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  • HCNA配置console线路密码aaa认证

      Please check whether system data has been changed, and save data in time
      Configuration console time out, please press any key to log on
    Login authentication
    Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
    [R2]user-interface conso    
    [R2]user-interface console 0
    [R2-ui-console0]authentication-mode aaa
    [R2-aaa]local-user user0 pass    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user0 password cip    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user0 password cipher huawei123
    Info: Add a new user.
    [R2-aaa]local-user user1 ?
      access-limit   Set access limit of user(s)
      ftp-directory  Set user(s) FTP directory permitted
      idle-timeout   Set the timeout period for terminal user(s)
      password       Set password 
      privilege      Set admin user(s) level
      service-type   Service types for authorized user(s)
      state          Activate/Block the user(s)
      user-group     User group
    [R2-aaa]local-user user1 pass    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user1 password ?
      cipher  User password with cipher text
    [R2-aaa]local-user user1 password ci    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user1 password cipher huawei123
    Info: Add a new user.
    [R2-aaa]local-user user2 pass    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user2 password cip    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user2 password cipher huawei123
    Info: Add a new user.
      Configuration console exit, please press any key to log on
    Login authentication
    User view commands:
      arp-ping               ARP-ping
      autosave               <Group> autosave command group
      backup                 Backup  information
      cd                     Change current directory 
      clear                  <Group> clear command group
      clock                  Specify the system clock
      cls                    Clear screen
      compare                Compare configuration file
      copy                   Copy from one file to another 
      debugging              <Group> debugging command group
      delete                 Delete a file 
      dialer                 Dialer
      dir                    List files on a filesystem 
      display                Display information
      factory-configuration  Factory configuration
      fixdisk                Try to restory disk 
      format                 Format file system
      free                   Release a user terminal interface
      ftp                    Establish an FTP connection
      help                   Description of the interactive help system
      hwtacacs-user          HWTACACS user
      license                <Group> license command group
      lldp                   Link Layer Discovery Protocol


    设置user0用户为0级 访问级别

    Configuration console exit, please press any key to log on
    Login authentication
    User view commands:
      arp-ping               ARP-ping
      autosave               <Group> autosave command group
      backup                 Backup  information
      cd                     Change current directory 
      clear                  <Group> clear command group
      clock                  Specify the system clock
      cls                    Clear screen
      compare                Compare configuration file
      copy                   Copy from one file to another 
      debugging              <Group> debugging command group
      delete                 Delete a file 
      dialer                 Dialer
      dir                    List files on a filesystem 
      display                Display information
      factory-configuration  Factory configuration
      fixdisk                Try to restory disk 
      format                 Format file system
      free                   Release a user terminal interface
      ftp                    Establish an FTP connection
      help                   Description of the interactive help system
      hwtacacs-user          HWTACACS user
      license                <Group> license command group
      lldp                   Link Layer Discovery Protocol
    Error: Unrecognized command found at '^' position.
    Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
    [R2-aaa]local-user pri    
      local-user  Add/Delete/Set user(s)
    [R2-aaa]local-user user    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user0 ?
      access-limit   Set access limit of user(s)
      ftp-directory  Set user(s) FTP directory permitted
      idle-timeout   Set the timeout period for terminal user(s)
      password       Set password 
      privilege      Set admin user(s) level
      service-type   Service types for authorized user(s)
      state          Activate/Block the user(s)
      user-group     User group
    [R2-aaa]local-user user    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user0 pri    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user0 privilege ?
      level  Set admin user(s) level
    [R2-aaa]local-user user0 privilege 0
    Error: Unrecognized command found at '^' position.
    [R2-aaa]local-user user0 privilege lev    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user0 privilege level ?
      INTEGER<0-15>  Level value
    [R2-aaa]local-user user0 privilege level 0
    [R2-aaa]local-user user    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user1    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user1 pri    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user1 privilege level    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user1 privilege level 1
    [R2-aaa]local-user user2    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user2 pri    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user2 privilege lev    
    [R2-aaa]local-user user2 privilege level 2
      Configuration console exit, please press any key to log on
    Login authentication
      User last login information:     
      Access Type: Serial      
      IP-Address : --     
      Time       : 2017-12-07 21:04:46-08:00     
    User view commands:
      display        Display information
      hwtacacs-user  HWTACACS user
      local-user     Add/Delete/Set user(s)
      ping           Ping function
      quit           Exit from current mode and enter prior mode
      save           Save file
      super          Modify super password parameters
      telnet         Open a telnet connection
      tracert        <Group> tracert command group



  • 相关阅读:
    char 与 unsigned char的本质区别
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/me80/p/8001104.html
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