1、未能加载文件或程序集“Npgsql, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d8b90d52f46fda7”
public TableSchema[] GetTables(string connectionString, DatabaseSchema database) { List<TableSchema> list = new List<TableSchema>(); using (NpgsqlConnection npgsqlConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString)) { npgsqlConnection.Open(); using (NpgsqlCommand npgsqlCommand = new NpgsqlCommand("select tablename, tableowner from pg_catalog.pg_tables where schemaname = 'public' order by tablename", npgsqlConnection)) { using (NpgsqlDataReader npgsqlDataReader = npgsqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) { while (npgsqlDataReader.Read()) { if (npgsqlDataReader.GetString(0).ToUpper() != "CODESMITH_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES") { list.Add(new TableSchema(database, npgsqlDataReader.GetString(0), npgsqlDataReader.GetString(1), DateTime.MinValue)); } } if (!npgsqlDataReader.IsClosed) { npgsqlDataReader.Close(); } } } if (npgsqlConnection.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { npgsqlConnection.Close(); } } return list.ToArray(); }
public TableSchema[] GetTables(string connectionString, DatabaseSchema database) { List<TableSchema> list = new List<TableSchema>(); using (NpgsqlConnection npgsqlConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString)) { npgsqlConnection.Open(); using (NpgsqlCommand npgsqlCommand = new NpgsqlCommand("select tablename, tableowner,obj_description(relfilenode,'pg_class') as pg_description from pg_catalog.pg_tables as t left join pg_catalog.pg_class as c on t.tablename = c.relname where t.schemaname = 'public' order by t.tablename", npgsqlConnection)) { using (NpgsqlDataReader npgsqlDataReader = npgsqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) { while (npgsqlDataReader.Read()) { if (npgsqlDataReader.GetString(0).ToUpper() != "CODESMITH_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES") { list.Add(new TableSchema(database, npgsqlDataReader.GetString(0), npgsqlDataReader.GetString(1), DateTime.MinValue,new ExtendedProperty[]{ new ExtendedProperty("CS_Description", npgsqlDataReader.GetString(2) ?? string.Empty, DbType.String, PropertyStateEnum.ReadOnly) })); } } } } } return list.ToArray(); }
public ColumnSchema[] GetTableColumns(string connectionString, TableSchema table) { List<ColumnSchema> list = new List<ColumnSchema>(); using (NpgsqlConnection npgsqlConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString)) { npgsqlConnection.Open(); string text = string.Format("select column_name, is_nullable, character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, numeric_scale, data_type, udt_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema = 'public' and table_name='{0}'", table.Name); using (NpgsqlCommand npgsqlCommand = new NpgsqlCommand(text, npgsqlConnection)) { using (NpgsqlDataReader npgsqlDataReader = npgsqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) { while (npgsqlDataReader.Read()) { bool allowDBNull = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(1) || npgsqlDataReader.GetString(1) == "YES"; byte precision = (byte)(npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(3) ? 0 : npgsqlDataReader.GetInt32(3)); int size = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(2) ? 0 : npgsqlDataReader.GetInt32(2); int scale = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(4) ? 0 : npgsqlDataReader.GetInt32(4); string name = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(0) ? string.Empty : npgsqlDataReader.GetString(0); string text2 = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(5) ? string.Empty : npgsqlDataReader.GetString(5); string type = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(6) ? string.Empty : npgsqlDataReader.GetString(6); list.Add(new ColumnSchema(table, name, PostgreSQLSchemaProvider.GetDbType(type), text2, size, precision, scale, allowDBNull, new ExtendedProperty[] { new ExtendedProperty("NpgsqlDbType", PostgreSQLSchemaProvider.GetNativeDbType(text2), DbType.String) })); } if (!npgsqlDataReader.IsClosed) { npgsqlDataReader.Close(); } } } if (npgsqlConnection.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { npgsqlConnection.Close(); } } return list.ToArray(); }
public ColumnSchema[] GetTableColumns(string connectionString, TableSchema table) { List<ColumnSchema> list = new List<ColumnSchema>(); using (NpgsqlConnection npgsqlConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString)) { npgsqlConnection.Open(); string text = string.Format("select column_name, is_nullable, character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, numeric_scale, data_type, udt_name,col_description(b.attrelid,b.attnum) as pg_description from information_schema.columns as a join pg_attribute as b on a.column_name=b.attname join pg_class as c on a.table_name=c.relname and b.attrelid = c.oid where b.attnum>0 and a.table_schema = 'public' and a.table_name='{0}'", table.Name); using (NpgsqlCommand npgsqlCommand = new NpgsqlCommand(text, npgsqlConnection)) { using (NpgsqlDataReader npgsqlDataReader = npgsqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) { while (npgsqlDataReader.Read()) { bool allowDBNull = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(1) || npgsqlDataReader.GetString(1) == "YES"; byte precision = (byte)(npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(3) ? 0 : npgsqlDataReader.GetInt32(3)); int size = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(2) ? 0 : npgsqlDataReader.GetInt32(2); int scale = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(4) ? 0 : npgsqlDataReader.GetInt32(4); string name = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(0) ? string.Empty : npgsqlDataReader.GetString(0); string text2 = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(5) ? string.Empty : npgsqlDataReader.GetString(5); string type = npgsqlDataReader.IsDBNull(6) ? string.Empty : npgsqlDataReader.GetString(6); list.Add(new ColumnSchema(table, name, PostgreSQLSchemaProvider.GetDbType(type), text2, size, precision, scale, allowDBNull, new ExtendedProperty[] { new ExtendedProperty("NpgsqlDbType", PostgreSQLSchemaProvider.GetNativeDbType(text2), DbType.String), new ExtendedProperty("CS_Description",npgsqlDataReader.GetString(7)?? string.Empty, DbType.String) })); } if (!npgsqlDataReader.IsClosed) { npgsqlDataReader.Close(); } } } } return list.ToArray(); }
public TableKeySchema[] GetTableKeys(string connectionString, TableSchema table) { List<TableKeySchema> list = new List<TableKeySchema>(); using (NpgsqlConnection npgsqlConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString)) { npgsqlConnection.Open(); string text = string.Format("SELECT constraint_name as constrname FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_name = '{0}' AND constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND constraint_schema='public'", table.Name); using (NpgsqlCommand npgsqlCommand = new NpgsqlCommand(text, npgsqlConnection)) { string text2 = string.Format("SELECT px.conname as constrname, att.attname as colname, fore.relname as reftabname, fatt.attname as refcolname, CASE px.confupdtype WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION' WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT' WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE' WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL' WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT' END AS on_update, CASE px.confdeltype WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION' WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT' WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE' WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL' WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT' END AS on_delete, CASE px.contype WHEN 'p' THEN true WHEN 'f' THEN false END as IsPrimaryKey from pg_constraint px left join pg_class home on (home.oid = px.conrelid) left join pg_class fore on (fore.oid = px.confrelid) left join pg_attribute att on (att.attrelid = px.conrelid AND att.attnum = ANY(px.conkey)) left join pg_attribute fatt on (fatt.attrelid = px.confrelid AND fatt.attnum = ANY(px.confkey)) where (home.relname = '{0}') and px.contype = 'f' order by constrname", table.Name); using (NpgsqlCommand npgsqlCommand2 = new NpgsqlCommand(text2, npgsqlConnection)) { NpgsqlDataAdapter npgsqlDataAdapter = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(npgsqlCommand); DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); npgsqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "constraint"); npgsqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = npgsqlCommand2; npgsqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "keys"); if (dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { dataSet.Relations.Add("Contraint_to_Keys", dataSet.Tables[0].Columns["constrname"], dataSet.Tables[1].Columns["constrname"]); foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows) { string name = dataRow["constrname"].ToString(); DataRow[] childRows = dataRow.GetChildRows("Contraint_to_Keys"); string[] array = new string[childRows.Length]; string[] array2 = new string[childRows.Length]; string name2 = table.Name; string primaryKeyTable = childRows[0]["reftabname"].ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < childRows.Length; i++) { array2[i] = childRows[i]["colname"].ToString(); array[i] = childRows[i]["refcolname"].ToString(); } list.Add(new TableKeySchema(table.Database, name, array2, name2, array, primaryKeyTable)); } } } } string text3 = string.Format("SELECT px.conname as constrname FROM pg_constraint px left join pg_class fore on fore.oid = px.confrelid where fore.relname = '{0}'", table.Name); using (NpgsqlCommand npgsqlCommand3 = new NpgsqlCommand(text3, npgsqlConnection)) { string text4 = string.Format("SELECT px.conname as constrname, fatt.attname as colname, home.relname as reftabname, att.attname as refcolname, CASE px.confupdtype WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION' WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT' WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE' WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL' WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT' END AS on_update, CASE px.confdeltype WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION' WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT' WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE' WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL' WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT' END AS on_delete, CASE px.contype WHEN 'p' THEN true WHEN 'f' THEN false END as IsPrimaryKey from pg_constraint px left join pg_class home on (home.oid = px.conrelid) left join pg_class fore on (fore.oid = px.confrelid) left join pg_attribute att on (att.attrelid = px.conrelid AND att.attnum = ANY(px.conkey)) left join pg_attribute fatt on (fatt.attrelid = px.confrelid AND fatt.attnum = ANY(px.confkey)) where (fore.relname = '{0}') order by constrname", table.Name); using (NpgsqlCommand npgsqlCommand4 = new NpgsqlCommand(text4, npgsqlConnection)) { NpgsqlDataAdapter npgsqlDataAdapter2 = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dataSet2 = new DataSet(); npgsqlDataAdapter2.SelectCommand = npgsqlCommand3; npgsqlDataAdapter2.Fill(dataSet2, "constraint"); npgsqlDataAdapter2.SelectCommand = npgsqlCommand4; npgsqlDataAdapter2.Fill(dataSet2, "keys"); if (dataSet2.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { dataSet2.Relations.Add("Contraint_to_Keys", dataSet2.Tables[0].Columns["constrname"], dataSet2.Tables[1].Columns["constrname"]); foreach (DataRow dataRow2 in dataSet2.Tables[0].Rows) { string name3 = dataRow2["constrname"].ToString(); DataRow[] childRows2 = dataRow2.GetChildRows("Contraint_to_Keys"); string[] array3 = new string[childRows2.Length]; string[] array4 = new string[childRows2.Length]; string foreignKeyTable = childRows2[0]["reftabname"].ToString(); string name4 = table.Name; for (int j = 0; j < childRows2.Length; j++) { array4[j] = childRows2[j]["refcolname"].ToString(); array3[j] = childRows2[j]["colname"].ToString(); } list.Add(new TableKeySchema(table.Database, name3, array4, foreignKeyTable, array3, name4)); } } } } } return list.ToArray(); } public PrimaryKeySchema GetTablePrimaryKey(string connectionString, TableSchema table) { PrimaryKeySchema result = null; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using (NpgsqlConnection npgsqlConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString)) { npgsqlConnection.Open(); string text = string.Format("select constraint_name from information_schema.table_constraints where constraint_schema='public' and table_name='{0}' and constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY'", table.Name); using (NpgsqlCommand npgsqlCommand = new NpgsqlCommand(text, npgsqlConnection)) { using (NpgsqlDataAdapter nda = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(npgsqlCommand)) { nda.Fill(ds, "table_constraints"); } } string text2 = string.Format("select px.conname as ConstraintName, att.attname as ColumnName from pg_constraint px inner join pg_class home on (home.oid = px.conrelid) left join pg_attribute att on (att.attrelid = px.conrelid AND att.attnum = ANY(px.conkey)) where (home.relname = '{0}') and px.contype = 'p'", table.Name); using (NpgsqlCommand npgsqlCommand2 = new NpgsqlCommand(text2, npgsqlConnection)) { using (NpgsqlDataAdapter nda = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(npgsqlCommand2)) { nda.Fill(ds, "pg_constraint"); } } foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables["table_constraints"].Rows) { List<string> list = new List<string>(); foreach (DataRow item2 in ds.Tables["pg_constraint"].Rows) { list.Add(item2.Field<string>("ColumnName")); } result = new PrimaryKeySchema(table, item.Field<string>("constraint_name"), list.ToArray()); } } return result; }