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  • Hadoop--之RPC开发

      百度百科: RPC(Remote Procedure Call)—远程过程调用,它是一种通过网络从远程计算机程序上请求服务,而不需要了解底层网络技术的协议。RPC协议假定某些传输协议的存在,如TCP或UDP,为通信程序之间携带信息数据。在OSI网络通信模型中,RPC跨越了传输层应用层。RPC使得开发包括网络分布式多程序在内的应用程序更加容易。
        有多种 RPC模式和执行。最初由 Sun 公司提出。IETF ONC 宪章重新修订了 Sun 版本,使得 ONC RPC 协议成为 IETF 标准协议。现在使用最普遍的模式和执行是开放式软件基础的分布式计算环境(DCE)。

     目前为止我对RCP的理解就是,服务端启动,客户端调用服务的方法做操作。接下来我就总结一下RPC和hadoop Java-Api的使用来对文件的上传和删除,增加的操作。




    package com.huhu.rpc;
    public interface SayHello {
        static long versionID = 666L;
        // say hello
        public String hello(String line);
        // insert file and Edit file
        public String hdfsUpLoad(String filename, String data);
        // upload a filename
        public String hdfsGet(String filename);
        // delete a folder OR file
        public String delete(String filename);
        // batch delete folder OR file
        public String deletes(String[] a);
        // newBuild a folder OR file
        public String newBuildForder(String forder);
        // batch DownLoad Text to the specified path
        public String DownLoadText(String[] file, String localPath);
        // Uploading text to the specified path
        public String UploadingaText(String[] file, String localPath, String hadoopPath);


    package com.huhu.rpc;
    import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
    import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;
    import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC;
    import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC.Server;
    import com.huhu.util.FSUtils;
    import com.huhu.util.RPCUtils;
    public class RPCService implements SayHello {
    	Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    		Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    		Server service = new RPC.Builder(conf).setProtocol(SayHello.class).setBindAddress("").setPort(5566)
    				.setInstance(new RPCService()).build();
    	public String hello(String line) {
    		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    		return "欢迎您" + line;
    	public String hdfsUpLoad(String filename, String data) {
    		FileSystem fs = null;
    		if ("".equals(filename) || "".equals(data) || data.length() < 1) {
    			return "You data" + filename + "have a probems,plseces again uplocad!";
    		try {
    			fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			if (fs.exists(new Path("/1708a1/" + filename + ".txt"))) {
    				fs.delete(new Path("/1708a1/" + filename + ".txt"), true);
    			FSDataOutputStream create = fs.create(new Path("/1708a1/" + filename + ".txt"));
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!";
    	public String hdfsGet(String filename) {
    		FileSystem fs = null;
    		String data = null;
    		try {
    			fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			if ("".equals(filename) || filename.length() < 1 || !fs.exists(new Path("/1708a1/" + filename + ".txt"))) {
    				return "You data" + filename + "have a probems,plseces again uplocad!";
    			FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(new Path("/1708a1/" + filename + ".txt"));
    			data = in.readUTF();
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return data;
    	// file or folder delete
    	public String delete(String filename) {
    		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    		try {
    			FileSystem fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			Path path = new Path("/1708a1/" + filename);
    			if (filename.equals("") || filename.length() < 1) {
    				return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    			if (fs.exists(path)) {
    				fs.delete(path, true);
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!!";
    	// file or folder newBuild
    	public String newBuildForder(String forder) {
    		try {
    			Path path = new Path("/1708a1/" + forder);
    			FileSystem fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			if (forder.equals("") || forder.length() < 1 || fs.exists(path)) {
    				return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!!";
    	// batch delete
    	public String deletes(String[] name) {
    		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    		try {
    			FileSystem fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			Path path = null;
    			if (name.length < 1 || name.equals("")) {
    				return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    			for (String n : name) {
    				path = new Path("/1708a1/" + n);
    				if (fs.exists(path)) {
    					fs.delete(path, true);
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!!";
    	// batch DownLoad Text to the specified path
    	public String DownLoadText(String[] file, String localPath) {
    		try {
    			LocalFileSystem localFileSystem = FSUtils.getLocalFileSystem();
    			FileSystem fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			Path path = null;
    			for (String f : file) {
    				path = new Path("/1708a1/" + f);
    				if (localPath.equals("") || !fs.exists(path)) {
    					return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    				String[] str = path.toString().split("/1708a1");
    				if (fs.isDirectory(path)) {
    					localFileSystem.mkdirs(new Path(localPath + "/" + str[1]));
    				} else if (fs.isFile(path)) {
    					FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(path);
    					FSDataOutputStream create = localFileSystem.create(new Path(localPath + "/" + str[1]));
    					System.out.println(new Path(localPath + "/" + str[1]) + "---------");
    					IOUtils.copyBytes(in, create, conf, true);
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!";
    	// Uploading text to the specified path
    	public String UploadingaText(String[] file, String localPath, String hadoopPath) {
    		try {
    			LocalFileSystem localFileSystem = FSUtils.getLocalFileSystem();
    			FileSystem fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			Path path = null;
    			for (String f : file) {
    				path = new Path(localPath + "/" + f);
    				if (localPath.equals("") || !localFileSystem.exists(path)) {
    					return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    				if (localFileSystem.isDirectory(path)) {
    					fs.mkdirs(new Path(hadoopPath + "/" + f));
    				} else if (localFileSystem.isFile(path)) {
    					fs.copyFromLocalFile(path, new Path(hadoopPath + "/" + f));
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!";
    		 * String uploadingaText = RPCUtils.UploadingaText(file, localPath, hadoopPath);
    		 * return uploadingaText;


    package com.huhu.rpc;
    import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
    import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
    import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC;
    public class RPCClient {
    	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    		Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    		SayHello client = RPC.getProxy(SayHello.class, 666L, new InetSocketAddress("", 5566), conf);
    		// file or folder delete
    		// String deleteFile = client.delete("hehe.txt");
    		// System.out.println(deleteFile);
    		// file or folder newBuildv
    		// String newBuildForder = client.newBuildForder("/huhula/hehe.txt");
    		// System.out.println(newBuildForder);
    		// String[] hehe = { "huhula", "f2.txt" };
    		// String deletes = client.deletes(hehe);
    		// System.out.println(deletes);
    		// batch DownLoad Text to the specified path
    		// String downLoadText = client.DownLoadText(hehe, "E:/data");
    		// System.out.println(downLoadText);
    		String[] a = { "44.txt", "55.txt", "66.txt" };
    		String uploadingaText = client.UploadingaText(a, "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop", "/1708a1/");









      第三个是创建一个新的文件或者 文件夹:      














    package com.huhu.util;
    import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
    import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;
    public class RPCUtils {
    	// Loading configuration file
    	private static Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    	// HADOOP file Path
    	private static FileSystem fs = null;
    	// local file Path
    	private static LocalFileSystem lfs = null;
    	private static  String HADOOP_PATH = "/1708a1/";
    	// upload file and Edit file
    	public static String uploadFileAndEditFile(String filename, String data) {
    		Path path = new Path(HADOOP_PATH + filename + ".txt");
    		// Determine whether the incoming data is legitimate
    		if (filename.equals("") || filename.length() < 1 || data.equals("")) {
    			return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    		try {
    			// Obtain HADOOP Path
    			fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			if (fs.exists(path)) {
    				// recursion delete
    				fs.delete(path, true);
    			// upload file
    			FSDataOutputStream create = fs.create(path);
    			// edit file
    			// close flow
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!";
    	// delete a folder OR file
    	public static String deleteAFolderOrFile(String name) {
    		Path path = new Path(HADOOP_PATH + name);
    		// Determine whether the incoming data is legitimate
    		if (name.equals("") || name.length() < 1) {
    			return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    		try {
    			// Obtain HADOOP Path
    			fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			if (fs.exists(path)) {
    				fs.delete(path, true);
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!!";
    	// look file content
    	public static String lookFileContent(String filename) {
    		Path path = new Path(HADOOP_PATH + filename);
    		String data = null;
    		try {
    			// Obtain HADOOP Path
    			fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			// Determine whether the incoming data is legitimate
    			if ("".equals(filename) || filename.length() < 1 || !fs.exists(path)) {
    				return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    			// open file
    			FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(path);
    			// read file Content
    			data = in.readUTF();
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    		return data;
    	// file or folder newBuild
    	public static String newBuildForder(String forder) {
    		Path path = new Path(HADOOP_PATH + forder);
    		try {
    			// Obtain HADOOP Path
    			fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			// Determine whether the incoming data is legitimate
    			if (forder.equals("") || forder.length() < 1 || fs.exists(path)) {
    				return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    		return "OK!!!";
    	// batch delete file or folder
    	public static String deletes(String[] name) {
    		// Determine whether the incoming data is legitimate
    		Path path = null;
    		if (name.length < 1) {
    			return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    		try {
    			// Obtain HADOOP Path
    			fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			for (String n : name) {
    				path = new Path(HADOOP_PATH + n);
    				if (fs.exists(path)) {
    					fs.delete(path, true);
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!!";
    	// batch DownLoad Text to the specified path
    	public static String DownLoadText(String[] file, String localPath) {
    		Path path = null;
    		try {
    			lfs = FSUtils.getLocalFileSystem();
    			fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			for (String f : file) {
    				path = new Path(HADOOP_PATH + f);
    				// Determine whether the incoming data is legitimate
    				if (localPath.equals("") || !fs.exists(path)) {
    					return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    				String[] str = path.toString().split(HADOOP_PATH);// /1708a1
    				if (fs.isDirectory(path)) {
    					lfs.mkdirs(new Path(localPath + "/" + str[1]));
    				} else if (fs.isFile(path)) {
    					FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(path);
    					FSDataOutputStream create = lfs.create(new Path(localPath + "/" + str[1]));
    					IOUtils.copyBytes(in, create, conf, true);
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!";
    	// Uploading text to the specified path 批量的文件上传和
    	public static String UploadingaText(String[] file, String localPath, String hadoopPath) {
    		Path path = null;
    		try {
    			lfs = FSUtils.getLocalFileSystem();
    			fs = FSUtils.getFileSystem();
    			for (String f : file) {
    				path = new Path(localPath + "/" + f);
    				// Determine whether the incoming data is legitimate
    				if (localPath.equals("") || !lfs.exists(path)) {
    					return "There is a problem with your operation. Please start over again";
    				if (lfs.isDirectory(path)) {
    					fs.mkdirs(new Path(hadoopPath + "/" + f));
    				} else if (lfs.isFile(path)) {
    					fs.copyFromLocalFile(path, new Path(hadoopPath + "/" + f));
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
    		return "OK!!";





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/meiLinYa/p/9142817.html
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