Tech Road one step 17-23/10
1. architecture
- 企業應用集成 chapter 7,8.
- Pojo in actions. chapter 8,9
- 服務模式
- Java 消息服務
- 微服務架構 chapter 1-3
2. design pattern
- design pattern - Bob PPP chapter 17-19 impl
- recipe - factory series.
3. theory and framework
- Web async.
- Spring Ioc, Aop
- Spring Transaction.
- Spring Message transformation
- Hibernate ROM chapter 9 theory, chapter 1-9 impl
- RabbitMQ theory and impl with spring.
- Jquery in action chaptr 1-6 impl
4. domain
- Java concurrency. lock
- Java Stream, multiple compute
- Java metric, optimization theory and impl