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  • 组合查询和分页




     1 private string _Code;
     2     /// <summary>
     3     /// 编号
     4     /// </summary>
     5     public string Code
     6     {
     7         get { return _Code; }
     8         set { _Code = value; }
     9     }
    10     private string _Name;
    11     /// <summary>
    12     /// 名字
    13     /// </summary>
    14     public string Name
    15     {
    16         get { return _Name; }
    17         set { _Name = value; }
    18     }
    19     private decimal _Oil;
    20     /// <summary>
    21     /// 油耗
    22     /// </summary>
    23     public decimal Oil
    24     {
    25         get { return _Oil; }
    26         set { _Oil = value; }
    27     }
    28     private decimal _Price;
    29     /// <summary>
    30     /// 价格
    31     /// </summary>
    32     public decimal Price
    33     {
    34         get { return _Price; }
    35         set { _Price = value; }
    36     }
    37     private int _Powers;
    38     /// <summary>
    39     /// 马力
    40     /// </summary>
    41     public int Powers
    42     {
    43         get { return _Powers; }
    44         set { _Powers = value; }
    45     }


     1  SqlConnection conn = null;
     2     SqlCommand com = null;
     3     public Operation()
     4     {
     5         conn = new SqlConnection("server=.;database=ADOlianxi0425;user=sa;pwd=123;");
     6         com = conn.CreateCommand();
     7     }
     9     /// <summary>
    10     /// 查询全部信息
    11     /// </summary>
    12     /// <returns></returns>
    13     public List<Model> selectall(string SQL, Hashtable HS)
    14     {
    15         List<Model> list = new List<Model>();
    16         com.CommandText = SQL;
    17         com.Parameters.Clear();
    18         foreach (string s in HS.Keys)
    19         {
    20             com.Parameters.Add(s, HS[s]);
    21         }
    22         conn.Open();
    23         SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader();
    24         if (dr.HasRows)
    25         {
    26             while (dr.Read())
    27             {
    28                 Model M = new Model();
    29                 M.Code = dr["code"].ToString();
    30                 M.Name = dr["name"].ToString();
    31                 M.Oil = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["oil"]);
    32                 M.Powers = Convert.ToInt32(dr["powers"]);
    33                 M.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["price"]);
    34                 list.Add(M);
    35             }
    36         }
    37         conn.Close();
    38         return list;
    39     }


     1 <style>
     2         #Span1 {
     3             position: relative;
     4             left: 15%;
     5             top: 30px;
     6             font-family: 微软雅黑;
     7         }
     9         #Button1 {
    10             width: 50px;
    11             height: 30px;
    12             color: white;
    13             background-color: black;
    14             font-family: 微软雅黑;
    15         }
    17         #Table {
    18             width: 73%;
    19             left: 15%;
    20             top: 30px;
    21             position: relative;
    22         }
    24         #Span2 {
    25             left: 70%;
    26             top: 280px;
    27             position: fixed;
    28             font-family: 微软雅黑;
    29         }
    30     </style>
    31 </head>
    32 <body>
    33     <form id="form1" runat="server">
    34         <span id="Span1">名字:<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
    35             油耗:<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
    36             马力:<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
    37             价格:<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList><asp:TextBox ID="TextBox4" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
    38             <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="查询" />
    39         </span>
    40         <br />
    41         <br />
    42         <table id="Table">
    43             <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">
    44                 <HeaderTemplate>
    45                     <tr>
    46                         <td>编号</td>
    47                         <td>名字</td>
    48                         <td>马力</td>
    49                         <td>油耗</td>
    50                         <td>价格</td>
    51                     </tr>
    52                 </HeaderTemplate>
    53                 <ItemTemplate>
    54                     <tr>
    55                         <td><%#Eval("Code") %></td>
    56                         <td><%#Eval("Name") %></td>
    57                         <td><%#Eval("Powers") %></td>
    58                         <td><%#Eval("Oil") %></td>
    59                         <td><%#Eval("Price") %></td>
    60                     </tr>
    61                 </ItemTemplate>
    62             </asp:Repeater>
    63         </table>
    64         <span id="Span2">第[<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server"></asp:Label>]页
    65             <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server">上一页</asp:LinkButton>
    66             <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton2" runat="server">下一页</asp:LinkButton>
    67         </span>
    68     </form>
    69 </body>
    70 </html>


      1 public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
      2 {
      3     string SQL = "select top 3 * from Car ";
      4     string SQL1 = "select * from Car ";
      5     string SQL2 = "";
      6     Hashtable HS = new Hashtable();
      7     int num = 0;
      8     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
      9     {
     10         Button1.Click += Button1_Click;//点击查询
     11         LinkButton1.Click += LinkButton1_Click;//点击上一页
     12         LinkButton2.Click += LinkButton2_Click;//点击下一页
     13         if (IsPostBack == false)//只有在网页打开时执行一次
     14         {
     15             Repeater1.DataSource = new Operation().selectall(SQL, HS);//绑定数据
     16             Repeater1.DataBind();
     17             ListItem List = new ListItem();//向DropDownList中添加数据
     18             List.Text = "=";
     19             List.Value = "=";
     20             DropDownList1.Items.Add(List);
     21             ListItem List1 = new ListItem();
     22             List1.Text = ">=";
     23             List1.Value = ">=";
     24             DropDownList1.Items.Add(List1);
     25             ListItem List2 = new ListItem();
     26             List2.Text = "<=";
     27             List2.Value = "<=";
     28             DropDownList1.Items.Add(List2);
     29             Label1.Text = "1";
     30             LinkButton1.Enabled = false;
     31             Session["SQL"] = SQL;//记录想要显示内容的SQL语句
     32             Session["SQL1"] = SQL1;//记录想要查询数据总数量的SQL语句
     33             Session["SQL2"] = SQL2;//记录想要查询数据条件的查询语句
     34             Session["HS"] = HS;//用Hashtable集合记录防攻击字符串(即查询条件)
     35             Session["NUM"] = num;//记录语句拼接时是否拼接过,确定where还是and
     36             //以上五条可以不用Session记录,直接封装成一个方法调用也可以
     37         }
     38     }
     39     /// <summary>
     40     /// 下一页
     41     /// </summary>
     42     /// <param name="sender"></param>
     43     /// <param name="e"></param>
     44     void LinkButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     45     {
     46         int num = 1;
     47         if (Session["HS"] != null)
     48         {
     49             HS = (Hashtable)Session["HS"];
     50         }
     51         if (Session["SQL1"] != null)
     52         {
     53             num = Number(Session["SQL1"].ToString());
     54         }
     55         if (Session["SQL"] != null && Session["NUM"] != null && Session["SQL2"] != null)
     56         {
     57             if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["NUM"]) == 0)
     58             {
     59                 SQL = Session["SQL"].ToString() + "where code not in (select top " + Convert.ToInt32(Label1.Text) * 3 + " code from car " + Session["SQL2"].ToString() + ") ";
     60             }
     61             else
     62             {
     63                 SQL = Session["SQL"].ToString() + "and code not in (select top " + Convert.ToInt32(Label1.Text) * 3 + " code from car " + Session["SQL2"].ToString() + ") ";
     64             }
     65         }
     66         Repeater1.DataSource = new Operation().selectall(SQL, HS);
     67         Repeater1.DataBind();
     68         Label1.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(Label1.Text) + 1).ToString();
     69         LinkButton1.Enabled = true;
     70         if (Label1.Text == num.ToString())
     71         {
     72             LinkButton2.Enabled = false;
     73         }
     74     }
     75     /// <summary>
     76     /// 上一页
     77     /// </summary>
     78     /// <param name="sender"></param>
     79     /// <param name="e"></param>
     80     void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     81     {
     82         if (Session["HS"] != null)
     83         {
     84             HS = (Hashtable)Session["HS"];
     85         }
     86         if (Session["SQL"] != null && Session["NUM"] != null && Session["SQL2"] != null)
     87         {
     88             if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["NUM"]) == 0)
     89             {
     90                 SQL = Session["SQL"].ToString() + "where code not in (select top " + (Convert.ToInt32(Label1.Text) - 2) * 3 + " code from car " + Session["SQL2"].ToString() + ") ";
     91             }
     92             else
     93             {
     94                 SQL = Session["SQL"].ToString() + "and code not in (select top " + (Convert.ToInt32(Label1.Text) - 2) * 3 + " code from car " + Session["SQL2"].ToString() + ") ";
     95             }
     96         }
     97         Repeater1.DataSource = new Operation().selectall(SQL, HS);
     98         Repeater1.DataBind();
     99         Label1.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(Label1.Text) - 1).ToString();
    100         LinkButton2.Enabled = true;
    101         if (Label1.Text == "1")
    102         {
    103             LinkButton1.Enabled = false;
    104         }
    105     }
    106     /// <summary>
    107     /// 点击查询
    108     /// </summary>
    109     /// <param name="sender"></param>
    110     /// <param name="e"></param>
    111     void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    112     {
    113         SQL = "select top 3 * from Car ";
    114         SQL1 = "select * from car ";
    115         HS = new Hashtable();
    116         num = 0;
    117         if (TextBox1.Text != "")
    118         {
    119             if (num == 0)
    120             {
    121                 SQL += "where name like @name ";
    122                 SQL1 += "where name like @name ";
    123                 SQL2 += "where name like @name ";
    124             }
    125             else
    126             {
    127                 SQL += "and name like @name ";
    128                 SQL1 += "and name like @name ";
    129                 SQL2 += "and name like @name ";
    130             }
    131             HS.Add("@name", "%" + TextBox1.Text + "%");
    132             num++;
    133         }
    134         if (TextBox2.Text != "")
    135         {
    136             if (num == 0)
    137             {
    138                 SQL += "where oil like @oil ";
    139                 SQL1 += "where oil like @oil ";
    140                 SQL2 += "where oil like @oil ";
    141             }
    142             else
    143             {
    144                 SQL += "and oil like @oil ";
    145                 SQL1 += "and oil like @oil ";
    146                 SQL2 += "and oil like @oil ";
    147             }
    148             HS.Add("@oil", "%" + TextBox2.Text + "%");
    149             num++;
    150         }
    151         if (TextBox3.Text != "")
    152         {
    153             if (num == 0)
    154             {
    155                 SQL += "where powers like @powers ";
    156                 SQL1 += "where powers like @powers ";
    157                 SQL2 += "where powers like @powers ";
    158             }
    159             else
    160             {
    161                 SQL += "and powers like @powers ";
    162                 SQL1 += "and powers like @powers ";
    163                 SQL2 += "and powers like @powers ";
    164             }
    165             HS.Add("@powers", "%" + TextBox3.Text + "%");
    166             num++;
    167         }
    168         if (TextBox4.Text != "")
    169         {
    170             if (num == 0)
    171             {
    172                 SQL += "where price " + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + " @price ";
    173                 SQL1 += "where price " + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + " @price ";
    174                 SQL2 += "where price " + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + " @price ";
    175             }
    176             else
    177             {
    178                 SQL += "and price " + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + " @price ";
    179                 SQL1 += "and price " + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + " @price ";
    180                 SQL2 += "and price " + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + " @price ";
    181             }
    182             HS.Add("@price", TextBox4.Text);
    183             num++;
    184         }
    185         Repeater1.DataSource = new Operation().selectall(SQL, HS);
    186         Repeater1.DataBind();
    187         Label1.Text = "1";
    188         LinkButton1.Enabled = false;
    189         int AAA = Number(SQL1);
    190         if (Label1.Text == AAA.ToString())
    191         {
    192             LinkButton2.Enabled = false;
    193         }
    194         else
    195         {
    196             LinkButton2.Enabled = true;
    197         }
    198         Session["SQL"] = SQL;
    199         Session["SQL1"] = SQL1;
    200         Session["SQL2"] = SQL2;
    201         Session["HS"] = HS;
    202         Session["NUM"] = num;
    203     }
    205     /// <summary>
    206     /// 查询出来的总数
    207     /// </summary>
    208     /// <returns></returns>
    209     public int Number(string sql)
    210     {
    211         int a = new Operation().selectall(sql, HS).Count;
    212         int num = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(a / (3 * 1.0)));
    213         return num;
    214     }
    215 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mazhijie/p/5701756.html
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