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  • 7.3 GRASP原则三: 低耦合 Low Coupling

    3、GRASP原则三: 低耦合 Low Coupling
       How to support low dependency, low change impact and increased reuse?

       如何保证设计方案支持低的依赖性、低的变化影响度、增加可重用性?
    3.2 耦合的定义Coupling

       耦合: 一个元素与其它元素的联接、感知以及依赖程度的度量

        Measure of how strongly one element is: connected to、 has knowledge of、relies on another element    比较

         Cohesion,内聚: 模块内的操作之间联系紧密的程度

         Coupling,耦合: 两个子模块之间联系的强度

       高耦合带来的问题 Problems with High Coupling

         “牵一发动全身”Forced local changes because of changes in related class

         A依赖B,A与B之间有耦合,一旦B变化了,A就会受影响

       元素孤立是无法理解 Harder to understand in isolation

       元素很难重用 Harder to reuse — drags in more classes
    3.3 GRASP rule3: Low Coupling

       Name: Low Coupling

       Problem:

         How to support low dependency, low change impact and increased reuse?

       Solution:

         Assign responsibility so coupling remains low.

           Use this principle to evaluate alternatives

           All other things being equal prefer the low coupling solution
       Note: Information Expert encourages Low Coupling

       Why most secret service (spy) is one-way contact? 为什么特 务工作都是单线联系?
    3.4 Discuss: Low Coupling

       低耦合是所有设计决策时自然而然要考虑的原则

        Low Coupling is a principle to keep in mind during all design decisions; it is an underlying goal to     continually consider

       低耦合是一种评估原则,是设计师用来对设计方案进行评价的一种指标

        It is an evaluative principle that a designer applies while evaluating all design decisions

       X与Y存在耦合的情况,例如

         X has an attribute that refers to Y

         X calls on services of Y

         X has a method that references Y (parameter, local variable, or return value)

         X is a direct or indirect subclass of Y

         Y is an interface, and X implements that interface
       低耦合支持类的设计相对独立,减少了变化带来的相互影响

        Low Coupling supports the design of classes that are more independent, which reduces the impact of     change

       低耦合与其他的原则,如信息专家、高内聚必须综合考虑

       不能单独考虑低耦合

         “是药,三分毒”

       继承关系中,子类与父类的耦合非常紧密 A subclass is strongly coupled to its superclass.

         所以, 能用组合的地方不要用继承

       There is no absolute measure of when coupling is too high

         低耦合不具备可操作性!类似“只可意会,不可言传”
       极端情况,类之间没有耦合

         不希望这种情况出现

           because a central metaphor of object technology is a system of connected objects that         communicate via messages

           Too little coupling means we aren’t a “collaborating community of objects”

         这样会形成很差的设计

           产生少量的不内聚、臃肿、行为复杂的对象,承担了全部的工作,这些类 可能独立工作,成为

             一 个个简单的数据仓库

       类之间存在适度的耦合是正常的、必须的

         这样才能产生面向对象系统,其任务是由相互连接的对象通过协作来完成

          to create an object-oriented system in which tasks are fulfilled by a collaboration

          between connected objects
    3.4 Discuss:Low Coupling— When Not To

       “背靠大树好乘凉”

         因为大树不会倒、不常变、稳定

       High coupling to stable elements and to pervasive elements is seldom a problem

       e.g. language libraries  For example, a Java J2EE application can safely couple itself to the J

        ava libraries (java.util, and so on)  because they are stable and widespread

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mayZhou/p/10550015.html
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