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Welcome to ZXR10 General Excellent Router of ZTE Corporation
internet_ger04#show ver
internet_ger04#show version
ZXR10 Router Operating System Software, ZTE Corporation
ZXR10 ROS Version V4.6.03b
ZXR10 GER Software, Version V2.6.03b18, RELEASE SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 by ZTE Corporation
Compiled Jul 3 2007, 09:34:30
System image files are flash:<//flash/img/zxr10ger2.zar>
System uptime is 27 days, 12 hours, 20 minutes
[SMNP](Master, slot 6)
Main processor: RM7000 with 1024M bytes of memory
System with multiple processors (1 Network processors)
Every network processor with 256M bytes of memory
64K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory
64M bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version:GER2/4V2603b-04,RELEASE SOFTWARE
System serial: 1219
FPGA Version :V13
[NP](slot 1)
NP in slot NPSLOT1 is 2200(64KB)
[LIC](slot 1)
Card name:SGEF
FPGA Version :V13
CPLD Version :V10
[LIC](slot 2)
Card name:SGEF
FPGA Version :V13
CPLD Version :V10
internet_ger04#show running-config
Building configuration...
!**********Before interface -- show run on RP start!*********
urpf log off
eoam disable
no eoam authentication-key
interface null1
interface gei_1/1
negotiation auto
hybrid-attribute fiber
interface gei_1/2
negotiation auto
hybrid-attribute fiber
interface gei_2/1
ip address
negotiation auto
hybrid-attribute copper
ip nat inside
interface gei_2/2
ip address
negotiation auto
hybrid-attribute copper
ip access-group 120 in
ip access-group 120 out
ip nat outside
!**********After interface -- show run on RP start!**********
ip nat start
ip nat pool wai1 prefix-length 25
ip nat inside source list 1 pool wai1 overload gei_2/2
ip nat translation timeout class a 20
ip nat translation timeout class b 60
ip nat translation timeout class c 150
ip nat translation timeout class d 300
ip nat translation timeout class e 1200
ip nat translation timeout protocol icmp a
ip nat translation timeout protocol ip d
ip nat translation timeout protocol tcp port 22 e
ip nat translation timeout protocol tcp port 80 a
ip nat translation timeout protocol tcp d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 4000 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 4001 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 4002 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 4003 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 8000 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 8001 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp c
ip nat translation maximal default 65535
ip route
ip route
acl standard number 1
rule 2 permit
rule 1 permit
acl extended number 120
rule 1 deny tcp any any eq 135
rule 2 deny tcp any any eq 136
rule 3 deny tcp any any eq 137
rule 4 deny tcp any any eq 138
rule 5 deny tcp any any eq 139
rule 6 deny tcp any any eq 389
rule 7 deny tcp any any eq 445
rule 8 deny tcp any any eq 4444
rule 9 deny tcp any any eq 69
rule 10 deny udp any any eq 135
rule 11 deny udp any any eq 136
rule 12 deny udp any any eq 389
rule 13 deny udp any any eq 445
rule 14 permit ip any any
version V4.6.03b
enable secret 5 R1dTRQ+EDF8W896h0tXkjQ==
nvram mng-ip-address
nvram boot-username target
nvram boot-password target
nvram boot-server
nvram mac-base-address 0019.c608.9f11
nvram imgfile-location local
hostname internet_ger04
username admin password ****
user-authentication-type local
banner incoming @
Welcome to ZXR10 General Excellent Router of ZTE Corporation
lfap disable
lfap max-send-fun-size 100
lfap update-interval 60
lfap server-retry-interval 60
lfap message-response-interval 60
lfap ka-interval 60
lfap flow-expired-time 600
snmp-server location this is ZXR10 in ZHI
snmp-server contact Tel:11111111
snmp-server packetSize 1400
snmp-server engine-id 830900020300010289d64401
snmp-server community private view DefaultView rw
snmp-server community public view DefaultView ro
snmp-server view view iso included
snmp-server view AllView internet included
snmp-server view DefaultView system included
snmp-server host trap version 2c public udp-port 161
snmp-server enable trap SNMP
snmp-server enable trap VPN
snmp-server enable trap BGP
snmp-server enable trap OSPF
snmp-server enable trap RMON
snmp-server enable trap STALARM
snmp-server enable inform SNMP
snmp-server enable inform VPN
snmp-server enable inform BGP
snmp-server enable inform OSPF
snmp-server enable inform RMON
snmp-server enable inform STALARM
logging on
logging buffer 200
logging mode fullcycle
logging console notifications
logging level notifications
unm on
line console idle-timeout 120
line console absolute-timeout 1440
line telnet idle-timeout 120
line telnet absolute-timeout 1440
ssh server authentication ispgroup 1
ssh server authentication mode local
ssh server authentication type chap
no ssh server only
ssh server version 2
radius auto-change off