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  • Centos Siege测试使用





    Installing Siege Stress Tester on CentOS 6.3

    Siege, similar to Apache Benchmark, is an amazing stress testing tool for your web-server. You can spin up a number of connections to simulate concurrency of transactions and gain invaluable insight into how your app or website might perform while under, well, stress!

    How to Install Siege on CentOS 6.3

    To get started, simply download Siege from the official website and unpack it using Tar:

    cd /opt
    wget http://www.joedog.org/pub/siege/siege-2.72.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf siege-2.72.tar.gz

    Next, navigate to the Siege folder and compile it:

    cd /opt/siege-2.72
    make && make install

    You’re done, let’s confirm that Siege is working by checking its version:

    siege -v

    Siege Examples

    Try running a few of the Siege Examples below (at your own discretion) to verify that your setup is working:

    siege -c25 -t1M  www.example.com
    siege -c25 -t50s  example.com

    Common Errors

    [alert] unsupported protocol

    If you receive this error message, it means that you’re trying to Siege a website using https (SSL) without SSL installed – or – Siege cannot determine the location of your OpenSSL installation.

    To fix this error, simply compile OpenSSL statically with Siege to get SSL support:

    cd /opt
    wget http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1e.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf openssl-1.0.1e.tar.gz
    cd siege-2.72.tar.gz
    ./configure -with-ssl=/opt/openssl-233



    输入名称 解释说明
    -V, --version 打印版本信息
    -h, --help 打印帮助信息
    -C, --config 显示配置信息。
    -v, --verbose 打印冗余配置信息。
    -g, --get 显示HTTP交易。
    -c, --concurrent=NUM 设置并发用户数
    -u, --url="URL" 设置被测Web的URL
    -i, --internet 用户模拟、随机访问URL
    -b, --benchmark . 基准测试。
    -t, --time=NUM 设置测试时间。
    -r, --reps=NUM 设置测试次数
    -f, --file=FILE 更改配置文件存档
    -R, --rc=FILE 更改siegerc文件和环境变量
    -l, --log 测试日志
    -m, --mark="text" 标记测试日志
    -d, --delay=NUM 设置时间延迟
    -H, --header="text" 增加测试头文件
    -A, --user-agent="text" 设置代理测试请求


    /usr/local/siege/bin/siege -c300 -t10S


    输出名称 解释说明
    Transactions: 访问次数
    Availability: 成功次数
    Elapsed time: 测试用时
    Data transferred: 测试传输数据量
    Response time: 平均响应时间
    Transaction rate: 每秒事务处理量
    Throughput: 吞吐率
    Concurrency: 并发用户数
    Successful transactions: 成功传输次数
    Failed transactions: 失败传输次数
    Longest transaction: 最长响应时间
    Shortest transaction: 最短响应时间

    Transactions:            54298 hits               

    Availability:            100.00 %                      

    Elapsed time:            9.78 secs                    

    Data transferred:          8.13 MB                

    Response time:          0.05 secs              

    Transaction rate:          5551.94 trans/sec      

    Throughput:              0.83 MB/sec            

    Concurrency:            298.67                 

    Successful transactions:   54298                   

    Failed transactions:      0                             

    Longest transaction:      0.19                      

    Shortest transaction:      0.00 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/merlini/p/3894385.html
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