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  • Critical thinking and Thoughtful writing

    Critical thinkers are able to :


    • Articulate their ideas clearly and persuasively in writing


    • Understand and evaluate what their read


    • Discuss ideas in an informed, productive fashion




    Four qualities that characterize critical thinkers and thoughtful writers :


    • Curious

    Thoughtful writers explore situations with probing questionsthat penetrate beneath the surface of issue ,instead of being satisfied withsuperficial explanations.


    • Open-mind

    Thoughtful writers explore their subjects from many differentperspectives ,willing to listen carefully to every viewpoint ,and  evaluating each perspective carefully andfairly. Rather than being locked in to one point of view or a single limitedframework ,they strive to understand and communicate the complex dimensions oftheir themes. For example ,if you are writing about a social issue, strive topresent different perspective on the issue as you reason your way to aninformed conclusion.


    • Knowledgeable

    Thoughtful writers always work to support their opinions withfacts ,evidence ,and reason. They recognize that opinions have value only tothe extent that there are informed opinions. On the other hand, if they lackknowledge of the subject, they acknowledge this and set out to research whatthey need to know.


    • Creative

    Thoughtful writers strive to develop inventive approaches tosubjects; their writing is fresh and imaginative, avoiding clichés and tiredconventions. They seek to break out of established patterns of thinking andapproach themes and ideas from innovative directions.



    Reading Actively


    • Examine the table of contents or chapter outline


    • Read the introductory paragraphs and the conclusion paragraphs or summary


    • Scan the reading assignment ,taking particular note of section headings ,illustrations ,and diagrams.




    Summarizing is a strategy that is most effective at your second or third reading of a text,after you have annotated the text and look up any unfamiliar terms or concepts.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mengfanrong/p/4735619.html
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