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  • WinForm 窗口缩放动画效果

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    namespace AnimatedTransform
        static class FormTransform
            public static void TransformSize(Form frm, int newWidth, int newHeight)
                TransformSize(frm, new Size(newWidth, newHeight));
            public static void TransformSize(Form frm, Size newSize)
                ParameterizedThreadStart threadStart = new ParameterizedThreadStart(RunTransformation);
                Thread transformThread = new Thread(threadStart);
                transformThread.Start(new object[] { frm, newSize });
            private delegate void RunTransformationDelegate(object paramaters);
            private static void RunTransformation(object parameters)
                Form frm = (Form)((object[])parameters)[0];
                if (frm.InvokeRequired)
                    RunTransformationDelegate del = new RunTransformationDelegate(RunTransformation);
                    frm.Invoke(del, parameters);
                    double FPS = 300.0;
                    long interval = (long)(Stopwatch.Frequency / FPS);
                    long ticks1 = 0;
                    long ticks2 = 0;
                    Size size = (Size)((object[])parameters)[1];
                    int xDiff = Math.Abs(frm.Width - size.Width);
                    int yDiff = Math.Abs(frm.Height - size.Height);
                    int step = 10;
                    int xDirection = frm.Width < size.Width ? 1 : -1;
                    int yDirection = frm.Height < size.Height ?

    1 : -1; int xStep = step * xDirection; int yStep = step * yDirection; //要调整的窗口的宽度是否在步长之内 bool widthOff = IsWidthOff(frm.Width, size.Width, xStep); //要调整的窗口的高度是否在步长之内 bool heightOff = IsHeightOff(frm.Height, size.Height, yStep); while (widthOff || heightOff) { //获取当前的时间戳 ticks2 = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); //同意调整大小仅在有足够的时间来刷新窗口的时候 if (ticks2 >= ticks1 + interval) { //调整窗口的大小 if (widthOff) frm.Width += xStep; if (heightOff) frm.Height += yStep; widthOff = IsWidthOff(frm.Width, size.Width, xStep); heightOff = IsHeightOff(frm.Height, size.Height, yStep); //同意窗口刷新 Application.DoEvents(); //保存当前的时间戳 ticks1 = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); } Thread.Sleep(1); } } } private static bool IsWidthOff(int currentWidth, int targetWidth, int step) { //目标宽度与当前宽度是否在步长之内,假设是,返回false if (Math.Abs(currentWidth - targetWidth) <= Math.Abs(step)) return false; return (step > 0 && currentWidth < targetWidth) || (step < 0 && currentWidth > targetWidth); } private static bool IsHeightOff(int currentHeight, int targetHeight, int step) { //目标高度与当前高度是否在步长之内,假设是,返回false if (Math.Abs(currentHeight - targetHeight) <= Math.Abs(step)) return false; return (step > 0 && currentHeight < targetHeight) || (step < 0 && currentHeight > targetHeight); } } }

    Random random = new Random();
                int width = random.Next(100, 500);//随机数产生窗口的宽
                int height = random.Next(50, 800);//随机数产生窗口的高
                FormTransform.TransformSize(this, width, height);

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