql.append(KEY_INSERT).append(" ").append(entity.getTable().getName()).append("\n");
    104   ksql.append("(");
    105   for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
    106    ksql.append(fields[i]).append(",");
    107    if (fields[i].equals("FID")) {
    108     params.append("newBosId('").append(entity.getBOSType().toString()).append("'),");
    109    } else {
    110     params.append("?,");
    111    }
    112   }
    113   ksql = ksql.deleteCharAt(ksql.lastIndexOf(","));
    114   ksql.append(")");
    115   params = params.deleteCharAt(params.lastIndexOf(","));
    116   ksql.append(KEY_VALUES).append("(").append(params.toString()).append(")");
    117   return ksql.toString();
    118  }
    120  /**
    121   * 根据指定的bostype构建查询的SQL
    122   * 
    123   * @param bosType
    124   *            实体的BOSTYpe
    125   * @param fields
    126   *            返回查询的字段,方便在外部获取结果集数据,方法调用时传递空集合即可
    127   * @param selectors
    128   *            指定的查询字段,经营分析中暂时用不到,以后扩展可使用
    129   * @return
    130   */
    131  public static String getQuerySQL(BOSObjectType bosType, List fields, SelectorItemCollection selectors) {
    132   StringBuffer ksql = new StringBuffer();
    133   if (fields == null) {
    134    fields = new ArrayList();
    135   }
    136   EntityObjectInfo entity = metaDataLoader.getEntity(bosType);
    137   PropertyCollection properties = entity.getInheritedNoDuplicatedPropertiesRuntime();
    138   String tableName = entity.getTable().getName();
    139   PropertyInfo property = null;
    140   String field = ""; // 表的字段
    141   String propName = "";// 表字段的别名,例如 [ID] select FID AS ID
    142   ksql.append(KEY_SELECT).append("\n");
    143   for (int i = 0, c = properties.size(); i < c; i++) {
    144    property = properties.get(i);
    145    propName = property.getName();
    146    if (property.getMappingField() == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(property.getMappingField().getName())) {
    147     continue;
    148    }
    149    field = property.getMappingField().getName();
    150    ksql.append(field).append(" AS ").append(propName).append(",\n");
    151    fields.add(propName);
    152   }
    153   ksql = ksql.deleteCharAt(ksql.lastIndexOf(","));
    154   ksql.append(KEY_FROM).append("\n").append(tableName);
    155   return ksql.toString();
    156  }
    158  /**
    159   * 获取更新数据的SQL
    160   * 
    161   * @param objVal
    162   *            被更新的业务对象,由于更新时需要用到主键字段,所以主键不能为空
    163   * @param params
    164   *            参数
    165   * @param updateSelectors
    166   *            更新的字段
    167   * @throws InvalidDAOMetaDataException 
    168   */
    169  public static String getUpdateSQL(IObjectValue objVal, List params, SelectorItemCollection updateSelectors) throws InvalidDAOMetaDataException {
    171   StringBuffer ksql = new StringBuffer();
    172   if (objVal == null || objVal.getString(objVal.getPKField()) == null) {
    173    return ksql.toString();
    174   }
    175   String keyField = objVal.getPKField();
    176   String pk = objVal.getString(keyField);
    178   BOSObjectType bosType = objVal.getBOSType();
    179   EntityObjectInfo bo = metaDataLoader.getEntity(bosType);
    180   String tableName = bo.getTable().getName();
    181   ksql.append(KEY_UPDATE).append("\n");
    182   ksql.append(tableName).append("\n").append("set ").append("\n");
    183   for (int i = 0, fldSize = updateSelectors.size(); i < fldSize; ++i) {
    184    SelectorItemInfo item = updateSelectors.get(i);
    185    String itemName = item.getPropertyName();
    186    PropertyInfo fld = bo.getPropertyByNameRuntime(getFirstName(itemName));
    187    if (fld == null || fld.getMappingField() == null)
    188     continue;
    189    String fldName = fld.getName();
    190    if(fldName.equals(keyField) || fldName.equals("name")){
    191     continue;
    192    }
    193    String mappFld = MetaDataUtils.getColumnInfoByPropFromEntity(bo,fld).getName();
    195    ksql.append(mappFld).append("= ? ,");
    196    if (fld instanceof LinkPropertyInfo) {
    197     params.add(objVal.getObjectValue(fldName).getString("id"));
    198    } else {
    199     params.add(objVal.get(fldName));
    200    }
    201   }
    202   ksql = ksql.deleteCharAt(ksql.lastIndexOf(",")).append("\n");
    203   String keyFldName = MetaDataUtils.getColumnInfoByPropFromEntity(bo,bo.getPropertyByNameRuntime(keyField)).getName();
    204   ksql.append(KEY_WHERE).append(" ").append(keyFldName);
    205   ksql.append("= ? \n");
    206   params.add(pk);
    207   return ksql.toString();
    208  }
    210  /**
    211   * 联接属性的处理
    212   * 
    213   * @param fullName
    214   * @return
    215   */
    216  private static String getFirstName(String fullName) {
    217   if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fullName))
    218    return "";
    219   int pos = fullName.indexOf('.');
    220   if (pos > 0)
    221    return fullName.substring(0, pos);
    222   else
    223    return fullName;
    224  }
    226  /**
    227   * 获取字段
    228   */
    229  protected static String[] getTableFields(PropertyCollection properties) {
    230   int count = properties.size();
    231   List fieldsList = new ArrayList();
    232   PropertyInfo property = null;
    233   String field = "";
    234   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    235    property = properties.get(i);
    236    // LinkPropertyInfo
    237    if (property.getMappingField() == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(property.getMappingField().getName())) {
    238     continue;
    239    }
    240    field = property.getMappingField().getName();
    241    fieldsList.add(field);
    242   }
    243   return (String[]) fieldsList.toArray(new String[fieldsList.size()]);
    244  }
    245 }


    日期类型的属性,需要是java.sql.Date类型写入数据库,在EAS BOS中通过Info.getDate获取的就是java.sql.Date类型,同时info.getUtilDate获取的是另一个类型;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/masb/p/2853848.html
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